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NEW! Family Friends of Philadelphia Family Friends is an innovative family support program that reaches out to families with special needs who live in Philadelphia.

We Are Not Alone  Support, information, news, and links for people with disabilities, especially "invisible disabilities".

Children's Disability List of Support Groups

Down syndrome & related chromosomal conditions List of Support Groups

National Association for Parents of the Visually Impaired The  NAPVI  Parent Directory Online! is a place where parents, grandparents, guardians and others can list some personal information to provide an online network of support and information.

National Fathers' Network Support for fathers and families raising children with special health care needs and developmental disabilities.

Family Support Network of North Carolina

Men with Families Online magazine

Focus Support for children with disabilities and medical needs. 

Exceptional Parent Magazine 

My Sick Newborn A Site for Parents of Newborns with Abnormalities and Sick Newborns who were not born prematurely.

Young A-Net Resources Young A-Net is a regular feature in the print version of Ability Network Magazine. Ability Network enjoys hearing from its audience and encourages young readers to submit their work. Articles and artwork by kids and teens with disabilities. Site also provides access to 'cool' sites for kids.

General  Facts for Families This site is designed to educate parents and families about psychiatric disorders affecting children and adolescents.

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