Nitro: 9/4/95 (Show #1; Luger Returns)
Jushin Lyger vs. Brian Pillman
INT- Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair vs. Sting
INT- Scott Norton/Randy Savage
Sabu promo
INT- VK Wallstreet
Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bubba Rogers
Lex Luger returns to WCW
INT- Hulk Hogan/Lex Luger
Nitro: 9/11/95 (Feat. Sabu)
Clips- Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger from previous week
Sabu vs. Alex Wright
INT- Ric Flair
Sting vs. VK Wallstreet
Randy Savage vs. Scott Norton
Lex Luger vs. Hulk Hogan
INT- Hulk Hogan/Lex Luger/Sting/Randy Savage
Nitro: 1/22/96 (Savage Wins World Title)
INT- Konnan
INT- Randy Savage/Hulk Hogan
Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair
INT- Randy Savage/Hulk Hogan
Dean Malenko vs. Brian Pillman
Harlem Heat vs. Sting/Lex Luger
Hulk Hogan vs. One Man Gang
Dungeon of Doom/Randy Savage come out
INT- Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage
Nitro: 5/27/96 (Scott Hall Debuts)
Ric Flair/Arn Anderson vs. American Males
INT- Ric Flair/Arn Anderson/Women/Elizabeth
Steve McMichael/Kevin Greene video
The Mauler vs. Steve Doll
INT- Scott Hall returns to WCW
DDP vs. Craig Pittman
INT- Shark
Hulk Hogan video
Giant vs. Shark
Lex Luger vs. Maxx
INT- Lex Luger
Brad Armstrong vs. Bobby Walker
Steve Regal vs. Alex Wright
INT- Steve Regal
Sting vs. Scott Steiner (erupts into a big brawl in the ring)
INT- Scott Hall
Nitro: 12/16/96 (Masahiro Chono Joins the NWO) (No 1st 15 mins)
Big Bubba Rogers vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (JIP)
INT- Sonny Ono/Masa Hiro Chono (Chono joins the NWO)
Masahiro Chono vs. Chris Jericho
INT- Four Horsemen
Dean Malenko vs. David Sammartino
Jerry Flynn vs. Ice Train
INT- Syxx/Outsiders
Sting video
Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Bobby Eaton
Lee Marshall's 1-800-Collect Road Report
Chris Benoit/Woman video
Kevin Sullivan vs. Arn Anderson
Sting/Rick Steiner confrontation (nWo Sting comes out)
Outsiders vs. Faces of Fear (erupts into a huge WCW vs. nWo brawl with some wrestlers joining the nWo)
Nitro: 4/21/97 (JJ Dillon Takes Role as Chairman) (No 1st 20 mins)
INT- Nick Patrick
Ultimo Dragon vs. Bobby Eaton
INT- Steve Regal
Meng vs. Chris Jericho
INT- Harlem Heat/Meng/Kevin Sullivan/Jacqueline
Chris Benoit video
Konan/Hugh Morrus attack Steiner Brothers
Public Enemy vs. Steiner Brothers
INT- J.J. Dillon/Eric Bischoff
Jeff Jarrett vs. Scotty Riggs
Steve McMichael/Reggie White confrontation
Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Syxx
Kevin Nash interferes
Lex Luger video
Lee Marshall's 1-800-Collect Road Report
INT- Hollywood Hogan/NWO
DDP vs. Psychosis
INT- Randy Savage/Elizabeth/DDP/Kimberly
INT- Ric Flair/Rowdy Roddy Piper/Kevin Greene
nWo come out- Scott Hall returns
Nitro: 12/20/99 (Didnt Block Out Curses)
INT- Madusa, Madusa vs. Buzzkill, INT- Vince Russo/Curt Hennig/Creative Control/Shane/La Parka, Curt Hennig vs. Hugh Morrus, INT- Rowdy Roddy Piper/Vince Russo, INT- Kevin Nash, INT- Creative Control, Tank Abbott vs. Jerry Flynn, INT- Revolution/Jim Duggan/Filthy Animals, INT- Rowdy Roddy Piper/Goldberg/Bret Hart, INT- Bret Hart/Vince Russo/Curt Hennig/Creative Control/Shane/La Parka, Meng/Norman Smiley vs. Brian Knobs/Fit Finlay (Hardcore Rules), Midnight video, Evan Karagias vs. Maestro, Rowdy Roddy Piper destroys Vince Russo's office, INT- Evan Karagias/Chavo Guerrero Jr., Clerance Mason joins for commentary, DDP vs. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Champagne Chris Kanyon, Creative Control vs. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall interferes, Jeff Jarrett vs. Chris Benoit (Ladder Match, U.S. Title Change), INT- Jeff Jarrett/Curt Hennig, Sid Vicious vs. The Wall, Berlyn comes out, INT- Disco Inferno/Tony Marinara/Big Vito/Johnny the Bull, Kevin Sullivan joins for commentary, Harlem Heat vs. Mike Rotundo/Rick Steiner, Midnight interferes, INT- Misfits/Vampiro/Daphne/David Flair, INT- Buff Bagwell/DDP, INT- Rowdy Roddy Piper, Bret Hart vs. Goldberg, Outsiders/Jeff Jarrett/Rowdy Roddy Piper come out, New World Orders reforms
Nitro: 6/19/00 (Lance Storm Debuts)
3-Count vs. Jung Dragons (Lance Storm Debuts)
Big Vito vs. Johnny the Bull
Horace vs. Goldberg
Cat vs. Kevin Nash
Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Lt. Loco vs. The Artist
Perfect Event vs. Tank Abbott/Rick Steiner
Shane Douglas/Bam Bam Bigelow/Chris Candido vs. Buff Bagwell/Kronic
Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Steiner
Tuesday Nitro: 7/18/00 (US Title Tourney)
Chris Kanyon vs. Mike Awesome
Buff Bagwell vs. Lance Storm
Great Muta vs. Vampiro
Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman
3-Count vs. Jung Dragons
Mike Awesome vs. Great Muta
Shane Douglas vs. Lance Storm
Jeff Jarrett vs. Stevie Ray
Mike Awesome vs. Lance Storm
Scott Steiner vs. Goldberg
Nitro: 8/7/00 (Russo Shoots)
Jung Dragons vs. Vampiro/Great Muta/Demon
Kronic vs. Mark Jindrak/Sean O'Haire
Buff Bagwell/Judy Bagwell vs. Chris Kanyon/Pamela
Sting vs. Scott Steiner
Lance Storm vs. Booker T.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Mike Awesome
Rick Steiner/Scott Steiner vs. Sting/Kevin Nash
Nitro: 8/21/00
Elix Skipper vs. Lt. Loco
Kwee Wee/Paisley vs. Corporal Cajun/Major Gunns
Natural Born Thrillers vs. Filthy Animals
Booker T. vs. Chuck Palumbo
Vampiro vs. Tank Abbott
Brian Clark vs. Norman Smiley
Kevin Nash vs. Big Vito
Lance Storm/Jeff Jarrett vs. General Rection/Mike Awesome
Nitro: 10/30/00 (Flair Named CEO)
Mark Jindrak/Sean O'Haire vs. Rey Misterio Jr./Kidman
Kwee Wee vs. Reno
David Flair vs. MI Smooth
Lex Luger vs. Buff Bagwell
Kronik vs. Perfect Event
Mike Sanders vs. Cat
Scott Steiner vs. Booker T. vs. Mike Awesome
Nitro: 11/6/00 (DDP Returns; Battledome Invades)
Lance Storm vs. Kwee Wee
Shawn Stasiak vs. Reno
3-Count vs. Jung Dragons vs. Mark Jindrak/Sean O'Haire
Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell/Sting
Alex Wright vs. General Rection
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Goldberg
Kevin Nash vs. Booker T.
Tuesday Nitro: 1/22/01 (Daniels vs Modest)
Mike Modest vs Chris Daniels
Lance Storm vs Konan
Luger vs DDP
Big Vito/Johnny The Bull vs Jindrak/Stasiak
The Cat vs Shane Douglas
Chavo Guererro Jr./The Wall vs Hugh Morus/Lash LeRoux
Kevin Nash vs Buff Bagwell
Thunder: 5/3/00 (Lethal Lottery; Return of the Macho Man)
Jeff Jarrett vs. Chris Kanyon
Wall vs. Lex Luger
Ric Flair vs. Kidman
DDP vs. Vampiro
Mike Awesome vs. Sting
Scott Steiner vs. Hulk Hogan
Shane Douglas/Buff Bagwell vs. Kronic
battle royal
Thunder: 7/5/00 (1st Live Show)
Rey MIsterio Jr. vs. Disco Inferno vs. Billy Kidman vs. Lance Storm
Demon vs. Big Vito
Perfect Event vs. Woody/Brian Adams
Shane Douglas/Chris Kanyon vs. Buff Bagwell/Booker T.
Tygress/Jueventud Guerrera vs. Major Gunns/Lt. Loco
Crowbar vs. David Flair
Mike Awesome vs. Rick Steiner
Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T.
NWA World Championship Wrestling: 4/4-4/18/87, World Wide Wrestling 4/18/87
World Championship Wrestling 4/4/87
NWA World Championship Wrestling May/June 1987
WCW Classics: Eps. 1-4
Dick Slater vs Dory Funk Jr (2/84)
Black Demon vs Andre the Giant
Jose Estrada vs Andre the Giant
Swede Hansen vs Andre the Giant
Buzz Sawyer vs Tully Blanchard (5/85)
Ben Alexander & Kelly Kininski vs Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel (9/83)
Bob Orton Jr & Dick Slater vs Mark Youngblood & Wahoo McDaniel (11/83)
Jimmy Valiant & Miss Alana Lively vs Midnight Express (11/85)
Jimmy Valiant feature
Charlie Brown vs Great Kabuki (11/83)
Ric Flair vs Harley Race (Cage Match, 11/83)
Ric Flair attacks Magnum TA (6/85)
Magnum TA vs Ric Flair (6/85)
WCW Classics: Eps. 5-6, 8, 10-12, 9
Cuban Assassin vs Tommy Rich (10/89)
Magnum TA vs Wahoo McDaniel (Cage Match)
Nikita Koloff vs Ric Flair (2/87)
Jimmy Garvin & Michael Hayes vs Rock N Roll Express (Corporal Punishment Match, 5/90)
Midnight Express vs Rock N Roll Express (Scaffold Match, 11/87)
Midnight Express vs Rock N Roll Express (2/90)
Austin Idol vs Vinnie Valentino (2/82)
Austin Idol & Ivan Koloff vs Mike Gilbert & Keith Larsen (2/82)
Austin Idol vs Mike Davis (4/82)
(Ep. 10 JIP from Braves game)
Don Kernodle & Sgt. Slaughter vs Jim Nelson & Mike Rotundo (4/85)
Don Kernodle vs Terry Taylor (4/82)
Wahoo McDaniel/Don Muraco vs Ken Timbs/Dave Patterson
Blackjack Mulligan, Jr. & Sr. vs Jim Nelson/Rick Harris
Ole Anderson/Ray Stevens vs Buddy Landell/Paul Jones
Ricky Steamboat vs Ali Bey
Ricky Steamboat vs Jim Nelson
Jake Roberts/Ricky Steamboat vs Mike Miller/Jim Nelson
Sgt. Slaughter vs Buddy Landell
"Bad Bad" Leroy Brown vs Mike Rotunda
Angela Mosca/Killer Kahn vs Tony Anthony/Ron Richie
WCW Classics: Eps. 13-16
Barry Windham vs Ric Flair (1/87)
Ivan Koloff vs Angela Mosca, Jr. (1/84)
Ivan Koloff/Iron Shiek vs Abe Jacobs/Steve Muslin (2/84)
Iron Shiek vs Brett Wayne (8/83)
Dory Funk, Jr. vs Dizzy Hogan (1/83)
JYD vs Bob Rupe (1/84)
Ronnie Garvin vs Jake Roberts (12/83)
Tommy Rich vs Buzz Sawyer (10/83)
Ted Dibiase vs Mr. R (2/84)
WCW Classics: Eps. 17-20
Arn Anderson vs Chief Joe Lightfoot (7/83)
Magnum TA vs Black Ninja (8/83)
Ox Baker/Carl Fergie vs Valentino/Don Kernodle (8/83)
Bugsy McGraw/Stan Hansen vs Rose/Brown (12/83)
Ron Garvin vs Les Thorton (10/83)
"Exotic" Adrian Street vs Jimmy Valiant (Dress Match, 5/84)
Roddy Piper vs Jim Nelson (12/82)
Tenyru vs Ric Flair (Classic Clip-10/80)
Ric Flair vs Jay Youngblood (2/82)
Mr. Wrestling II/Pez Whatley vs Tully Blanchard/Larry Zybysko ($25,000 Match, 7/83)
WCW Classics: Eps. 21-23
Iron Shiek vs Bob Rupe (6/83)
Classic Clips: King Kong Bundy (11/83)
Bundy vs Zane Smith/Roger Bond (11/83)
Pork Chop Cash vs Tony Russo (1/82)
Jumbo Tsuruta vs Harley Race (10/83)
The Assassains vs Brett Hart/Rick Mccord (10/83)
Ole Anderson/Stan Hansen vs Don Gilbert/Don Kernodle (2/82)
Mr. Wrestling I vs Chief Joe Lightfoot (10/83)
Classics Clips: Mr. Wrestling II (10/83)
Mr. Wrestling I & II vs Zane Smith/Bob Brown (7/83)
Mr. Wrestling I vs Mr. Wrestling II (9/83)
NWA TV Footage 85/86 (McAdams NWA Tape #4)
TULLY BLANCHARD v SAM HOUSTON- Ron Garvin runs in after the match, but Tully KOs him with an object.
ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS v IVAN & NIKITA KOLOFF (clips)- The Russians regain the NWA tag titles.
BILLY JACK HAYNES v MAC JEFFERS- Billy gets another push that he'd soon blow.
RIC FLAIR v SAM HOUSTON- Arn Anderson tries to get some shots in on Houston after the match, but Dusty Rhodes chases the Horsemen away.
BULLROPE MATCH: RON BASS v J.J. DILLON (no finish shown)
& MANNY FERNANDEZ- good match, the heels manage to further damage Dusty's
"injured leg" in the fracas.
MAGNUM T.A. v THE BARBARIAN- after a ref bump, Paul Jones KOs Magnum with
a cane, then Harley Race walks in and makes the three count. Race and Barbarian
then pummel T.A.
RIC FLAIR vs MAGNUM TA- TA puts up $1,000 to prove that Flair cannot pin
him in 10 minutes. The Andersons help give Magnum a beating when Flair
can't get the job done.
KRUSHER KRUSHEV v SAM HOUSTON, jip. The Road Warriors help Houston get the upset and win the Mid-Atlantic title. The MA title had a great history, but by now it was a belt for guys who were closer to the bottom of the card than the top.
RIC FLAIR v RONNIE GARVIN- a great, super-tight slapfest! Flair's chest was said to have been raw and bleeding after this match.
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS v RON BASS & DON KERNODLE- Jim Cornette cracks Bass with the raquet, which DQs the Midnights and brings the Rock & Roll Express into the ring.
ARN ANDERSON AND TULLY BLANCHARD further injure Dusty's leg.
RIC FLAIR & ARN ANDERSON v DUSTY RHODES & RON GARVIN- Garvin KOs Flair with a punch, and Dusty gets the pin.
DUSTY RHODES v TULLY BLANCHARD- Tully needs help from Ric Flair, J.J. Dillon, and a pair of brass knux to win the National title.
ARN ANDERSON v RON GARVIN- this is the match where Tully and Arn use a boot to "break" Garvin's punching hand.
RIC FLAIR v RICKY MORTON- Morton "pins" Flair (well, Robert Gibson does the counting), establishing the skinny tag- teamer Morton as a threat to the NWA title. Who said Flair wasn't a miracle worker?
ARN ANDERSON v MANNY FERNANDEZ- Tully and Arn try to claim another broken hand, but Dusty and Garvin make the save.
RON GARVIN v TULLY BLANCHARD, jip. Fantastic match, with a great finish.
Garvin gives Wahoo a brainbuster outside the ring.
RIC FLAIR v ROAD WARRIOR HAWK- less of a match and more of an angle to
push the Road Warriors v Horsemen feud.
TULLY BLANCHARD v RON GARVIN, jip. Garvin once again gets creatively screwed out of the National title.
NWA TV Footage 86 (McAdams NWA Tape #8)
TULLY BLANCHARD AND ARN ANDERSON "break" Ronnie Garvin's hand.
RIC FLAIR v RICKY MORTON in a brief, unscheduled brawl.
WAHOO McDANIEL saves Sam Houston from Jimmy Garvin, but Precious blinds Wahoo with spray, and Garvin gives him a brainbuster.
NIKITA KOLOFF v MAGNUM T.A. in a brief, unscheduled brawl.
RIC FLAIR v RICKY MORTON (clips)- Flair, Blanchard, and Arn Anderson, at this time referred to as the THREE HORSEMEN (!), follow Morton back to the dressing room, and grind Morton's face into the concrete floor.
HIGHLIGHTS of the 1986 Crockett Cup Tournament.
JIM CORNETTE & THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS call out Dusty Rhodes. Rhodes has the advantage until Condrey clocks him with the tennis raquet, then Cornette jabs Baby Doll in the stomach with the raquet! Baby Doll sells it like she's been shot.
TULLY BLANCHARD v RON GARVIN- a 30 minute classic shown in it's entirety. Blanchard works on Garvin's injured hand until Dusty Rhodes tapes the hand, and Garvin uses it to KO Tully and win the National title- until the ref sees the tape. Great heat, 3 3/4 ***.
WAHOO McDANIEL gets jumped by Arn Anderson and Jimmy Garvin.
(Dusty Rhodes & Magnum T.A.) run in and drag Jim Cornette away with a rope. They then try to tie the rope to a truck and drag him away! The Midnights untie the rope just in time.
TULLY BLANCHARD & JIMMY GARVIN v WAHOO WcDANIEL & SAM HOUSTON-funny as Garvin avoids tagging in to face Wahoo. The heels pin Houston, then gang up on Wahoo. Garvin ends up giving Wahoo a brainbuster on the cement.
NIKITA KOLOFF v ROBERT GIBSON- the fans are CRAZY over the Rock & Rolls.
Ivan and Nikita use the chain on Robert until Morton makes the save.
ARN ANDERSON v WAHOO McDANIEL- good, tight match. 3 ***.
RIC FLAIR v RICKY MORTON (clip)- Anderson and Blanchard run in and help Flair break Morton's nose.
MAGNUM T.A. AND NIKITA KOLOFF sign a contract to wrestle. Nikita is accompanied
by Ivan Koloff, and Magnum brings his mom. It's a bad move, as Nikita insults
Mrs. T.A., and Magnum jumps him- but finds himself at the wrong end of
a beating from the two Russians.
ARN ANDERSON v HECTOR GUERRERO- the match has barely started when Tully
Blanchard runs in, and two of the "Three Horsemen" give Guerrero
a pounding.
JIMMY GARVIN AND STEVE REGAL whip Wahoo McDaniel with a strap.
NWA PRESIDENT BOB GEIGEL gives Magnum T.A. an "official reprimand"
for attacking Nikita during the press conference- so Magnum punches him
in the face! T.A. is then stripped of the U.S. title, pending a "Best
of Seven" series vs Nikita on the "Great American Bash"
TAPED FIST MATCH: RON GARVIN v LEO BURKE- Tully Blanchard uses a loaded, taped fist to knock Garvin out.
RIC FLAIR v DUSTY RHODES- Arn and Tully run in, but Dusty fends them off. Then Ole Anderson returns, and injures Dusty's leg. The "Three Horsemen"
add a member, and the legendary FOUR HORSEMEN are born!
JIM CORNETTE gets into an argument with Baby Doll, which ends up with Baby Doll KOing Bobby Eaton with one punch! (Poor Bobby...)
NWA TV Sept.-Nov. 88 (McAdams NWA Tape #20)
A FUNNY INTERVIEW with Ric Flair and John Ayres. Ayres, a pro football player has been assigned to referee some Flair vs Luger matches. Flair asks John what qualifies him to ref, and Ayres basically
says he has no idea.
BARRY WINDHAM vs STING from Clash of the Champions 3. Terrific match between the two hottest stars in the biz at that time. 4 ***.
STEVE WILLIAMS vs MIKE ROTONDO- good match, awful finish as after a ref bump, Doc gets DQed for dropping Rotondo over the top rope.
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS vs ARN ANDERSON & TULLY BLANCHARD- raw footage of the historic match where the Mid-X win the NWA tag titles in Philly. This was the last match ever for Arn & Tully in the NWA, as they basically gave a one-day notice before bolting to the WWF, making a quick title change necessary. Too bad, as this might have become one of the all-time great feuds.
IVAN KOLOFF is attacked by the Russian Assassins, but his nephew Nikita makes the save.
Kevin mistakenly KO's Stiener, further straining relations in the "Varsity Club"
RICK STIENER INTERVIEWED by Magnum T.A., and Rick's having so much fun rapping with Mag, he doesn't want to wrestle in his upcoming 6-man tag match. This drives Sullivan crazy, and he and Stiener almost come to blows-funny.
THE FANTASTICS vs THE SHEEPHERDERS- clips of a pretty wild brawl.
out of nowhere, the Roadies turn on Sting, who takes a wild bump off of Animal's shoulders. Luger runs in, but the Warriors give him a beating.
NIKITA KOLOFF vs RUSSIAN ASSASSIN #2- Both Assassins jump Nikita, but Ivan runs in and ends up choking Paul Jones with a chain.
FUNNY INTERVIEW WITH THE VARSITY CLUB- Stiener leads the fans in a "Syracuse Sucks" chant, which infuriates Rotondo.
THE FANTASTICS vs THE SHEEPHERDERS- another good brawl, goes to a DDQ.
DICK MURDOCH vs AL PEREZ- Sullivan runs in, and Murdoch wins on a DQ.
ONE OF THE STUPIDEST ANGLES / INTERVIEWS EVER, as Steve Williams sends in a tape from Japan, announcing his heel turn. If you're ever bored and want a good laugh, run a transcript of this interview- what the hell is Doc talking about? Also, this shows you how bad things have gotten in the NWA at this point- so many turns that they don't run angles anymore, they just announce it.
THE SHEEPHERDERS JUMP Eddie Gilbert and Ron Simmons during a squash.
ROAD WARRIORS vs MIDNIGHT EXPRESS- Ellering jumps Cornette, and Lane as he's bailing Jimmy out leaves Eaton to be mangled by the Roadies. Lane fights both Warriors by himself, but that's impossible. He accidentally tags in the dazed Eaton, who is quickly pinned, and the Roadies win the NWA tag belts. Cornette does a great interview while addressing this.
STAN LANE vs MENACE #2- shocking angle as Cornette gets a phone call from someone, taunting him over the loss of the tag titles. The caller turn out to be Paul E. Dangerously, who brings his Original Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose) to the studio to pound Eaton & Lane.
Paul E then pops Cornette with the phone, and CORNETTE JUICES! This was one of the best angles I've ever seen.
JIM CORNETTE and PAUL E DANGEROUSLY both do a series of great interviews discussing the incident mentioned above.
This is a good tape, although the promotion was is desparate strait at this point. Say goodnight, Dusty. 4 HOURS
NWA TV Nov.-Dec. 88 (McAdams NWA Tape #21)
STAN LANE v MENACE #2- Cornette gets a phone call from someone who gloats over the Midnight Express' recent loss to the Road Warriors. When Cornette challenges the caller, Paul E. Dangerously and the Original Midnight Express attack Bobby and Stan, and render Corny a bloody mess! ONE OF THE ALL-TIME GREAT WTBS WRESTLING ANGLES!!
STING v MIKE ROTONDO- Mike is DQed when Rick Stiener and Kevin Sullivan interfere.
A SERIES OF GREAT INTERVIEWS with Jim Cornette and Paul E. Dangerously
BARRY WINDHAM v BAM BAM BIGELOW in an unscheduled match.
RIC FLAIR v GEORGE SOUTH- a rare WTBS match for Flair.
CLASSIC INTERVIEW from Jim Cornette, who has a bandaged forehead and a bloodstained sports jacket from the Dangerously attack. One of the greatest promos ever.
EDDIE GILBERT & RON SIMMONS v THE SHEEPHERDERS in a U.S. tag title tourney match- The Sheeps win, but the decision is reversed when the Sheeps leave for the WWF.
STEVE WILLIAMS & MIKE ROTONDO v THE FANTASTICS- Rick Stiener trips Rotondo for the Fantastics win. Stiener is then kicked out of the Varsity Club, and beaten to a pulp.
THE ANGLE THAT GOT DUSTY FIRED: Dusty challenges Road Warrior Animal to fight, but soon both Warriors and Paul Ellering triple-team Rhodes. Then, Hawk pulls a spike from his shoulder pads, and jams it into Dusty's eye! Very bloody and gross, but worth it- SAYONARA, Dusty!
BARRY WINDHAM v BOBBY FULTON- Bigelow runs in and splashes Barry from the top rope.
(C4) THE FANTASTICS v RON SIMMONS & EDDIE GILBERT- finals of the U.S. Tag Tourney.
(C4) IVAN KOLOFF v PAUL JONES. Jones wrestles with one hand tied behind his back, but The Russian Assassins run in. Junkyard Dog makes the save, as Nikita quit the promotion.
(C4) NO DQ MATCH: DUSTY RHODES v ROAD WARRIOR HAWK- the match, of course, ends in a DQ when Hawk and Sting get involved.
(C4) RIC FLAIR & BARRY WINDHAM v MIDNIGHT EXPRESS- a classic, 4 1/2 *** match.
CLIPS OF The Original Midnight Express v The Fantastics. Listen closely to Paul E's commentary, as he slyly addresses the NWA's booker and management situation.
**This tape also has some great interviews from Cornette, Paul E, Flair, Luger, Sting & more. This is an excellent tape, even more interesting when you consider that the NWA was in total disarray at the time, undergoing an ownership change, and management changes. The promotion was in total disarray, with wrestlers leaving almost on a weekly basis. 6 hours.
NWA TV Jan.-Feb. 90 (McAdams NWA Tape #31)
THE SKYSCRAPERS v AGENT STEEL & RANDY HARRIS- Teddy Long brings in Mark Callas (now The Undertaker in the WWF) to replace Sid Vicious in the Skyscrapers. Sounds like a babyface turn for Sid, but that never transpired.
RIC FLAIR accepts the award for Pro Wrestling Illustrated's "Wrestler of the Decade". Whooo!
DYNAMIC DUDES v CACTUS JACK & LEE SCOTT- Scott, the greatest bump-taking jobber I've ever seen, gets pinned, and Jack attacks him. Lee's challenges Jack to wrestle next week.
THE ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS return to the NWA.
CACTUS JACK v TOMMY RICH- supposed to be Rich v Agent Steel, but Jack jumps him before the match and takes over the bout. Jack takes some INSANE bumps here! 3 ***.
NORMAN presents his portrait of Woman to her. She's offended by it, and slaps his face, leading to a Norman v Nitron brawl. Norman's on top, but Kevin Sullivan runs in and smacks him with the painting. Things then get weird as Sullivan grinds Norman's face in the painting, and the red paint rubs off (to emulate blood!).
RIC FLAIR v BOBBY EATON- really good! 3 3/4 ***.
KEVIN SULLIVAN v NORMAN- surprise! 3 ***.
RIC FLAIR appears on Funk's Grill- they're cordial toward one another, which is funny considering their legendary feud that concluded three months earlier. Woman appears, and makes a "business proposition" to Flair.
RIC FLAIR is interviewed by Ric Flair- Woman comes out, and repeats the
scenario that played out on Funk's segment.
CACTUS JACK v LEE SCOTT- good, 3 ***.
LEX LUGER v EDDIE GILBERT- another clean job for Gilbert.
CACTUS JACK appears on Funk's Grill- his first national interview, and a good one.
ARN ANDERSON v BUZZ SAWYER- great, tight, old style match, both work really hard here. Great Muta and Dragom Master run in as Arn is about to finish Sawyer. Ole Anderson runs in, but gets decimated by the heels. Match gets 3 3/4 ***.
DOOM- Hawk no-shows, so it's a seven- man tag.
MASTER- good action, and the fans go crazy for the Horsemen. 3 ***.
ARN ANDERSON v SAMOAN SAVAGE- good match, Arn was probably at his peak here, defending the TV title as a babyface, and having dynamite matches.
CACTUS JACK v STEVE WILLIAMS- Cactus takes some more insane bumps.
ARN ANDERSON v EDDIE GILBERT- The Horsemen were over like crazy at this point, but booking genius Ric Flair would soon kill the entire promotions' momentum by turning them heel- all only because Ric PREFERS being a heel!
RIC FLAIR v TOM ZENK- Flair hints at his upcoming heel turn by using the trunks to win- 3 ***.
ARN ANDERSON v BOBBY EATON- terrific, 3 1/2 ***.
This is an EXCELLENT tape. The NWA was really headed in the right direction here. It would crash on February 8, 1990, at the Clash of the Champions when the Horsemen turned heel, and Sting blew out his knee, leaving the group with no babyfaces. They then turned Lex Luger from the sport's hottest heel to the one of the lamest babyfaces. It's been all downhill since for both Luger and this promotion.
This tape also has some great interviews from Ric Flair, Sting, Arn Anderson, Jim Cornette, Lex Luger, Ole Andserson, Terry Funk, Kevin Sullivan, Teddy Long, and more.
Classic NWA vol. 11 (TV Clips 1-3/87)
1. INT - Lex Luger. He comes out and voices his intentions on becoming a Horseman.
2. INT - JJ Dillon, Tully Blanchard, Ole & Arn Anderson are interviewed, and put The bad mouth on Windham)
3. Lex Luger v. George South
4. INT - Lex Luger. Barry Windham tries to talk Lex out of aspiring to be a Horseman.
5. INT - Nikita Koloff (Between Nikita & Ahmed Johnson, I don't know which one is more un-intelligible.)
6. INT - Ric Flair discussing Lex Luger
7. Tully Blanchard v. Randy Mulky
8. INT - Dusty Rhodes (still more about Lex Luger wanting to be a Horseman, but mostly talks about the upcoming Title match between Ric Flair & Barry Windham.)
9. Ric Flair v. Barry Windham (FANTASTIC MATCH! Windham takes Flair to a time limit draw)
10. INT - J.J. Dillon with Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson
11. Lex Luger v. Randy Mulky
12. Brad Armstrong v. Tully Blanchard (TV Title match)
13. Lex Luger v. Jobber (JIP - Lex uncorks the Human Torture Rack for the first time)
14. INT - JJ Dillon (Dillon addresses the Lex situation.)
15. Ric Flair & Ole Anderson v. Tim Horner & Eddie Roberts
16. INT - Windham confronts Luger & Dillon. As Windham is about to hit JJ, Lex attacks Windham.)
17. Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey & Bobby Eaton) v. Vernon Deaton & Larry Stevens (Jim Cornette does commentary)
18. INT - Ric Flair, who shows up to the interview in a mink coat talks about (yep, you guessed it) Lex Luger.
19. Arn Anderson v. Tim Horner (Windham runs in)
20. INT - Cornette & The Midnight Express.
21. INT - JJ Dillon, Flair, Tully Arn & Lex Luger. Ole, who is still a Horseman, is not present. However Lex, who is not yet a Horseman, is there. Is someone going to be kicked out of the stable? Hmmm….)
22. Footage of the buildup of the feud between Ivan Koloff & Vladimir Pietroff v. Nikita Koloff & Dusty Rhodes
23. Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger v. Rocky King & George South
24. Midnight Express v. Jobbers (Windham & Ronnie Garvin (dressed up like a woman) run in. Garvin KOs Eaton)
25. INT - Windham & Garvin
26. Windham calls out Flair, who takes his shirt off and fights him in the ring. Windham gets the upperhand, which Results in the obligatory Horseman run-in.
27. Nikita Koloff, Dusty Rhodes & Dick Murdoch v. Ivan Koloff, Vladimir Pietroff & The Russian Assassin (ending shown. Murdoch turns on Nikita, leading to Nikita & Rhodes being destroyed by the Murdoch & the Russians.)
28. Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger v. Zane Smith & Tommy Angel
29. Midnight Express v. Ronnie Garvin & Barry Windham (JIP - Cornette throws a FIREBALL at Garvin)
30. INT - Dillon & Ole Anderson. Ole reassures everyone that he's still a part of the Horsemen. He also points out that the Horsemen are only 4, and that Lex doesn't yet have the experience to be anything but an associate. Can you see where this is leading?
31. INT - Dillon & Lex Luger. Lex rebutts Ole's statement about not being a part of the Horsemen
32. Big Bubba (Big Bossman) Rogers v. Kent Glover
33. INT - Midnight Express. Cornette has been suspended for throwing that fireball at Garvin. (In my opinion, Cornette should have been rewarded.)
34. INT - Ronnie Garvin, who has a patch over his eye as a result of that fireball that Cornette threw
35. Midnight Express v. Zane Smith & Randy Mulkey
36. INT - Tully Blanchard.
37. Tully, Arn, Ole & Lex v. Bob Armstrong, Dutch Mantel, Eddie Roberts & Ricky Lee Jones
38. Midnight Express v. Ron Garvin & Barry Windham (complete match from #29)
39. INT - JJ Dillon, The 4 Horsemen & Lex Luger - Ole voices some slight displeasure about this guy Lex hanging around. The dissention is heating up.
40. Ole & Arn Anderson v. David Isley & Tommy Angel
41. INT - Ivan Koloff, Vladimir Pietroff & Dick Murdoch
42. INT - Baron Von Raschke. Footage of Murdock turning on The Baron in a match against Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez
43. Midnight Express & Big Bubba v. Bill Tabb, Eric Long & Jack Jackson
44. Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger v. Ricky Sullivan & Chance McQuade
45. Bobby Eaton v. Jobber
46. Ron Garvin v. Tommy Angel
47. Big Bubba v. George South
48. Ole & Arn Anderson v. Alan Martin & Randy Mulkey
49. INT - Tully addresses Ole Anderson's not being around, and calls Ole's son a "snot nosed kid", and Ole ATTACKS Tully!
50. Misty Blue v. Linda Dallas
51. INT - JJ Dillon tries to reassure everyone that there's no problem with the Horsemen, and asks Ole to come out and apologize.
52. Nikita Koloff v. Vernon Deaton
53. INT - JJ Dillon once again demands an apology from Ole Anderson. Ole comes out and beats up Dillon. Tully runs out and attacks Ole, cementing Ole Anderson's ejection from the Horsemen.
54. INT Jake Roberts & Alice Cooper about the upcoming match against the Honkytonk Man at Wrestlemania III (WAIT, THIS ISN'T CLASSIC NWA! THIS IS FROM THE WWF! HOW'D THAT GET IN THERE?)
55. Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson v. Jobbers
56. INT - The Horsemen. Arn puts the badmouth on Ole Anderson.
57. Tully, Arn & Lex v. Italian Stallion & 2 other Ham&eggers
58. 1987 Crockett Cup Tag Tournament press conference. Cornette is not happy about his Midnight Express Being seeded #6.
59. INT - Ole Anderson re: being kicked out of the Horsemen. Now that he's a face, he's vowing revenge on his former teammates.
60. Midnight Express v. Jobbers
61. INT - Horsemen with Lex Luger now replacing Ole Anderson.
62. Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson v. Brady Boone & Eddie Roberts
63. Ole Anderson v. Big Bubba (no match, they just fight in the ring while the closing credits are rolling.)
Matches 64-68 are from Pro Wrestling This Week with Gordon Solie & Joe Pedicino
64. Don Bass & Keith Roberson v. Alan West & Pat Tanaka (UWF)
65. Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden vs Stubbs/Dirty White Boy (Continental Championship Wrestling)
66. Randy Savage v. Sivi Afi (ending shown - WWF)
67. Killer Bees v. Iron Mike Sharpe & Tiger Chung Lee (WWF)
68. Big Red v. Jason the Terrible (Puerto Rico)