Takuya's Profile


If you find any mistakes or "overdue" information in this page,or any comments and suggestions,Please kindly emailme!THANKS!! ^0^
Birthday: November 13, 1972.
Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan
Blood type: O
Height: 176 cm (around 5 ft. 8 in.)
Horoscope: Scorpio
By Eastern reckoning, he was born in "the year of the Rat".
Family Members: Mom and Dad with a younger brother (7 years younger then Kimura,probably in colleague)
Favourite food: spaghetti and meatballs
Favourite colour: the natural wood color
Disliked colour: yellow
Favourite Subject: English
Disliked subject: Maths.
Pet: Bonita, a black labrador retriever (He opened a restaurant "La Bonita", which is being taken care of by his brother and parents. It's named after his dog "Bonita", and Takuya designed the interior of the restaurant.The business was successful,and a new branch shop is going to be opened.)
Favourite jewellery: wearing silver bracelets, on his left arm
Hobbies: play his guitar, sports, drawing, surfing...
Interests: Native American stuff- has own name---Doucchi Racchi ('little man')
Best friend: another SMAP member Goro Inagaki
Special talents: he has been practicing Kendo (a Japanese martial art) for 11 years. As well as singing and acting, he is interested in photography. The works by Takuya can be seen through magazines (e.g. September version of "Myojo")only. The pictures were all taken when Takuya was working in London in June of this year, where the camera never left his hands. He wants to actualize his dream of having his own photography show, so besides working hard to improve his acting and singing Takuya is working hard to improve his photography skills.
Personalities: he is a very determined person, and he's great at what he does. he is the best singer of SMAP.(In my opinion ^0^)He's good at surfing, but in "Long Vacation", he had terrible form when he played basketballˇK I really like his acting and singing most(especially in ˇ§Long Vacationˇ¨, ˇ§Love Generationˇ¨ and his solo in "Yozora mo mukou"ˇKin fact, the whole SMAP team is singing very wellˇKwhat do you think? ^0^)
other names: the public has given him a shortened name ˇ¨KimuTakuˇ¨ , but he's been quoted Despising that name.
His childhood: Kimura Takuya was a rebel child, and he disliked school. His father was really strict, but his mother was pretty 'cool', being the relaxed type.
How did he came into the entertainment: His aunt sent his pic to a music company called "Johnny's"(He is still in the Johnnyˇ¦s Agency now).His dad totally abominated the idea, but his mom said that "if there was a chance, why not have a go?". Takuya started out really painfully, with a harsh director for his first acting job, a play called"The Guide Dog." He has been through so much difficultiesˇK But now, Kimura is THE biggest male star in Japan:besides singing and acting, he is a model, with his very own photobook. He has also won many awards, flying to the top of magazine polls (best actor, most loved, stuff like that).He's even the Best Jeanist---the person who looks best in jeans in Japan for 4 years continuouslyˇKHe must have been working and learning very hard through these yearsˇK^0^

What does Takuya think about himself and other SMAP members?
What Takuya Likes about Nakai: Very professional
What Takuya Likes about Inagaki: Gentle
What Takuya Likes about Kusanagi: Good temper
What Takuya Likes about Katori : Romance Artist
Use a word/sentence to describe yourself: Wilful
Which Part of a Girl you will pay more attention: body figure(...)

BIG THANKS should be given to Chin-Chin for providing the information^0^ and all the friends who had helped me or provided information in making this SMAP page.Please visit their web pages at the links section.If you want to help or have some information about SMAP,you are always welcomed to email meor sign my Guestbook. THANKS AGAIN!!!^0^

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