Fort George/Prince George Voters List

November 27, 1909, Fort George Tribune

26 people voted in Fort George on November 13, 1909.

The following information was donated to the Prince George Genealogical Society by Thelma Werschke.


Peter George B. Bodeker
Hiram Augustus Carney
Alexander George Hamilton
Arthur Drinkrow
Charles Leonard
Francis Hofercamp
Richard Whittemore Andrews
Miles Beecher Andrews
Ernest Stanley Pinker

Peter George B. Bodeker
Hiram Augustus Carney
Alexander George Hamilton
Arthur Drinkrow
Charles Leonard
Francis Hofercamp
Richard Whittemore Andrews
Miles Beecher Andrews
Ernest Stanley Pinker

Peter George B. Bodeker
Hiram Augustus Carney
Alexander George Hamilton
Arthur Drinkrow
Charles Leonard
Francis Hofercamp
Richard Whittemore Andrews
Miles Beecher Andrews
Ernest Stanley Pinker

Prince George Voters List, May 1915
Certified May 15, 1915 by L.L. Gullivan, Returning Officer

Adams, Thomas Leithwaite (merchant)

Liumano, Gioseppe (labourer)

Albo, Michalo (labourer)

Logg, Charles (teamster)

Allard, Joseph (lumberman)

Macedonsky, George (labourer)

Amerata, Alfonso (labourer)

Mackenzie, George (labourer)

Anderson, Karl Oscar (news dealer)

MacLeod, Donald (labourer)

Antonychuk, Alexander (rooming house prop)

MacMillan, Allan (builder)

Ashley, Charles Henry (foreman GTP)

Maitland, John (teamster)

Atwood, William Thomas (engineer)

Martin, James Fairbairn (clerk)

Austin, August (labourer)

Mason, John Gordon (railroad foreman)

Bain, Alice (married)

Mathew, John Andrew (carpenter)

Baker, Donald James (accountant)

Maundrell, Florence M. (nurse)

Baker, William A. (engineer)

McCallum, James (labourer)

Barker, Archie (prospector)

McClarty, Dan (labourer)

Barlow, Pleasant Adam (carpenter)

McCormack, William (cook)

Bartale, Palmiere (labourer)

McCullagh, George Robert (jeweller)

Baxter, Alexander (real estate

McDonald, Angus (labourer)

Beaudry, Matt Hormidas (restaurant keeper)

McFayden, Archie (cook)

Bell, William (train agent)

McGloin, Frank (bridge man)

Belton, Arthur Philip (merchant)

McKay, William (labourer)

Bennewies, Edward (builder)

McKenkie, Peter (photographer)

Bevan, Phillipp (boiler maker)

McKenzie, John

Bjornson, Bertha (dressmaker)

McKenzie, William Kenneth (merchant)

Boehner, John Henry (proprietor)

McLaren, Laura E. (married)

Booth, Arthur (cook)

McLaughlin, Charlie (teamster)

Booth, Florence J.G. (fruit store)

McLean, Neil (carpenter)

Boulton, Shusann (married)

McLeod, Angus (teamster)

Boyd, Robert Melville Stewart (gentleman)

McLeod, John Donald (clerk)

Braun, Sam O. (cook)

McNab, Charles (car inspector)

Brehaut, Reginald (painter)

McNeil, Joseph (river man)

Broddy, Earnest Cook (clerk)

McPhail, Neil (labourer)

Bromley, Elwood (blacksmith)

McSorley, Hugh Somerled (physician)

Brynolfson, Freeman George (heating engineer)

Mellson, Harry (labourer)

Burdis, Alexander (labourer)

Miljure, Rufus William Henry (plasterer)

Burnett, Harry Mountain (architect)

Miller, Fred (car repairer)

Burton, John William (baker)

Milne, John P. (bartender)

Butler, Edgar Ernest (contractor)

Montgomery, Harry Ferguson (bank manager)

Butler, Oswood Uuderhay (contractor)

Moran, John (clerk)

Caldwell, Matthew (boilermaker)

Moran, Patrick J. (bartender)

Calp, Tony (labourer)

Morrison, Alex (labourer)

Cameron, Andrew Howard

Mowat, Harry Leslie (bridge man)

Cameron, Joseph A. (teamster)

Mpouzaves, John (labourer)

Campbell, Angus (proprietor)

Murray, Thomas (teamster)

Capelli, Fred (labourer)

Nairn, James (clerk)

Caravette, Guisseppe (labourer)

Nehring, John (landlord)

Carney, Ettie (married)

Nesbitt, Herbert Wilson (gentleman)

Carpino, Salvatore (labourer)

Newcomb, Simon Percy (bank manager)

Carruthers, George M. (machinist)

Nikoloff, Dimitar (labourer)

Casselman, William Cyrus (painter)

Oakley, Joseph (cook)

Child, Edgar (broker)

Ogsten, Alexander (law student)

Clark, John (storekeeper)

Orgen, Tycko Gotthard (labourer)

Cliff, James Victor (teamster)

Outram, Edmund Paton (merchant)

Cochrane, Hugh (notary public)

Palmer, Emeline (dining room prop)

Cohen, Maurice B. (merchant)

Park, Philip James (stenographer)

Colebank, Gale Frederick (labourer)

Parker, Lilley B. (married)

Cook, Peter (owner - loan company)

Parks, Mabel (married)

Cooper, Ivan Donald (plasterer)

Patterson, Arthur Victor (carpenter)

Corning, James Douglas (merchant)

Payne, Albert (teamster)

Cornwall, Gilbert Eyre (fur buyer)

Payton, Herbert John (architect)

Coulthard, George Thomas (printer)

Pearce, Sidney Charles (carpenter)

Craig, James Russell (manager)

Penney, Ella Frances (married

Crowe, Andrew Jamison (contractor)

Pepper, Alfred (hotel prop)

Crowell, Ruben E. (carpenter)

Perrott, Augustus (clerk)

D'Urbano, Cormine (labourer)

Peterson, Earnest (farmer)

Davidge, William (engineer)

Phair, Edwin Ernest (hotel prop)

Day, David Joseph (fireman)

Philip, Douglas Campbell (barrister)

Demray, David Chester (carpenter)

Pino, Frank (labourer)

Derksen, Isaac Rober (pool room prop)

Pitingalo, Frank (merchant)

Director, Henry

Pooke, Edwin (postmaster)

Dolan, James (rooming house prop)

Porter, Thomas (merchant)

Dubavand, Thomas (plasterer)

Prest, Charles Alfred (farmer)

Duletich, John (labourer)

Pryce, Edwin John (merchant)

Duncan, William (engineer)

Quinn, Jackson Graham (printer)

Eckstrom, Lewis (miner)

Rantz, Parker (farmer)

Ellis, Francis Arnold (auctioneer)

Redman, Konstantine (merchant)

Ewart, Cecil (civil engineer)

Riggri, Paul (labourer)

Faulkner, Harry (baker)

Robedee, George Washington (farmer)

Ferguson, Frank (pool prop)

Roberts, Sydney (bowling alley prop)

Fillingham, Edward (architect)

Robitaille, John Charles (bookkeeper)

Fletcher, Thomas Henry (druggist)

Ross, James (labourer)

Foster, Kenneth Hamilton (clerk)

Ross, Joseph (labourer)

Fraser, Hugh Lawrence (bank clerk)

Ruggles, Edwin Dwight (broker)

Gaffney, Thomas E. (manufacturers agent)

Rush, Charles Thomas (drayman)

Gagnee, Joseph (cook)

Russell, Charles (teamster)

Gaskill, Florence Edna (married)

Sager, Charles Stewart (barber)

Gething, Cornelius Morgan (miner)

Sahlstrom, Walter (rooming house prop)

Giles, John George (clerk)

Saul, John (carpenter)

Gillett, Wm. George (contractor)

Saville, Thomas William (train agent)

Gingras, Oliver (labourer)

Scholey, Alfred (express agent)

Gold, Stewart (teamster)

Searle, Almon Burton (hotel clerk)

Gracy, Andrew (carpenter)

Seeley, Arthur (carpenter)

Graham, Levi (pool room prop)

Serbinoff, Vomgel M. (merchant)

Gray, Bert (cook)

Shepherd, Walter (car repairer)

Griffeth, Robert John (clerk)

Shoquist, Axel (cook)

Guariglio, Salvatore (shoemaker)

Simpson, Jack (agent)

Guglielmo, Sebastiano (labourer)

Sinclair, Alexander (bookkeeper and stenographer)

Gurney, Robert Ernest (painter)

Sloan, Mark (labourer)

Haley, John (lumberman)

Smith, John Henry (carpenter)

Hammell, Frank (labourer)

Snell, Percival Wallace (porter)

Handforth, Fred (electrician)

Sorbey, Henley Edward (carpenter)

Hanson, Andrew (carpenter)

Spanner, Isaac (merchant)

Hardy, John C. (contractor)

Stackwell, Oscar (labourer)

Harper, Robert (dairyman)

Steber, Louise (married)

Harris, David George (labourer)

Stewart, Alexander (accountant)

Hawkins, Wm. Edward (clerk)

Stewart, Percy John (bridgeman)

Hoar, Edward William (proprietor)

Stillar, Wilfred (farmer)

Hopper, John Campbell (merchant)

Stratton, Ernest Edward (carpenter)

Hudgin, Donald (labourer)

Stosnider, Walter (farmer)

Hughes, Thomas (dairyman)

Surint, Joseph (labourer)

Hunter, John (painter)

Sutter, Charles W. (bartender)

Hurley, William (labourer)

Tadin, Joseph (restaurant prop)

Hutton, Oswald (plasterer)

Taylor, Charles Major (tailor)

Inglis, William (laundryman)

Taylor, James (car inspector)

Isbister, John (bookkeeper)

Thompson, Herbert Morton (farmer)

Izowsky, John (merchant)

Thompson, Murdo (labourer)

Jackson, Samuel (cook)

Tighe, James H. (painter)

Jacobs, Harry (photographer)

Totten, Calvin Celburn (telegrapher)

Johannson, Carl (real estate)

Tracey, Arthur (rancher)

Johnson, James Henry (miner)

Trainor, Martin Gerald (clerk)

Joliffe, Albert Edgar (electrician)

Turner, Duncan (carpenter)

Jones, Henry Irvine

Van Etten, Clifford (labourer)

Jorgenson, Joseph Ferdinand (painter)

Volker, Ben (labourer)

Kelly, Cecil Frank (clerk)

Walker, Russell Robert (agent)

Kennedy, George (carpenter)

Walters, John (watchman)

Knox, John (brick mason)

Warren, Frank Arthur (conductor)

LaBrie, Peter Ernest (bridgeman)

Watson, Theodore Morden (clerk)

Laidlaw, James (foreman)

Wedgis, Anthony (merchant)

Lamb, Robin William (photographer)

Welsh, Alexander (section foreman)

Lanoitte, James (cook)

Westoby, Charles Frederick (liveryman)

Larson, Emma F. (married)

Wieland, Paul (butcher)

Latimer, George B. (contractor)

Wilbond, Arthur George (civil engineer)

Laurie, James (carpenter)

Williams, Thomas A. (barber)

Lawson, Matthew Grant (tailor)

Wilson, Peter Edmond (solicitor)

Leathley, Charles H. (accountant)

Winters, Reno W. (broker)

Leibovich, Abrum (merchant)

Woodman, Louis (merchant)

Leith, Arthur (clerk)

Woods, Edward A. (machinist)

Lemond, Hugh (labourer)

Zadielovich, Martin (restaurant prop)

Letourneau, Emile (labourer)

Fort George and Alberta Telephone and Electric Co. Ltd. per C.A. Gaskill, rep.

Lewitt, Charles E. (accountant)

Hoods Ltd. per R.S. Gillingham, rep

Linde, Pete Edward (steam engineer)

Northern Interior Building and Loan Ltd. per Peter Cook, owner

Lines, George (labourer)

Northern Telephone and Power Co. Ltd. per Alexander Stewart, rep

Little, Frank George (carpenter)

Prince George Builders Co. Ltd. per Jackson Graham Quinn, rep

Lowery, Irwon Stanley (teamster)

Prince George Inland Empire Co. per Cornelius Morgan Gething, rep

Lusk, Hector Hilliard (labourer)

Prince George Publishing Co. Ltd. per James T. Armstrong, rep

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