Welcome to the Foreign Language Department
of Parkville Middle School and Center of Technology!

Why Study a Foreign Language?
The ABC's of a Good Language Learner
Homework Helper -  helpful hints for all subjects


Señora Delpo

Señora Greenwood

Señorita Parry

Señora Pechulis

 Meet your foreign language teacher! - At each teacher's site you will find information related to homework, grading policies, the Spanish curriculum, links to help improve your vocabulary, grammar and culture and some "just for fun" sites too!

Enjoy your visit!

DISCLAIMER:   This site contains links that are independently managed www sites and are not affiliated with Baltimore County Schools.  While every effort has been made to evaluate the sites to which we link, we cannot control the content that may appear on these or related links.  Students are reminded to review the Baltimore County Telecommunications Policy.

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