The halo surrounding the Christ's head and the heads of saints in paintings is called the aureole. According to some who read auras, all people's bodies are surrounded by a band of light energy of varying colors and widths.

Kirlian photography was discovered by Russians Semyon Kirlian and his wife Valentina in 1939.

Unexposed film is placed on an electrode and then an object (example: a torn leaf from a plant) is placed on or in the vicinity of the film; then, the electrode is blasted with high voltage pulses. When the film is subsequently developed, an aura can be seen surrounding the object.

Reading Auras

People who claim to be able to see and interpret auras have claimed that the body is surrounded by a band of light, very like what is seen in the Kirlian photos.

If you want to learn to read auras, here's one method:

Have your partner sit in a chair and then dim the lights. Now look at the person sitting in the chair, particularly at their head. According to some people who read auras, you should be able to see an outline of light surrounding that person's body. With practice. you should be able to see the "etheric" light of one, two, three, or various colors surrounding the head. The light may be of any color, of a combination of colors, and it may consist of a thin or thick band of light. The aura may change with changes in emotional and physical health and changes of environments. You may see vivid streaks of one color in particular amid the other colors of that person's aura.

The aura is believed to be the electromagnetic energies that surround the body. Some who claim to read auras say that you can teach yourself to read auras, and, with practice, that it becomes relatively easy to see them.

One Interpretation of the Colors of Auras

  • red: signifies anger or irritation; red is also the color of exuberant, youthful energy; (seen in greater amounts in the young and in those whose work requires quick responses, i.e., emergency medical workers)
  • blue: love, serenity, a peaceful nature; a serene environment
  • purple: a spiritual nature, learning, spiritual advancement
  • violet/indigo: spirituality, insight
  • turquoise: healing (color seen in the auras of those who excel at medicine or social work); Edgar Cayce (see Premonitions) said that the color emerald green with a touch of blue in it is a healing color
  • muddy brown: a disordered mind/spirit; a lower mentality
  • white: a spiritual nature
  • pink: mild anger or annoyance, (in physical environments, a soothing color)
  • gold: a religious nature
  • yellow: an intellectual nature
  • green: materialism; or, a practical nature, or, a balance of energies
  • orange: joyfulness, cheerfulness
  • black: illness, either physical or mental illness

The aura purportedly changes according to the individual's health and emotional state.Those who read auras have their own interpretations of what the colors mean.

Here is a link to a site about Kirlian Photography
* Auraman by LB Graphics
Kirlian leaf pics from