Janelle Meraz Hooper
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order blank | Photos of book events | A Three-Turtle Summer, order info | As Brown As I Want, order info | Excerpts from Dream Maker | About the author | 3-Turtle Reviews | Book signings | A Three-Turtle Summer, novel | As Brown As I Want, novel
 I'm not a high-tech kind of gal...if you'd like an autographed copy mailed to you, please print the order blank below, fill it out, and send it with your check to:
Janelle Meraz Hooper
6902-96th St. East
Puyallup, WA 98371 (add your e-mail to the form and I'll send you shipping confirmation)

Order Blank

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  _____ A Three-Turtle Summer, $15.00 each (web site price), total _____

_____ As Brown As I Want, $13.00 each (web site price), total        _____

_____ Dream Makers, $14.95 each (sorry, no price break)            _______ 

 Please add $2.00 shipping for each book                                          _______

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     8.2% WA State tax: on $17.00 is  $1.39, on $15.00 it's $1.23, on $14.95 it's $1.23

    (state law requires that I charge tax on shipping)

 Note: The anthology comes from a different press and I cannot change the price.











Add your e-mail and I'll let you know when I send it--print clearly! JMH