Zen Quotes -- Zen Master Bassui Tokusho (1327-87)

Collated by Paul Quek (e-mail: quekpaul@hotmail.com), in Singapore

Zen Master Bassui was one of the most important yet often neglected Zen teachers of fourteenth century Japan. Quite simply, his teachings cut "to the chase". Dissatisfied with what passed for Zen training during his lifetime, Bassui emphasized seeing our own true or original nature and recognizing it as Buddhahood itself.

Thus, it has been said that Zen Master Bassui reduced the whole of Buddhist teachings to one phrase:

"Seeing one's own nature is buddhahood."

When asked how to see into one's own nature, Zen Master Bassui would reply "Now! Who is asking?"

Bassui was of the Rinzai school. He was the founder of the Kogakuji monastery. He died in the Enzan monastery.

Look directly! What is this? Look in this manner and you won’t be fooled! -- Zen Master Bassui

At work, at rest, never stop trying to realize who it is that hears.
Even though your questioning becomes almost unconscious,
you won't find the one who hears, and all your efforts will come to naught.
Yet sounds can be heard, so question yourself to an even profounder level.
At last every vestige of self-awareness will disappear and
you will feel like a cloudless sky.
Within yourself you will find no "I," nor will you discover anyone who hears.
This Mind is like the void, yet it hasn't a single spot that can be called empty.
This state is often mistaken for Self-realization.
But continue to ask yourself even more intensely, "Now who is it that hears?"

-- Zen Master Bassui

What is this mind? Who is hearing these sounds?
Do not mistake any state for self-realization,
but continue to ask yourself even more intensely,
"What is it that hears?"

-- Zen Master Bassui

Who is hearing? Your physical being doesn't hear, nor does the void.
Then what does?
Strive to find out.
Put aside your rational intellect -- give up all techniques.
Just get rid of the notion of self.

-- Zen Master Bassui

... keep asking with all your strength, "What is it that hears?"
Only when you have completely exhausted the questioning
will the question burst;
now you will feel like a man come back from the dead.
This is true realization.

-- Zen Master Bassui

When the mind is deluded, as many ignorant thoughts as sands of the Ganges arise;
when enlightened, this mind gives birth to infinite wonderful meanings. -- Zen Master Bassui

Just stop your wandering, look penetratingly into your inherent nature, and,
concentrating your spiritual energy, sit in zazen and break through. -- Zen Master Bassui

Those who seek the Buddha outside their own minds are like children of rich parents
who have forgotten their home. -- Zen Master Bassui

Buddha-Nature, the Self of all beings, is the simple Truth.
From Buddhas to insects, it is the seer, hearer, and mover. -- Zen Master Bassui

Cast off what has been realized. Turn back to the subject that realizes to the root bottom
and resolutely go on. -- Zen Master Bassui

When you decide to come here, you do so by yourself.
When you ask a question, you do so by yourself.
You do not depend upon another.
Nor do you use the teachings of the Buddha ....
The written word, reason and duty, discrimination and understanding ...
none of these can reach this Zen.

-- Zen Master Bassui

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