UPDATED WITH REVIEWS FROM AGENCY On this page you can find out what other people think about Jeff Trachta, ex.co-workers from "B&B" and others. You'll also find some reviews from various plays, Jeff has starred in. Bobbie Eakes: One of those who've spend most time working with Jeff, is of course Bobbie Eakes. And she has on numerous occasions talked about Jeff. Here are few of those qoutes.
Chat with Bobbie Eakes on AOL, June 12. th 1996: Question:"Do you ever get bored playing "Macy"?" Answer:"No. I really don't. I have so much fun with my co-workers, with my co-stars. I hate to say it, but I really love my job. i almost afraid to jinx it, but I love my job. The people I work with, the person who plays my husband, Jeff Trachta, is one of the funniest people I've ever met." Text on picture: "Jeff is my best friend ever. I'm thrilled with all the time we spend together on and off the screen. It seems as if art imitates life now that we'll also be recording an album on the show" - Bobbie Eakes (Macy, B&B)
Bobbie Eakes & Jeff Trachta on the 5 O'Clock show (Dutch) in October 1995. Question: "Bobbie, what's the real Jeff like?" Answer: "I knew you would ask that. You know what people don't realize, is how funny Jeff is, he has got such a wonderful sense of humor, and on "The Bold & The Beautiful" you see the very serious and romantic side of "Thorne", but in real life he'll keep you laughing all day long, some of you out there know that."
John McCook & Jeff Trachta were known as the two funniest people on "B&B". And on the 5 O'Clock Show (Dutch) back in 1994, John McCook said that Jeff always made him (John) laugh, especially when they were doing serios and emotional scenes. Fanfare (official "B&B" Fan Club magazine) spring 1997. Interview with John McCook (on page 35). Question:"Of past cast members, whom do you miss the most?" Answer: "I miss Jeff (Trachta) very much, of course as a guy with terrific energy. He and I are alike in that regard, we truly enjoy working" Schae Harrison made a movie with Jeff entitled "A Bold Affair" or "Interlocked". For more information about that please go to the Movies section. From Australian Daytime Magazine: Schae Harrison: "It was heaven working with Jeff, because we're close off screen that helped our chemistry in front of the cameraes.(...) Jeff is one of the funniest human beings I've ever met" Another "B&B" person who've spoken about Jeff, is Darlene Conley. At the annual "B&B" Fan club event in August of 1992, she introduced Jeff. Darlene Conley: "I'll be introducing my son-in-law, he's one of the rich Forresters you know, and eventhough he is possibly cheating on my daughter "Macy", and when I find out he won't have a blond hair left on his head, I would still like to call him to you attention todau, because he is: Tall, blond, handsome and talented. The wonderful Jeff Trachta. For some Jeff Trachta fans the next statement will probaly seem somewhat ironic, it is from Bradley Bell ("B&B"s Executice producer & head writer). Statement made after Jeff had left "B&B". From TV Soap February 1997 (Australian Magazine, page 4) Bradley Bell: "We thank Jeff Trachta for the acting and musical talents which he has brought to the role of Thorne Forrester over the past seven years. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours which we know from our own experience with Jeff will be very exciting and rewarding for him." Moving away from Jeffs ex. co-workers we find that other people also have something to say about Jeff. Dini Petty TV (Canadian show), broadcasted October 11. 1991 Jeff is being interviewed by Dini Petty. Dini Petty: "You [Jeff] are exceptionally interesting, and exceptionally talented, you have an extraordinary talent, extraordinary capability. Jeffs reply: I love this woman,[jokes] do you wanna introduce yourself now mum, this is my mother ladies and gentleman. Michael Logan, write for TV Guide,03.10.97. Writng about the time Jeff left "B&B". "(...) By contrast Trachta had this squeaky-clean, Tiger Beat thing going that was charming but dramatically crippling. This is no reflection on Trachta's talent (anyone who has seen his one-man, 26- character play "Agency" knows the guy's a genius)"(...) Connie Passalaqua article in Newsday 01.29.96. "The Soaps/Fantasy Becomes Reality For "Bold" star singer. "WHO SAYS it's stunt casting to put a soap star in the lead of the Broadway revival of "Grease"? Jeff Trachta (Thorne Forrester on "The Bold and The Beautiful"), who assumed the role of Danny Zuko on New Years Day for a three-month stint, is one of the few daytime actors who is an acomplished musical theater performer. He is one of the handful of stars who can sing beautifully." Libby Slate article in Los Angeles Times 09.13.94. "FAST TRACK: Up and Comers in Arts and Entertainment". The article is about Jeffs show "Agency" the making and the result. Among the interviewed were Charles Randolph- Wright co-writer of "Agency" Charles Randolph-Wright: "I tease Jeff now, and say, "I thought you were just another vacuous soap star". Here's someone who's diametrically opposed in his look--that leading-man look--to what he actually does. I realized how incredible it would be to take that and harness it in a real context" REVIEWS "Bye, Bye Birdie" & " 3 Guys Naked from The Waist And Down" & AGENCY "Bye, Bye Birdie" Cleveland 1999
Jeff Trachta hits just the right note. His Birdie
is an improbably Jeff Trachta turned in a good performance as the show’s namesake, Conrad Birdie. He got into the role of heart-throb singer and epitomized the stereotype lifestyle. The role did not allow him to show off his acting skills, but vocally he did a great job on "Honestly Sincere" and "One Last Kiss." DAILY NEWS MCKEESPORT written by CAROL Waterloo Frazier "3 Guys Naked From The Waist And Down" LA, 1997 Don Shirley, writer for Los Angeles Times. 11.27.97. Home edition, section: Calender (page 40) "STAGE REVIEW: Three Men and a show; Mercurial quality of Jeff Trachta shines in musical revival of "3 Guys"" "In Ron Palillo's revival at the Tamarind Theatre, Jeff Trachta gets the showiest role-- a possibly certifiable and somewhat suicidal comic. As fe demonstrated in the one-man show "Agency" in 1994, Trachta has a precisely calibrated mercurial quality, moving rapidly between voices, personalities and moods, easily commanding our attention at every turn in the road" The LA Weekly wrote:"(...)Trachta's Kenny is a subversive, tragicomic tor de force. Wether he's playing a Chihuahua in hysterics, sending up Joan Rivers or charting the crackup of a comic genius. Trachta is superb." Back Stage West, made this contribution:"(...)he's [Jeff] both hilarious and disturbing, displaying a gift for mimicry and sly comic timing. "AGENCY" LA 1994 (Jeffs one-man show that ran for a year in LA in 1994, and was taken to New York in 1996, and was played 3 times apart of the Broadway Fights AIDS campaign) F.K. Foley, LA Times: "HILARIOUS... Trachta diplays a vocal versatility tp rival the late Mel Blanc's" Rob Stevens, The LA Reader: "TRACHTA IS JUST BRILLIANT ! -Sheer bliss..His acting pyrotechnics are not to be missed" Paul Clinton, Turner Entertainment: "A ONE-MAN TOUR DE FORCE" - Filled with laughter and tears... Hollywood is flocking to see Agency" Dave DePino, West Hollywood Weekly: "FILLED WITH HOWLING LAUGHS - Trachta display an emormous amount of talent.. There lives a host of people inside this one man"
©1999 Pernille Jorgensen