A Girl and Her Father

By: Chibi-Rya

Vegeta ground his teeth angrily and stomped his foot impatiently. "What is taking him so long?" he muttered as he stood by the front door of his house. His child, Bra, of five years sat on the couch reading a book. Her small hands grasped the heavy book as she carefully read it. A genius child her teachers claimed, her intellect was incredible especially considering her father…

Out of the corner of her eye she watched her Dad, he was always more impatient and irritable before her birthday. She had heard Vegeta and her mom fighting about it every year. Vegeta had argued there is no reason to celebrate a day when another squalling brat is born. Bra lowered her head in the book knowing there was no way she would see her father tomorrow.

There was a sudden knock on the door and Vegeta jumped up to answer it. "What took you so long Goku?" Vegeta fumed.

Goku smiled not noticing Vegeta's angry deposition. "Hi, Vegeta! Ready to spar?" He asked brightly. Then Goku noticed Bra who had already put the book down and was smiling happily. She giggled as he picked her up and he exclaimed: "Is my goddaughter ready for her birthday?"

"Hurry up Goku! We haven't got all day!" Vegeta scowled and then marched out of the door.

"What's wrong with him?" Goku asked confused.

"He hates birthdays, Goku." Bra said solemnly.

"Well, don't worry about it Bra. I'm sure he'll change his mind. You'll see!" Goku said cheerfully. Bra didn't say anything and lowered her head sadly.


Vegeta picked up speed as he flew. It had been hours since his sparring match with Goku. But he didn't feel like going home yet. Why of all people did Goku have to be godfather for Bra, he thought annoyed. A momentary memory flashed in his mind, of Bra and Goku together laughing happily and Bra's smiles. Then he shook the feeling away, I have no reason to fell remorseful he thought angrily and kept flying farther away.


Bra, Trunks, and Bulma all sat at the dinner table eating; Vegeta was late of course. Bra and Trunks were shoving food in their face like animals. Bulma sighed wondering if she could ever teach Saiyan children to have table manners. Just then Vegeta stomped in the house and headed for the fridge. He took out the rest of the food and began shoving it in his mouth like his children. Bra looked at him for a second and saw from the look on his face that he wasn't going to change his mind. The rest of the night Bra only read her books ignoring everyone else.

"What's wrong with you pintsize?" Trunks asked Bra grabbing her book.

"Nothing until you bothered me." Bra said crankily.

Trunks shrugged: "Aren't you excited about your birthday? All of your annoying friends will be there and Goku too."

"I'm just more mature than that." Bra said huffily.

"Fine if you wannabe that way." Trunks said giving back her book. Bra went upstairs. Once again she heard arguing as she passed her parents door.

"Why won't you come? She wants you there!" Bulma shouted

"I told you before! I don't have to explain myself! I'm not going!" Vegeta shouted back. Bra ran past the door after that not wanting to hear more. She slammed her bedroom door upon entering.


The next day…

"Are you excited Bra? Everyone is going to be here soon." Bulma said trying to perk up the girl.

"Sure." Bra said distantly peering over a book. Soon after the Son Family, Krillin's family, Yamuacha, Roshi, Oolong, Puar, Tien, and Chaozu were all gathered outside where Bra's party was to take place.

"Hey! Bra!" Pan and Marron ran up to the still reading Bra. "Hey put that book away." They said cheerfully.

"Not now maybe later." Bra said annoyed. Pan and Marron shot questioning looks at Bra's mother.

"She's a little upset." Bulma explained. "Maybe she'll feel better later." Marron and Pan nodded and ran off to find something to do. Later Goten and Trunks sauntered over.

"Hey Bra Goten thinks you like to spar with us." Trunks said secretively knowing they weren't allowed without another adult.

The twelve year old Goten nodded enthusiastically: "Yeah, we could teach you a few…" Trunks smacked Goten on the head.

"Not yet stupid! She hasn't agreed yet!" Trunks said and smacked him again.

"Don't bother." Bra said ignoring the pair.

Trunks stopped chiding Goten for a second. "Aw don't let Dad ruin your day. He never came to my birthdays." Trunks said.

"I'll give you a quick ride. I'll show you our favorite hiding places. You've always wanted to see that" Goten said.

"Not interested." Bra said staring at her book

"Fine, you can't say we didn't offer." Trunks shrugged and turned away while a reluctant Goten followed. Then Goten's father Goku suddenly appeared next to Goten.

"Let's fight!" Goku said playfully.

"Okay!" Goten laughed. Bra watched as they mock fought until Goten knocked down Goku and laughed triumphantly. "I won!" He cried gleefully. Goku laughed well naturally at his son's excitement. Bra watched tearfully for a moment and then ran to the house and to her room. Bra slammed the door and jumped on her bed, covering herself in blankets. Bulma realized she was gone and followed Bra to her room.

"Bra! Please come out!" Bulma yelled.

"No way! Leave me alone mom!" Bra yelled back.

"Forget it mom. She wants to be left alone." Trunks said suddenly appearing behind her.

Bulma sighed: "That bastard." Bra waited until they left and then buried deeper in the blankets and cried to sleep.


Vegeta stared at the bundled form in front of him, wondering what to do next. He looked around the room half-curious of its contents. The room was immaculately clean and tidy. There were bookshelves with thick books and tiny gadgets. Vegeta shrugged such things would never interest him. Vegeta turned his attention back to the bundled form. He pulled all of the blankets off of Bra. Vegeta picked up the small form and placed her in his arm. He stared in surprise at her tear soaked face.

"Hmph, you'd better appreciate this." He muttered running a finger through her blue hair gently like a doll's. Then he jumped out of the window and flew away.


Bra could feel her hair whipping around her face; something hard and warm was wrapped around her. She opened her eyes and looked below and saw that she thousands of feet in the air. Bra screamed in fear and jumped freeing herself. Bra felt herself falling downwards.

"You moron! What do you think you are doing!" A voice screamed as she suddenly stopped.

"Daddy?" Bra asked surprised.

"Idiot! Why haven't you learned to fly yet? You could have been…What are you looking at?" Vegeta asked.

"Daddy, where are we going?" Bra asked getting comfortable in his arms. The anger faded from his face at the sight of hers.

"You'll see." He said simply. Bra accepted it and leaned against him. Vegeta looked surprised but he didn't say anything. He was flying slower than usual so Bra watched the scenery change. There were forests, mountains, oceans, and cities and then finally they began to slow down.

"We're going there?" Bra said in surprised delight. They were descending towards an amusement park. Bra had told her mother thousands of times she wanted to go, but she didn't think he knew. Vegeta grunted in response and landed near the entrance. He paid for the tickets and then they entered the park. Bra looked around in awe as Vegeta placed her on the ground.

Soon after Bra was running around the park going on rides. Vegeta trailed behind refusing 'to go on any cheesy rides'. Bra felt her excitement being replaced by loneliness again. She felt like she was all alone.

"Daddy, come with me on the next ride please." She begged as they walked.

"NO." He said gruffly.

"Please." Bra begged.

"I already said no, don't make me repeat myself." Vegeta said. Bra felt tears stinging her eyes; He doesn't want me with him She thought I should just leave. Then with speed that even shocked Vegeta she charged into a crowd and disappeared.

"What? Bra!" Vegeta called out. When did she get that fast? He thought surprised.


Bra ran farther and farther away. Tears clouded her vision and she didn't see where she was headed. When she was finally out of breath she stopped to see where she was. There were old and crumbling wrecks that used to be amusement park rides. She looked around half-curious at the junk.

"Awww, did the poor little girl get lost?" Bra turned around to see a group of nasty looking men. They were carrying frightening weapons and cruel leers on their faces. Bra stepped back fearfully uncertain what to do

"Hey, guys isn't that Bra Briefs? The daughter of the head of Capsule Corporation." One of them smirked

"Yeah, looks like we gonna make some money offa the brat." Another drawled.

"Leave me alone!" Bra cried out kicking the closest in the shins and pushing him backward to fall on another. Another lunged at her only to be punched in the jaw. At first they were surprised at her assault but surprise was quickly replaced by anger. The man with the punched jaw kicked her hard sending her to the ground and continued to kick the girl.

"That's enough." A voice growled. The gang turned around to see Vegeta; his face was twisted by anger. Vegeta didn't give them a chance to react; he moved super speed breaking bones as he went. Soon they were all moaning in agony on the ground.

Vegeta picked up his daughter who had been crying the entire time. He was unsure what to do; Vegeta usually stayed far away from it. "Stop it…they can't hurt you, anymore, Bra. He said as gently as his harsh voice allowed. She was hurt, but her tough saiyan body was hardly bruised. "It's nothing Bra, you're strong. See?" He said showing her

Bra nodded and wiped some of her tears away. "Can we go home, daddy?" She whispered.

He nodded and began to fly upwards. When they were high in the sky Vegeta spoke: "Why did you run off like that?"

"You don't really want me. I'm just a nuisance. There's no reason to celebrate another day a squalling brat is born. That's what you think I am a squalling brat" Bra mimicked his voice.

Vegeta looked stunned…was that regret on his face? "You think that? If I didn't want you I wouldn't be here right now, little Bra." He said wiping away her tears with a gloved hand. Bra nodded and he smiled a little mischievously. "I didn't know you knew how to fight." Vegeta said.

"I learned it from you. I saw you do those moves on Goku." Bra said a little timid. She waited to be reprimanded. Bra knew she wasn't allowed to practice.

"Hmm, looks like its time to start your training. If you think you're up to it." Vegeta said avoiding the broken rule.

"Only if you train me." Bra said hugging him and winced when she hit one her bruises by accident.

Vegeta snorted: "I wouldn't let any of those IDIOTS train you. You would learn more by watching television than them." They were both silent on the rest of the trip home. Soon Bra had fallen asleep with a smile on her face.

Bulma was waiting at the doorstep of the house. Everyone was gone including Trunks looking for Bra when they realized she was missing. When she saw Vegeta she called out: Vegeta! You…"

"Be quiet. She's sleeping!" He said annoyed. Bulma looked to see Bra sleeping peacefully in his arms. A million questions popped into her mind. But he held up a hand to silence her. "Wait I'll put her in her room first." He said as he flew to Bra's room and flew inside. He placed her on the bed and whispered:

"Happy Birthday little Bra."

Then he flew back out of the room, Vegeta sighed knowing that he had some explaining to do. But he knew it would be worth it, to start the girl's training. She showed extraordinary talent for her age and gender. Besides he wouldn't mind spending more time with the child. He almost was looking forward to seeing the smile upon her face when she woke up.

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