TC Welcome to Pollyanna Online

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Hello Eveyrone. This is webmaster Jackie Fiest. I am here to let everyone know that this site is now closed. PLEASE believe me when I say its NOT because I have lost interest in Pollyanna. Nothing can be further from the truth. I made this site because Pollyanna needed help getting her name out there. I wanted to do this site to help her out and as soon as I got it up I heard she had an official site coming so I decided to do my site untill they got that one up. Well its up and I honestly dont think I can do any better. She has a wonderful site that is very sucessful. I was also getting info from Pollyannas intern Laura who used to be one of my best friends. I knew her even before Pollyanna came along. But since she started working with Pollyanna we have completly grown apart. Working with a friend on this was one of the things that made it as much fun. I want to thank Laura for everything she has provided to this site as well as the autographed picture.. I also want to thank Pollyanna. I got a few messages from her through other people, which was great because knowing she cared enough to help made me want to help her more.

I would also reccomend Club Pollyanna. I had some personal sore feelings twords the webmaster at first when it was braught to my attention a few of my things were on her site, but putting my feelings aside this honestly, truely is the best Pollyanna fansite out there. You should definatley check it out.

I also want to thank Sherry. Without her this site wouldnt have been possible.

If anyone wants to contact me

ICQ # 277029793

Yahoo and MSN IM: Jackie_Fiest

But for now I think she has all the help she needs. The link above will take you to

Love Always, Jackie Copyright © 2000 Jacqueline Fiest
Webpage graphics by SilverFox Designs Copyright © 2000