5 April 2000
Reading: The Granite Sheild - Fiona Patton
Listening: myself singing "Turn of a Friendly Card"
Thinking: Daydreams of "if I won a million dollars"
Drinking: hot chocolate
Ok-o-meter: 6, good day
Quote for the day:  "Why, yes, I would be Buffy. May I help you?  Buf-fy. You can't do that - it's wrong. You can't do that because it's naughty. Because it's wrong. Because it's wrong. You can't do that. It's wrong. I'll kick your ass. I'm gonna kill you." - F-Buffy (picture the whole -trying to get the face just right- thing going)
Weather report: sunny and chilly windy

9:45 am
What do they feed the lions at the zoo?  The question just occurred to me.  As a pet owner I have been lectured on the importance of gut content in the prey you feed your pets.  Carnivours don't get nutrition from plants, only prey, so they get their veggies from the plants and grains that the prey has eaten.  That's why predators go for the viscera first.  Now with reptiles this means gut-loading the rodents or insects we feed our pet.  This is feeding the prey nutritious food before feeding them to the pet.

Lions and other big predators require larger prey.  So what do you feed to the lions at the zoo?  Their natural prey is antelope and zebra with the occasional large prairie rodent.  Does the zoo breed large herbivores for the lions, do they give them lion chow (a specially formulated diet for your little snuggle-puss), or do they just give them vitamin injected meat?

I've seen raptors that were kept as pets and then rescued.  Their owners had fed them nothing but ram hamburger and stem meat.  The birds weren't getting the gut content so they got a disease (anyone know what it's called - am I right saying it's rickets?) that causes blindness, bone degeneration and sometimes makes it nessassary to amputate limbs if it gets bad enough.

So what do they feed to the lions at the zoo
you know the food pyramid applies to them too.

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