Chapter 6

                        The BUILD Editor

This chapter is intended as a reference to the BUILD editor,
included on the CD. A big thanks to 3DRealms for giving us the
very editor they used to design their levels!

In this chapter, I'm describing the BUILD editor V041996 from
9/23/95. Press [F1] in 2D mode to see what version you've got.

The program consists of two parts: 2D mode and 3D.

6.1  2D Mode

2D mode is used to design the sectors and place sprites
accurately, much like a blue print.

6.1.1  The Screen

The screen is split into four parts:  The map

Most of the screen is taken in by the map.
Shown on it are:

The grid       Made up of dark gray lines, the grid has 8
               settings (7 magnifications and Off). All objects
               snap to the grid as they are placed or moved.

Sprites        Small circles with a line indicating its facing.
               At high enough magnification, they will also
               display a tag:
               X Y NAME
               where X is the hi-tag, Y the lo-tag and NAME the
               name of the sprite as given in the NAMES.H file.
               A pink sprite is flagged as impassable.

Points         End points of lines are shown as small green

Walls          Two types of walls are possible: one-sided walls
               are white, two-sided walls are red.
               Two-sided walls with the 'blocking movement' bit
               set are shown as pink, and glass (with the
               'hitscan' flag set in addition) is a thick pink
               A wall can also display a rectangular sign at high
               enough resolution, showing the wall tags.

Sector         A sector is bounded by walls, and is not displayed
               as such (pity - DEU did a very good job of this,
               very useful). But if it is tagged, you can see a

               sign with the tag numbers on it, same as for walls
               and sprites.

Mouse          The mouse cursor is a red cross if grid locking is
               on and a white one if grid locking is off.

Observer       The observer (your position in 3D) is a white
               arrow.  *The Message window*

This window shows the text 'DUKE NUKEM BUILD V041996 BUILD by Ken
Silverman'. The right part is reserved for prompts like the Esc-
menu.  The Data window

The data window displays info about currently selected objects
(like sectors, walls or sprites) and can also display some help
texts.  The Info window

The info window also consists of two parts: on the left is your
current (x,y) position in units as well as your viewing angle.
On the right it shows how many resources you have used up
already. Interesting, because it shows you the limits imposed by
the Build engine: you can have a maximum of 1024 sectors, 8192
walls and 4096 sprites.

6.1.2  The mouse

Most of the time you'll have your right hand on the mouse and the
left one on the keyboard.  Move

Moves the mouse cursor (really!). Is also used to shape the
selection box together with the [RightShift] and [RightAlt] keys.  Left button

Used to drag a selected object or group of objects.  Right button

Places the player at the mouse position.

6.1.3  The keyboard

All keys named NumXXX are keys from the numeric keypad.  Esc

Pops up the Esc-menu: (N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, save (A)s, (Q)uit.

New            starts a new map (after confirming with you).

(L)oad         pops up a selection list of all .MAP files
               (Caution! It doesn't ask you if you're sure, so
               save first before loading a new level. If
               necessary, abort the selection process with

(S)ave         saves the map under its current name, overwriting
               any map with the same name on the disk without
               comment. New, unnamed levels are automatically
               called NEWBOARD.MAP.

save (A)s      asks you for a name to save the current map under.
               All new maps should first be given a name this
               way. Beware that it will overwrite any map with
               the same name without comment.

(Q)uit         will quit the editor after confirming with you and
               offering to save your current work.  Cursor keys

Move the player position. The player is clipped, so use the right
mouse button to move if necessary.  NumIns and NumDel

These keys will pan the player position sideways.  Spacebar

Draw new sectors. The program is bright enough to know when
you're drawing a new sector or adding to an existing one. Use
[Backspace] to back up to the last point plotted.  NumEnter

Toggles between 2D and 3D mode.  RightShift

Used together with the mouse to select a rectangular region of
objects (points and sprites) to move. Press again to deselect.

Interesting note: if you drag a sprite normally (using the left
mouse button), the sprite will be clipped, meaning it can't pass
over high walls, into door sectors, etc. But if you select it
with the right shift key first, you can move it anywhere you
want. Real useful trick, this.  Control-RightShift

Select all points of a sector, which can them be dragged with the
left mouse key and stamped with [Ins].  RightAlt

Use together with the mouse to select all sectors within a
rectangular area. Before moving the mouse, press [Ins]. Now the
selected sectors can then be dragged with the mouse and stamped
with [Ins] or you can rotate them with [<] and [>].
If you load a new map right after selecting sectors, you can even
stamp the old sectors into the new map.

To copy a sector properly is non-trivial - see 'How do I copy a
sector' below.  Ins

Insert something. If some objects are selected, it will insert
these (points or sectors) - don't forget to drag them afterwards.
If nothing is selected, it will insert a point on the current
line.  Del

Delete a sprite.  RightControl-Del

Delete the current sector (the one the white arrow is in).  A and Z

Zoom in and out.  G

Change the grid size.  L

Toggle grid locking.
The color of the mouse cursor changes accordingly: red for
locking on, white for off.  J

Join two neighboring sectors. Press [J] in the first sector and
again in the adjacent one. The adjacent one will take on all
settings (ceiling height, textures, etc) of the first sector.  Alt-S

Turn an inner sector into player space (used to create sectors
within sectors).  S

Insert a sprite. You can store a sprite in 3D mode by pressing
[Tab] on it, making it the default sprite to insert.  B

Toggle the 'block movement' flag on a line or sprite.  C

Turn a line into a circle - move the mouse to change the circle.

[+] [-]        changes the number of points on the circle.

[Spacebar]     draws the circle.

[C]            aborts it.  T

Set the sector lo-tag.  H

Set the sector hi-tag.  Alt-T

Set the sprite or wall lo-tag.  Alt-H

Set the sprite or wall hi-tag.  E

Change a sprites status list number.
## Anybody know what this does, exactly? What's a status list
number?  < and >

Change the angle of a sprite or selected sector. Use [RightAlt]
to select sectors.  Shift-< and Shift->

Change the angle of the sprite or selected sector in smaller
increments.  [ ]

This allows you to search backwards or forwards for a certain
sector or wall. Select the tags to look for via [F8] (for walls)
or [F9] (for sectors) and press '[' to search backwards and ']'
to search forwards.
If the sector or wall is found, the map will jump to it, placing
the cursor at one of the points (probably the first one of the
sector/wall).  '-M

Pressing ['] and [M] together brings up a memory status window.
Caution: I don't recommend using this option as BUILD gets
unstable afterwards and will crash upon switching to 3D mode.

Total Tiles    Bytes taken up by all selected tiles?

Total Sprites  Bytes taken up by all selected sprites?

Total Actors   Bytes taken up by all actors (now what's that?)

Total Memory   Bytes needed for this map?

Total W/Duke   Bytes needed to run this map together with Duke3D?  '-3

Pressing ['] and [3] together changes the tag display mode (very
useful feature, this):

0: No tags displayed
1: Show sector tags only
2: Show wall tags only
3: Show sprite tags only
4: Show all tags
5: Show item tags only
6: Show tags of current sprite only  F1

Shows a short help screen as well as the version number of BUILD
(currently V041996).
## According to this helpscreen, [']-[1], [~], and [']-[9] should
be doing something as well but they don't - anybody with more
luck than me?  F2

Increments the players x-position by one unit. Seems like a
useless feature and my guess is that [F1] decremented the players
position before 3DRealms turned it into a help button.  F3

Decrements the players y-position by one unit.  F4

Increments the players y-position by one unit.  F5

If you are in a valid sector, this option will show some general
info about your map, like its name and the number of items in it
(the blue numbers mean the number of each item only found in
multiplayer mode).

This is particularily interesting if you want to make sure that
you've got a good weapon mix with enough ammo and goodies.  F6

If a sprite is selected, this will show a small help screen
listing the numbers of all (?) sector effectors and their

Otherwise, some more really useful info about your map is shown,
this time containing the next free tag and the amount of monsters
placed.  F7

This shows a help screen listing all (?) sector tags with their
function.  F8

Allows you to search for a wall with specific hi- and lo-tags.
If a sprite is highlighted, you can search for the sprite via its
tags, too.
'[' and ']' start the search.  F9

As [F8], but you can search for a sector instead.  F10

Increments the angle of the player by one unit. Looks like a
singularily useless function.  F11

Displays the message 'Grabbed wall sprite 0' - ?? ##  F12

Takes a .PCX screen shot.
Turn off the Grid before you press [F12], as it isn't shown
properly.  TAB

Show info on the current sector:

Sector         The number of the sector.

Firstwall      The number of the first wall (set with [Alt]-[F]).
               Interesting because:

                   *  The floor/ceiling texture orientates itself
                      on it.

                   *  The floor/ceiling uses this line as a hinge
                      when tilting.

                   *  Blastable walls lower the ceiling until the
                      first lines touch - if your wall has
                      triangular holes in it, this may be why. So
                      make sure your first line is the lowest

Numberofwalls  The number of walls bounding this sector.

Firstsprite    The number of the first sprite in ths sector.
               Hmmm...anybody know if the first sprite is of
               similar importance as the first wall? ##

Tags           The hi and lo tags of the sector (also shown in
               Change with [H] and [T].

Extra          Describes as 'used by the game programer only'.
               Usually set to -1; anybody got details? ##

Visibility     The visibility in this sector, usually set to 0.

Pixel height   The height of the room in pixels.
               Each [PgUp] or [PgDn] in 3D mode changes this by 4
               (= 256 units).

Ceiling Flags  The ceiling flag, shown in hex.
               The flags (with the keys used to change them in
               3D) are as follows (the rightmost bit being number
               0: Set if parallaxing [P]
               1: Set if tilted '[',']'
               2: Set if x and y are swapped [F]
               3: Set if texture size is halved [E]
               4: Set if x-flipped [F]
               5: Set if y-flipped [F]
               6: Set if texture aligned with first sector wall

(X,Y) pan      The x,y amount the ceiling has been panned. Use
               the cursor keys for this.

Shade byte     The amount of shade on the ceiling.
               0 is normal, < 0 is lighter, > 0 is darker.

Z-coordinate   The z-coodinate of the ceiling.
               Smaller means higher. Each [PgUp] or [PgDn] in 3D
               mode changes this by 1024 units (= 4 pixel).

Tile number    The number of the ceiling texture.
               Use [V] to change.

Ceiling heinum Amount of tilt.

Palookup number
               Color palette to use (0 is normal).  Alt-TAB

Show info on the current wall or sprite.

The wall info is as follows:

Wall           Number of the wall (note that red lines are
               actually two walls, so it's important which sector
               you're in when pressing [Alt]-[TAB]).

X-coordinate   X-coordinate of left side of wall.

Y-coordinate   Y-coordinate of left side of wall.

Point2         Number of the next wall to the right in the same

Sector         Sector the wall is in.

Tags           The hi and lo tags for this wall, also shown in
               ## Anybody got a list of interesting tag numbers?

Flags          The flag (in hex) of this wall.
               The flags (together with the keys to change them)
               are as follows (0 is on the very right):
               0: Set if wall blocks movement [B]
               1: Set if wall has two different textures [2]
               2: Set if tile is aligned to ceiling (0 if floor)
               3: Set if x-flipped [F]
               4: Set if masking wall (like window) [M]
               5: Set if 1-way wall [1]
               6: Set if hitscan enabled [H]
               7: Set if transparent [T]
               8: Set if y-flipped [F]
               9: Set if reverse-transparent (?) [T]

Flags          The flags for the sprites are as follows:
               0: Set if sprite blocks movement [B]
               1: Set if sprite is transparent (see bit 9) [T]
               2: Set if flipped Left/right [F]
               3: Set if flipped Up/Down [F]
               4: Set if sprite is flat upright [R]
               5: Set if sprite is flat on ground [R]
               6: Set if sprite is single-sided [1]
               7: ???
               8: Set if hitscan enabled [Ctrl-H]
               9: Set if very transparent, else slightly
               transparent (see bit 1) [T]

Shade          The amount of shade on the walls (smaller is
               Use [+] and [-] to change.

(X,Y) repeat   Used to stretch textures.
               Use the [NumCursor] keys to change this, press [/]
               to undo any accidential changes.

(X,Y) pan      Used to move textures.
               Use the [Cursorkeys] for this.

Tile number    The texture number used on this wall. Use [V] to
               set this.

OverTile number
               The extra texture number for 1-way walls and
               masked walls.
               ## I'm not sure how this is supposed to work. On a
               wall with three textures (a window with glass on
               the maskable wall as well as two different
               textures above and below it) it stayed 0.

Nextsector     The number of the sector on the other side of the
               wall (-1 if there is none).

Nextwall       Number of the wall on the other side (only
               interesting if the wall is two-sided, otherwise
               it's -1)

Extra          Usually -1, and described as 'used by the game
               programmer only'. Which makes it irresistable :)
               ## Anybody got more info?

Wall length    Wall length in pixels. The grid at maximum size
               has a square width of 64 pixels.

Pixel height   Height of the wall in pixels.  ScrollLock

Set the starting position to the current players position.
Caution: if this position is set to an invalid position (outside
a sector), the game will crash when you try to run this map.  Ctrl-T

Toggle tag box display on the sprites, walls and sectors.  Enter

Displays the text 'Highlighted line pointers checked'.
## Anybody know what this means? It sure doesn't protect you from
invalid lines...

6.2  3D Mode

3D mode is where it's at! Here you stand right in your map and
can change anything: floor/ceiling height, textures, etc. It's
where you'll be spending most of your time.

This mode is also what really makes BUILD stand out from other
editors like DEU - you can spend a long time in here, fixing up
your level to look just right. No more guessing around with the
alignment, easily set the height of your rooms, see what
everything looks like before you fire up the game

6.2.1  The screen

The screen shows the map as viewed from the players position. Two
things deserve special note:

FPS meter      On the top left the current fps rate is shown.
               Keep an eye on this while editing and don't make a
               room so complex that the fps drops too low! Also
               remember that others may be using a slower
               computer than you, so lets keep the fps high, ok?

Mouse          Yes, the little white cross is the mouse pointer,
               no it doesn't change color according to the 'grid
               locked' status, and yes, you move it with the
               mouse :)

Also, sprites displayed in blue (palette 1, change via [Alt]-[P])
are only available in multiplayer mode.

6.2.2  The mouse

Again, you'll be spending your time with the right hand on the
mouse and the left on the keyboard.  Move

Believe it or not, but moving the mouse actually changes the
mouse cursors position on the screen, enabling you to point at
anything you can see! Yes!  Left button

Pointing the mouse at something, pressing the left mouse button
and keeping it pressed keeps that object selected, even if the
mouse pointer somehow strays from it (for example, when changing
the height of an object).  Right button

## Anybody know if the right mouse button serves any useful
function? I know of none (in 3D mode, that is!).

6.2.3  The keyboard

Lots of funny buttons for you to press!  Cursor keys

Moves the player around, just like in the game. Press [LeftShift]
to speed up your movement.  CapsLock

This key cycles through the three different movement modes
available to you:

Game Mode      Here you walk around like the player in the game.
               Use [A] to jump and [Z] to duck.

Height Lock    In this mode, you're always at the same height
               above the floor of the current sector. Use [A] and
               [Z] to raise and lower yourself.

Float Mode     You're completely unaffected by the floor and can
               smoothly change your height with the [A] and [Z]
               keys.  PgUp and PgDn

Allow you to change the height of the object you're pointing at:
raise or lower ceilings, floors and sprites.
If you point at a wall, the corresponding ceiling will change

Press [Ctrl]-[PgUp]/[PgDn] to move a sprite exactly to the
ceiling/floor.  V

Change the selected tile or sprite.  Alt-V

This is supposed to change something called a 'Groudraw height
map'. To me it just looks like it's selecting a tile as well. ##
Anybody knows what's going on here?  NumCursor keys

On a wall, these keys change the size of the texture. This means
you're able to re-use textures for many different things, scaling
them exactly as needed (perhaps showing only a certain part).

Using these keys on a sprite will change the size of the sprite.
Very useful indeed.

Finally, the textures on a ceiling or floor can only be resized
using [E], so these keys just scroll the texture, enabling you to
align it accurately.  Shift-NumCursor keys

Usable only on walls and ceiling/floors (sprites will ignore the
shift key and resize instead), these keys shift the offset of the
In effect you're moving the texture without resizing it.  /

Used to reset a texture or sprite to normal (undoes the effects
of [Shift]-[NumCursor] and [NumCursor]).  .

This key will try to auto-align all walls to the right of the
selected wall if they are using the same texture.
Caution: this has caused my system to crash on several occasions
- save before you try this!  F

Flips the selected floor/ceiling 8 possible ways. Walls and
sprites can only be flipped 4 ways.  Alt-F

Determines whether the ceiling or floor texture aligns to the
first wall. This is especially useful for tilted floors.  P

Toggle parallaxing on floors or ceilings. This only works well on
some textures (like 89..96, the cityscapes).  Ctrl-P

Change the type of parallaxing used (three different types are
available).  G

This is supposed to give a floor height-mapping. ## Like
[Alt]-[V], this doesn't seem to work for me.  E

Toggles the tile size of floors/ceilings between normal and
enlarged.  R

Toggle floor/ceiling tiles between relative and absolute
In absolute alignment, floor and ceiling tiles are aligned to the
grid itself (thus allowing you to align them neatly to the usual
rectangular floors).

In relative alignment mode, the tiles align themselves to the
first wall (set with [Alt]-[F] in 2D mode). This is very nice for
odd-shaped, rotated, or moving sectors.  O

Changes the wall texture orientation. A wall texture can start
either on the floor or on the ceiling. This is particularily
useful when building windows (make sure that the wall above and
below looks ok) or DOOM-type doors (make sure the texture moves
with the door).  B

Toggle the 'block movement' flag on a wall. Usually used for
glass panes, force fields or sector boundaries, as a one-sided
wall always blocks movement anyway.  T

Toggle the transparency flag on a wall or sprite.
There are three stages: slightly transparent, very transparent,
and opaque (normal). Of course, this only works on two-sided

Try it on monsters to create ghosts - pity it doesn't work on
players >;)  M

Point at the floor below a sector edge and press [M] to create a
maskable wall. In effect, you're giving the sector edge a two-
sided wall which is most often used in creating glass panes.  Shift-M

Make a maskable wall just like with [M], but only on one side.
This way you're able to create walls where you can only see
through in one direction, for example.

A window created this way will only show you the glass texture
from one side. And you won't be able to shoot through it from the
wrong side, either: it will be marked with floating bullet-holes,
When shattering it from the visible side, the bullet holes stay
in the air...  1

Create 1 one-way wall. Only possible on a two-sided line, this
command will create a wall which only has a texture on one side.

Monsters can see through this wall and will attack you, walking
through the wall (if they're allowed to).  2

If a wall consists of two sections (a top and a bottom one, like
you find with windows), pressing [2] will allow you to separately
edit the upper and lower texture.  H

Toggles the hitscan bit on a two-sided wall. If this bit is set
(default is off), the wall will react to bullets (shattering if
it is glass, showing bullet holes if it is normal).

If you set the hitscan bit on a sprite, the sprite will block
bullets even if it doesn't block you. However, turning off the
hitscan bit on a destructable sprite (like a bottle) has no
effect.  TAB

This remembers the current object (sprite or texture) and places
it in the buffer.
According to the Build documentation, it not only remembers the
tile number, shade and texture setup, but also the cstat.
Whatever that is.

Some text appears, showing you what you have just selected: name,
lo- and hi-tag, number of times used in map (only if you point at
it), and MEM (amount of low RAM free?). If the graphic toggle is
on (use [']-[G]), an image of the selected texture is shown as
Press [TAB] again on the same texture to turn that display off.

Use one of the keys below to paste the object back. Note that you
have to use the big [Enter] key, not the one at the numeric
keypad:  Enter

Copy the selected object to whatever you're currently pointing at
(meaning you can replace sprites and textures this way). Shade
and (for textures) the x-repeat values are copied as well, while
the y-repeat is modified to make the pixels square.  Ctrl-Enter

Copies the selected texture to all walls in a closed loop.
Use this to change the appearance of a whole room at once.  Shift-Enter

Copy the shade value only.  Ctrl-Shift-Enter

This function auto-shades a sector:

Make one of the walls the lightest shade and another one the
darkest one. Point at the lightest wall and press
[Ctrl]-[Shift]-[Enter] - all walls on the loop will be smoothly

Somehow, this function never worked very well for me: wall
shading is very harsh and non-smooth, so I usually shade by hand.  '-ENTER

Pressing ['] and [Enter] copies the tile only, leaving everything
else (especially the shade!) as it is.  '-R

Toggles the FPS display on and off.
This is only good for taking screenshots, as the FPS is one of
the most important considerations in level design.  '-D

This is supposed to change the skill mode, but on my system only
the text '(something something) not found' flashes up and nothing
changes - skill mode stays at 1.  '-W

This toggles the sprite display between several modes:

Display all Sprites
No Effectors (Sprites 1..10 are not displayed)
No Actors (No players or monsters are shown)
None (No effectors or actors shown)

This is nice if you want to do some changes to the map without
being bothered by monster images.  '-G

This toggles the display of the selected texture (via [TAB]) on
and off.  '-Y

## Listed as 'Toggle purple background', I haven't found out what
it does yet.  '-T

Allows you to change the lo-tag of the selected object.  -H

Allows you to change the hi-tag of the selected object.  '-S

Allows you to directly type a shade value for the selected
Very nice for setting the shade on goodies to 128 (= -128, as 127
is max. shade and you can't enter negative numbers) to make them
very visible from far away.  '-V

Changes the visibility of a sector (how fast it darkens with
distance).  '-C

Changes the global shade of a sector to the shade of the object
currently selected.  '-Del

## Sets the cstat to 0. Anybody know what a cstat is?  Alt+-

Changes the visibility of the current sector.  CtrlAlt+-

Changes the global visibility for the whole map (careful with
this!).  F1

Shows a short help menu, listing the less-commonly used commands.
Pres [F1] to remove it again.  F2

Increments the players x-position by one unit. Seems like a
useless feature and my guess is that [F1] decremented the players
position before 3DRealms turned it into a help button.  F3

Decrements the players y-position by one unit.  F4

Increments the players y-position by one unit.  F5

Nukes the 3D display, forcing you back to 2D.
Strange function indeed :)

My guess is that the system tries to display the same text it
does in 2D mode and messes up the graphics along the way.  F6

Same as [F5].  F7

Same as [F5].  F8

Same as [F5].  F9

Rotates the players view left a bit.  F10

Rotates the players view right a bit.  F11

Changes the gamma correction (makes the screen lighter).
This is not terribly useful, as the settings aren't saved and the
gamma seems to reset when moving between some sectors.  F12

Takes a .PCX screen shot.