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"Mergulhe Nessa Idéia"


Hey there! I'm one of many staff leaders of CabalArticles, a well-known Internet article writing company. We post in Spanish and English for multinational net visitors, and are at your disposal for articles and other content creation for your web page. Down the page you will read my resume, and of course you'll be able to check out other staff leaders and team members' CV's on this web-site. At the end of my resume, you'll check out some examples of our published posts. For job enquiries, please contact us with the form on this webpage and we shall answer as soon as is feasible.

David L. Daniels
2985 Heron Way
Portland, OR

Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Yale University
10 years of crafting experience (exclusively for Electronic visitors)
Exquisite competency in English
Dependable, team-oriented staff member with a talent for specifics

Job Expertise
CabalArticles, New York City, NY
2001 - Present
Group Organizer
Responsible for setting up a global staff of internet writers to meet a complex set of development goals.
- Set new records for output, expanding production by 20% worldwide
- Properly operated dependable logs of project distribution
- Maintained QA for global creation across a substantial staff of freelance writers

Extra Skillsets

Fluent in English
Superior competence with a extensive range of office software programs

Examples of Published Posts

Samples of Spanish Writing