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Honouring Sikhi in AMerica
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh
Every where we go, people want to know, who we are.  So, we tell them,

What does it mean to be Khalsa?
Khalsa is the discipline kept by baptized or AMrit-dhari Sikhs.  Everyone, who becomes AMrit-dhari, whether man, woman, or child, is required to live by the Sikh Code of Conduct known as SIKH REHIT.

The Sikh religion was founded by Guru Naanak. Born in 1469, in Northern Punjab. He traveled extensively, spreading the belief of
A succession of Gurus carried on His teachings, including spiritual values, the importance of maintaining family life, and earning an honest living.
Tenth Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) initiated the Baptism ceremony of “AMRIT,” giving the Khalsa it’s outward form, which can still be seen today.
Siri Guru Granth Sahib,
the Sikh Scripture, was named successor of Guru Gobind Singh for all time ever after.
Individual Sikh worship is a daily practice of rising three hours before dawn, bathing, contemplating the Name of God
and daily recitation of 5 hymns composed by the Sikh Gurus. Prayers are recited at daybreak, sunset, and bedtime. Often inspirational hymns of devotion are sung as well throughout the day.

Taboo for every Sikh is the use of (1) Tobacco, [Alcohol, and other Intoxicants are discouraged]  (2) Meat [as outlined by Sikh-Reht] (3) Physical relationships outside of marriage. Every other person is considered as Sister or Brother. (4) Dishonouring any Hair of the head, face, or body, by cutting, forced removal, or alteration.

Each baptized Sikh, once initiated with AMrit, must follow the guidelines given by the Panj Pyare (5 baptized Sikhs of good standing, who administer AMrit.) 

Upon receiving AMrit, each man is given the Surname Singh (meaning Lion), and each woman the name of Kaur (meaning prince – exalting the status of women). 
Each is given 5 articles of use, which are to be kept on their person at all times. These are known as the 5 K’s, or
Kachhera (specially designed undergarment),
Karaa (iron bracelet),
Kirpan (small iron sword),
Kangha (wooden comb),
Kesh/Keski (unshorn hair/ protective length of cloth to cover hair)

In olden days the Sikhs many times, had to fight in defense of their lives.  In modern days the 5 articles are kept primarily as symbols for fighting the five deadly voices of


 Lust, Greed, Anger, Pride, and Attachment.

 Sikhs today, still practice martial arts such as Gatkaa, performed with wooden sticks by novices and with swords by masters. Many participants like to wear the traditional Sikh form of
dress and colours.

On occasion a procession is held, honouring installation of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Holy Scriptures) as the Living Word and Guru for Sikhs throughout all time and Eternity.

Siri Guru Granth Sahib is kept enthroned, and cared for, in Sikh Gurudwaras (places of worship) throughout out the world, where any one regardless of faith, or social status, is welcome to join the congregation in Worship, and partake of Langar (free kitchen.)


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 Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru