Isreali Albatross Has Been Destroying America

Today is MONDAY JUNE 6, 2005 D-Day....... Wednesday June 1, 2005... THURSDAY April 21, 2005: .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... JUST BEGINNING. UNDER CONSTRUCTION...... 1-4-05.. 1-14-05 .



1947 This was the year of Jackie Robinson. The liberals are always telling us about how racist the United Staes and the West was back in 1947. We hear about the segregation and lynchings in the South and the British treatment of the dark people in their empire. Yet noone wants to say that it was this very bigotry that created "Israel"!!!! The people who lived in British Palestine were just considered a bunch of dirty little brown men whose rights did not matter. The American media was controlled by WASPs and Jews. No American media were controlled by Muslims. So the existance of people in the area that would be "Israel" was either hidden or they were shown as evil or animal-like. Back around 1986 a letter in the Philadelphia Inquirer listed all the organizations that supported the creation of "Israel" on top of the Muslims. But NONE of the organizations included the people who actually LIVED there!!! Sort of like a bunch of fancy outsiders creating groups to take YOUR house with you having no say in it. ... The so-called "McCarthy Era actually started in 1947 at the time Stalin blocked access to West Berlin and the USA had to supply them with an airlift. Joe McCarthy did not get involved until about 1953 during the Korean War.

1948 I don't know when it started that billions and billions of our taxpayer dollars were first taken from us and sent to them.

1949 Bazillions of USA taxpayer dollars.

I have no idea when their evil ADL SPY SYSTEM began. For example, a few months ago someone in my town wrote a letter to the editor disagreeing with Isreal. Someone here informed on him to the ADL Central in NYC which then contacted the rep for two states. Then a response appeared in the local newspaper from DELAWARE!! ( This is not Delaware) to condemn the writer for being an "anti-semite". This was the only letter I have ever seen printed which did NOT have a city on it, just the state it came from!!!!. Never forget that the head of the ADL is NOT even an American but one of the dime a dozen Stalinist Jews of EUROPE!!! The ADL and Simon Weisenthal Center and other like groups organized all over to FORCE gentile Americans to give them our money and to risk our nation for theirs.

1950 More bazillions of your tax dollars to Judah. In return for US gentile support hordes of American Jews marched for STALIN in lower Manhattan.

1951 More of your USA tax dollars. Jews thank us again by marching for Stalin during the Korean War.

Ever wonder where Dr Seuss came from? Back when Stalin murdered more Gentiles than Hitler did Jews most Jews supported Stalin and there were crowds of them in Lower Manhattan marching for him. They had a weekly Stalinist newspaper back then. Seuss was its POLITICAL CARTOONIST!!!! And later the very left-Jewish media set him up and made him rich, loved, and famous. Don't believe me? Look it up on the web.

1952 Zillions more tax dollars. Korean War. American boys drafted to fight Godless Communism. Many Jews march in Lower Manhattan for mass murderer Stalin.

1953 Lots more USA tax dollars. Korean War. Lots of Jews in NYC march for Soviet Union. What do they care if by supporting the USSR they horribly offend Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Rumanians, Bulgars, Hungarians, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, whose people were being enslaved and murdered by the Soviets. After all, we are all never supposed to offend Jews but its fine for them to blatantly offend us.

1954 Billions more of our money without a THANKS from them. Jews march for USSR during Cold War.

1955 Skillions more of your tax dollars. Cold War. NYC Jews support USSR.

1956 Zillions more of our tax dollars sent to them without a thank you. England and France and "Israel" invade Egypt. NEAR NUCLEAR WAR BETWEEN THE USA AND SOVIET UNION BECAUSE OF THEM!!!! Eisenhower orders them to withdraw. Crowds of NYC Jews march for USSR!!!. Billions of our tax dollars used by Jews to kill Muslims. The knew it but the WASP/Jew media hid it from Americans. A stubborn dying British WASP colonial empire tries to hold on to the Suez Canal. Nasser takes the canal that divides his nation in two. (Those bad sandniggers!) This was just the FIRST time we all could have died thanks to Isreal.

1957 Billions more of your hard earned money taxed from you and sent to them. More Muslims learning to hate us.

1958 Mountains of your tax dollars. And we never get a thank-you. More millions of Muslims learning to hate us.

1959 Billions more of your tax dollars. More millions of Muslims learning to hate us for supporting Judah against them.

1960 Billions sent to them from us whether we liked it or not. Jews were and are overwhelmingly out to smash at Christianity and Christian morality. Their names were all over everything yet we were attacked any time we mentioned the types of names attached to the actions.

1961 Billions of dollars more sent to them by our government.

Jews in America continued to vote left-wing and praised the WARREN COURT which hated white culture and Christianity.

1962 More and more of your money from your paycheck. More and more millions of Muslims learning to hate us thanks to the phony state of Israel.

1963 Billions more sent to them.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1964 More billions sent to them.

1965 Still more billions sent to them.

1966 Still more and more of our tax money sent to them. More and more Muslims learning to hate us as we give the Jews what they need to kill Muslims.


1968 Billions and billions more tax dollars.

1969 Billions more tax dollars.


1970 Billions more tax dollars without a thank you as they seem to think we owe it to them.

1971 Bazillions more of your tax dollars to them.

1972 More and more dollars to them from us.

1973 Billions more of our money gone. NEAR NUCLEAR WAR BETWEEN THE USA AND USSR BECAUSE OF THEM!!!!. MUSLIMS GET SICK AND TIRED OF USA CONSTANTLY GIVING JUDAH THE ABILITY TO MASS MURDER MUSLIMS SO THEY CUT OFF AMERICAS OIL AND DESTROYED THE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS!!! Ever since then the businesses have been leaving America in case the Muslims cut off America's oil again, Thank you Judah!. But what do the Jews care, very few of them ever go into jobs where they actually sweat and MAKE something. Remember how Pres Ford banned all CHRISTMAS lights? The Zionists got a two-fer there! Ruining both the working class AND Christmas!!!

1974 Lots of billions more dollars from us to them.

1975 Zillions more money to them.

1976 Billions more to them.

1977 More billions to them.

1978 Still more billions to them without thank yous.

1979 Still more millions to them.

ANOTHER OIL CRISIS ruing America which would not have happened if not for the phony state of Israel. More destruction to the auto industry and thus also the steel industry which were the two main industries that caused all other wages to go up. But what do the Jews care? They just look on the USA as Israels milch cow. And they never seem to work in industries actually MAKING useful things. So what do they care if we have no industries?











My Snazzy List of Links

After 1989:
Yahoo Message Boards: Link this there and rant there.
GO HERE!!!!:
American Free Press: June 6, 2005 1:16 pm
American Conservative (Pat Buchanan): June 6, 2005 1:17 pm
Middle American News: June 6, 2005 1:18 pm (D-Day)
Pat Buchanan's Column: June 3, 2005 issue is on WATERGATE
Nixon Library (Has message board): June 6, 2005 1:29 pm
TEAM AMERICA : June 6, 2005 1:31 pm June 6, 2005 1:42 pm
The American Cause: June 6, 2005 1:43 pm June 6, 2005 1:44 pm June 6, 2005 1:46 pm
WHO'SE WAR IS IT???? : June 6, 2005 1:47 pm MUST READ!!!!!
YES!! THERE ARE GOOD JEWS!!!!: They could not be ALL Stalinists and/or pro-Degenerate and/or Neo-Conservatives!