8 April 2000
Reading: Stronghold - Melanie Rawn
Listening: Kids
Thinking: maybe this is it
Ok-o-meter: 7, kids are here all's right with the world
Quote for the day:  "Why, yes, I would be Buffy. May I help you?  Buf-fy. You can't do that - it's wrong. You can't do that because it's naughty. Because it's wrong. Because it's wrong. You can't do that. It's wrong. I'll kick your ass. I'm gonna kill you." - F-Buffy (picture the whole -trying to get the face just right- thing going)
Weather report: sunny 

In high school I took a class in psych.  It was my favorite class and by far my favorite teacher.  One of the projects was to write a journal.  At the end of the week we turned it in and the teacher would read it and write down comments in it then he gave it back to us on Monday for another week.  Gee, does this sound familiar?

This teacher has since died (about two years after I graduated).  This journal is dedicated to his memory, and the hope that I will affect as many people as favorably as he did.

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