
[lotr/side.htm]  Welcome to the all new look Peter Jackson Online, your Unofficial guide to all things related to the Kiwi Wünderkind.

Well, I'm back after a brief re-modelling of the main site (although the movie pages are much the same) I hope you all like the new version (version 4 or something now) over the old one.

- - - - Latest News! - - - -

News has reached me that the preview of The Lord of the Rings had been the most popular download ever with 1.7 million downloads in the first 24 hours of release on the internet.  This beats The Phantom Menace trailer when it was released.  New Line attributes some of this success to various fan sites who promoted the launch.

On the 7th of this month New Line Cinema has put on the Official Lord of the Rings site some absolutely sensational footage.  We get to look at the various special effects as well as most of the cast including Sean Bean (Boromir), Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Elijah Wood (Frodo), Viggo Mortensen (Strider) and Liv Tyler (Arwen).  The footage of the special effects are really very good with looks at how they created.  I'll bet these movies will seriously kick The new Star Wars films asses as well and DVD's of these movies will really kick some serious ass. If you want to see this footage for yourself, and I bet you do go to http://www.lordoftherings.net/previews/.  You can also see some screen grabs HERE

DVD 's12-04-2000
I was reading in a DVD magazine that Bad Taste had come out on DVD in America.  The disc is region free so it will play in any DVD player regardless of which region you are in.  From what I read, the picture and sound quality aren't that great but I expect it's better than video tape but the original film quality itself isn't very good either considering it was virtually home made on a little Bolex camera.  There are no extras at all, not even the making-of that was on English TV a few years ago.  When LotR comes out, I hope there will be a re-release of all PJ's films on DVD with commentary, interviews, and making-of's since PJ really likes and supports the DVD format.  I know even now that there will be a shitload of extras for the LotR DVD's.
Meet the Feebles is also out in Region 2 you can get it from Amazon.co.uk but there are no extras al all.


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Small disclaimer:
This site is 100% unofficial. I have nothing to do whatsoever with Peter Jackson, WingNut Films, Weta Ltd or New Line Cinema.
© Loz Moss 2000. All pictures are copyright to their respective owners.