Download winmerge.exe to your desktop. double click it to run it. I need you to put all the birds you intend to fly into it then save the file. 1. click create new winmerge file 2. type in AU then you AU ID number. It is looking for 6 digits so add zeros in front if needed. 3. click the button Loft list 4. Required fields "loft name, first name, last name" add or update, then exit 6. click bird list enter bird information and click add after each one. after you have all you birds listed click exit. This brings you to the main screen Click exit again this prompts you to save the file which will be named the same as your AUID.bak For instance. If your AU ID number you entered is 001234 Then a file named AU001234.bak will be created. Remember where you save that file because I need you to send me that file so I can merge it into winspeed. Start your mail service Create or compose a new email add or attach a file. attach the file AU001234.bak substitute your ID number. Make sure that is the file that shows up in the attached file list, not winmerge.exe. Send it to