26 August 2000 
Reading: Four to Score -- Janet Evanovich
Listening: kids
Thinking: same old thing, same old thing
Drinking: wild cherry pepsi
Ok-o-meter: 7
Quote for the day: There is more truth in love than to be loved -- Orange Road, episode 22
Weather report: sunny and hot

Took the van to Luc & Lu's house.  I guess we are selling it to Luc for a gaming van.  That's what I thought we were doing, but Wayne says the next door neighbor approached him asking how much we wanted for it (there's a for sale sign in the window) and the dude said he'd check with his buddies or family and get back to him.  He didn't but maybe he'll ask Luc about it later.  Luc and Lu gave us 40$ as a pre-payment because we needed groceries and we got a pizza for tonight because the roast we were gonna have was left out all night and spoiled.

Sara is starting to walk.  She can take a few steps at a time.  We spent a couple hours over there and the kids had fun playing in the dirt.  Lu told me about the room they're going to build on half the porch.  It will be a small room for Sara.  Luc doesn't like the idea, but the way Lu showed it to me it will be really cute.

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