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Adam Kane
AdamAdam Kane is played by John Shea.

The following is from the official site:
A man of mystery, Adam is probably the smartest man alive (as evidenced when he beats Shalimar at poker and Emma at chess simultaneously).  He is the strategist, tactician, and moral centre of Mutant X.  His genetic research is what caused the inadvertent creation of New Mutants.  He has taken upon himself the responsibility for the salvation of these innocent victims.  With the serenity of a warrior poet - he is the perfect leader for Mutant X

The following information is from the September 12, 2002 issue of Comics Continuum.
According to a recent press release, Adam's last name has been revealed as Kane.

The following information is paraphrased from the August 15, 2002 issue of Comics Continuum.  Go here to read the full article.
Second season changes will involve the character of Adam as well.

Viewers will discover that things are not always as they seem with Adam.  We find out that he has some hidden sides including that he wasn't just involved in genetic.  He was also involved in parts of the military industrial complex.  He's working with the government, he's working with CIA, he's working with Interpol.

We already know that he's a genius and can surmise that he is really rich, which gives us the question of how did he make that money and what else did he do with his brains.

Adam's past comes back to haunt him in Season Two.

Images on this page, are from the MUTANT X Official Site and are copyright 2001, Tribune Entertainment Co.