23 May 2000
Reading: Faded Steel Heat - Glen Cook, The Willing Spirit - Piers ANthony and Alfred Tella
Listening: the theme song to Angel, Wayne got me the midi
Thinking: ibibibibibibibibibbibbibbibbbibb
Drinking: tea
Ok-o-meter: 5
Quote for the day:  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. - ?
Weather report: warm, cloudy and muggy

Maybe you can tell, but I haven't felt like writing lately.  My throat is sore today and I hope I'm not getting sick.  We went in for Wayne's SSI reevaluation yesterday.  He was stressed about it, but no one but he thought that they would seriously cut him off.  He very rarely walks anywhere on his own anymore.  The chair is too valuable to him and he hurts too much.

Work has been going well.  I like the work and the pace suits me.  I always have something to do, but I'm never overwhelmed.  The people are nice and the whole place is good.  Having the three departments in one place makes sure that times are interesting.  I'm right in the middle of some of the biggest local news stories on TV right now.  The GWSS and the lady that was attacked this past weekend by two dogs.  She was badly mauled and we got word in the office this afternoon that the doctors did end up having to amputate her leg.

I was thinking last night that it would be nice if you could pick who you fell in love with.  I would pick someone nice, with an incredible sense of humor, but not goofy, silly is ok but goofy just pisses me off.  Rich would be nice but well off is ok.  Someone who would be happy living in my area.  Healthy, definitely.  No offense to the light of my life, but bad health is really getting on my nerves.  Looks may vary, but a good strong set of shoulders and competence in several different areas of life is a must.  If I partner, I expect him to be able to do almost anything I can do as well as some I can't.  We should be compliments of each other as well as backup for each other.  Yes, that's all I require: heathy, wealthy, and wise.  Aren't I the smart one.

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