
Well, this marks quite a landmark in Pulp history. Many have said that if you can get to number three, you can get to number thirty. So now that number three is out, a few words of gratitude are in order. To my Pulp contributors, you make my day and constantly remind me of the brilliance this society can possess. I can’t thank you enough for your words of wisdom, and helping hands.

PULP 1 put us in the game, but PULP 2 gave us our due credit. Thanks to tripod for the award, and to the many people who have given PULP 2 such gracious praise. On account of all this added attention, we are considering going to print.

Of course, we recognize that PULP 3 doesn’t by any means make the rest smooth sailing. It is still an uphill battle from here. I hope you, gentle reader, will join us in the fight.


Cristine Frazier
