Home Page


Welcome to my homepage. This is my science project.

On this web site you will be able to learn about the four plant groups major characteristics and the life cycle of each.

I hope it is a fun learning experience for you.

If you would like to learn about mosses click on Moss.

If you would like to learn about ferns click on Fern.

If you would like to learn about angiosperms click on Angiosperm.

If you would like to learn about gymnosperms click on Gymnosperm.

If you have any questions on vocabulary go to the Vocabulary section. The only vocabulary defined are the underlined words.

All credits can be found under Credits.

moss.jpg (416247 bytes)       fern.jpg (360968 bytes)      gym2.jpg (80434 bytes)         

Moss                       Fern                 Gymnosperm

Angio2.jpg (406528 bytes)


Home/ Moss/ Fern/ Angiosperm/ Gymnosperm/ Vocabulary / Credits