Boot Hill         


The Story And More
The Art Corridor
Tour Of The Graveyard
Outside The Mansion
Getting On The Ride
Ghost Gallery
Boot Hill
Mansion Holiday
The Movie
Madame Leota
Hitchhiking Ghosts
Phantom Manor


Outside Phantom Manor at the far edge of the property stands the former Ravenswood Family Cemetery, now transformed into the local graveyard after the family vanished. It is a quiet spot, perched high above the Rivers Of The Far West and near the local geyser, which seems constantly to be on the verge of eruption. There seems to always be a humming supernatural energy to the place, always seeming on the verge of becoming audible or visible, but never doing so - always there. one might catch a little bit of song sung by an unseen person, or a dirge being chanted by a ghostly funeral procession.

And, of course, there is the unmarked grave.

Some say that's where old Melanie Ravenswood, the girl who locked herself away in that old house, is buried. We'll never know for sure, and you could stare for hours at that big crypt. But some say, late at night, if you get up close when nobody's around and listen carefully, you can hear a heartbeat inside.

Come on, come in, and explore Boot Hill.

Henry Ravenswood, 1795 - 1860,
Martha Ravenswood, 1802 - 1860,
Quarreled And Fought As Man And Wife, Now Silent Together Beyond This Life

Mary Murphy, 1837 - 1859, "Til Death...
Frank Ballard, 1829 - 1859, ...Do Us Part."
Ma Ballard, 1800 - 1859, "Over My Dead Body"

Jasper Jones, Loyal Manservant, Died 1866, "Kept the Master Happy"
Anna Jones, Faithful Chamber Maid, Died 1867, "Kept the Master Happier"

Here Lies Leadfoot Fred, "Danced Too Slow And Now He's Dead", 1802 - 1866

Rest In Peace, Barroom Benny, Seems He Took One Drink Too Many

B. Arnold, "Cold Is My Bed, But Oh, I Love It, For Colder Are My Friends Above It."

"Shorty" Smith, 1862

Red Hot Harry, "He Got Hot / But He Was Slow / So He Got Put / Six Feet Below"

No. 39 - These Miners Were Told / About Digging Too Fast / They Lost All Their Gold / In A Dynamite Blast

Dakota Dick, Pendu le 17 octobre 1867, Descendu le 18 janvier 1868, Poignard‚ le 18 decembre 1868, Empoisonn‚ le 21 mai 1869, Il Reviendra

<Dakota Dick, Hanged October 17, 1867, Fell to Death January 18, 1868, Stabbed December 18, 1868, Poisoned May 21, 1869, He Will Return>

(Broken tombstone)
Valentin, dit le D‚soss‚, Ici reposent les miettes d'un homme bris‚.

<Valentine, said the horseman, Here lie the remnants of a broken man.>

Jacques Schrillman, "Lynch‚ par une poign‚e de m‚lomanes, une fausse note l'aura tu‚", le 9 mai 1865

<Jaques Shrillman, "Lynched by a couple of music lovers, a wrong note was his end", May 9, 1865>

November 13, 1865 / Breakfast time
November 13, 1865 / Lunch time
 November 13, 1865 / Dinner time
November 13, 1865 / Hibernating in Happiness After Years of Happy Hunting


Peg Leg McBrogue / The River Rogue / Walked the Plank / and Sank.

(High on a hill)
AS, In Memory, "The Hole in the Wallet Gang", 1992, Roland Aylor, Phil Canata, Darlene Todd, Casey Brennan, Jeff Burke, Michael Valentino, Ed Hanna, Nancy Gee, Richard Brown, Stephen Court, Keith Ackland-Snow, Monica Ackland-Snow, Paul Ackland-Snow, Robert J. Smith, Dave Giddens, John Flynn, George Hollis, Gerry Wilcox, David Fardell, Michael Fleming



Home | The Story And More | The Art Corridor | Tour Of The Graveyard | Outside The Mansion | Getting On The Ride | Ghost Gallery | Boot Hill | Mansion Holiday | The Movie | Madame Leota | Hitchhiking Ghosts | Phantom Manor