7 March 2000
Reading: My sample ballot
Listening: Office sounds
Thinking: the song running through my head - "hey there little red riding hood,
                               you sure are looking good,
                               you're everything that a big bad wolf could want
Drinking: hot white mocha 
Ok-o-meter: 7, new job in the county
Quote for the day: "stand for something, or you'll fall for anything"
Weather report: cold, windy, rainy

12:00 pm
Dream last night:  Went to some sort of journalist's meeting.  Large hall, set up with what looked like a boxer's ring in the middle, except only one low rope instead of three.  Girl names Tamara on one side (she is a cross between karaleah and my friend andi) and some very tall guy on the other, but they are on the sides not the corners.  (Find out later Tamara won, what the contest was, I don't know)  I see my mother there among the crowd and go to talk to her.  I say "I didn't know that you knew Tamara!" (I had seen her talking to her earlier?  Tamara was a friend of mine and that's why I came not because I have a journal)  I stay and talk to my mom for awhile while Wayne goes and mingles.  Later we are on one side of the room, there is a sliding door closet and I am standing in it with the doors open.  There is misc stuff I am standing on.  Wayne was sitting with Sid in front of him, but she was very big, like 6 feet, and her head was the size of my foot.  I could tell she was hungry because she kept putting her mouth on my foot (I had on jeans and nylons.  Why did I have nylons under jeans?  I don't know, I do that sometimes but in the dream I wasn't wearing shoes) but she wasn't trying to eat my foot, just showing her hunger.  Later at home, Sid is in her tank and is her regular size.  I go to feed her one of the mice from the cage (feeders, white) and the lid to her tank is open and she is sticking her head out about 4-5 inches.  She took the mouse from me and started to eat it alive.  I was afraid that the mouse would bite and scratch her from the inside and I kept trying to thump it on the head through her mouth (it was open while she tried to swallow) to stun it so it wouldn't struggle (SId was eating it tail first, but it had a very long tail because the tail was hanging out of Sid's mouth)  I finally pull the mouse out of her mouth because she's having so much trouble (by this time Sid is not in her tank, she's on the floor but it doesn't look like our house beyond the tank against the wall).  Sid lays there like she is stunned.  I thump the mouse on the head properly and that's when I woke up (to the sound of the rat's wheel).

So back to real life, started a new job today.  The county courthouse on the sixth floor.  The window is sehr cool.  I could see the UOP tower from there.  Very far away.  The work is straightforward and the people are very nice.  I am temping to help out while one of the girls is out on maternity leave.  I will be answering the phones and filing, not too horribly hard.  It's only part time, but hey it's work and the way I have been lately I think I like part time better.

3:00 pm
I feel like I should apologize:  I believe in fairy tales (useless bluebird fact).  I believe that good things should happen to good people.  I believe that the bad guy should get eaten by the wolves (or sharks, or alligators, or flesh eating monster).  I've been watching "The 10th Kingdom".  It ended last night.  Don't we all wnat a wolf sometimes instead on the prince?  Well, why don't you, what's wrong with you?  Hehe.  They left it last night as a teaser, possible further storylines.  I hope they do another story, I love fairy tales.  They're the only thing that keep me going sometimes.


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