(still under construction)

The Brick Shithouse

A fabulous synthesis of pictures, sounds, chat, bios, news of interest....

even greeting cards!

By far, our first pick...

Placebo Online

Another very exhaustive fest of all that is Placebo

NME archive of Placebo articles

36 Degrees

Site francophone assez interessant!

UBL List of Placebo Links

Some defunct, but a rather exhaustive list

The Official Placebo Site

Video clips, soundbites, news, bios, a very friendly chat...

The Raft Informer is where you can discover compelling facts,

such as Stef's favourite song lyric,

Steve's poison of choice, and where Brian does his shopping.

Go crazy, my groupie friends!

Check out our Memorabilia Page for other fan sites and tributes.


Email Us:

Blister Web Mistress: 903329@ican.net