Blink 182

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Hands playing guitar; Actual size=240 pixels wide

The bad boyz of Blink 182



Homestead was shut down, so now most of my pages are gone! I know that you want me to fix this big problem. I'll try to get everything fixed as soon as possible. I'm so mad too because i put a lot of work into designing those pages. So bear with me people!


I have new pics of blink live! Click the link below to get the live pics of their concert at Arrowhead Pond, Anahiem, CA. ^_^


I have the latest news about blink, check them out in the NEWS section! Oh, yeah!... people have been demanding for more TOM PICS, so if you have some good ones email them to me. ^_^

My computer's been acting funny lately, that's why I haven't updared things yet, but I posted a few more Tom pics if you haven't already seen them.


Hey people! I want to a rad concert at Chain Reaction in Anehiem, CA. It was really cool. Bands that played that night were The Impossibles, Ozma, and Limbeck. I got to see that band in their practice room too! ^_^ I'll tell you more about the concert soon!


Sorry that I haven't been updating the site in awhile. School just started and I've been tied up with work. Anywho... I just recieved a bunch of new pics from Amanda. Thanks Amanda! ^_^ There is a bunch of pics of Tom for all you Tom fans out there. I'll be posting those as soon as possible! Meanwhile check out the pics that I already have.

More Photos


I posted some of my very own art work on a new page. Please check them out and tell me what you think! ^_^

I added new pics of the guys especially MARK! Don't just sit there, check them out in my photos section. And plaese don't forget to sign my guestbook too.

I added animated gifs for you to download. Check them out in my photos section!


I made my very own banner to put on your blink fan page! If you want to exchange links don't be afraid to email me! Just put my banner on your website and I'll make a link to yours on mine.


Sorry that I haven't been adding some new stuff in awhile; my schedule lately has been really busy! But, I want to tell you guys about this new band that I like that came right here from LA! They're called Ozma, and they're totally awsome! They sound like Weezer, so that's why they are so great. Visit there official website by clicking their logo below.


New CHAT ROOM! I added a chat room, message board, horoscopes, and more! Just click FUN STUFF on the navigation bar and check out the fun. Please don't forget to sign my guestbook! ^_^


Sorry that I haven't updated this page in awhile. It's because I was recovering from surgery. Anyways, I have new pics of the guys at the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS, and more in the news section! ^_^



I'm working on the new Tabs at the moment. I know it's been taking me awhile, but they'll be up so don't worry! Also, I found some good live concert pictures of the guys, those will be up soon!

Click Here for your TABS!


I just published my skate site! Just click the link at the bottom of this message. It's in a little under construction. I still need to get more pics of skaters. If you have a fav. skater, please email it to me. For my email just go to the CONTACT ME page. Thanx ! ^_-

My Really Cool SKATE SITE!


You could own a BLINK 182 autographed Fender Bass Guitar, a BLINK 182 autographed Fender Stratocaster Guitar, or a BLINK 182 Autographed Bass Drum Head! for more details check out the news section to get your hands on these hot items!!!

Blink fans, I hope you saved some money for Blink's new cd Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, in music stores now!

I built this site in dedication to all the Blink 182 fans out there and of course, to the band themselves.

Thanks for taking a look at my site. Be sure to sign my guestbook below or send me a private e-mail with your thoughts and suggestions. I'll try to update this site as much as I can! ^_^



Blink 182 is:

Mark Hoppus: Bass/Vocals
Tom Delounge: Guitar/Vocals
Travis Barker: Drums


