07 September 2000 
Reading: nothing! I have nothing!
Listening: nothing, I still have no batteries for my radio
Thinking: oh no--
Drinking: orange spice tea
Ok-o-meter: 5
Quote for the day: The future is like heaven -- everyone exalts it, but no one wants to go there now. -- James Baldwin
Weather report: sunny and warming up after rain all week

Today is the first day that I definitely think I might be pregnant.  Besides not having a period for 46 days and counting (first clue), there's the somewhat upset stomach which solidified into a definitely upset stomach (second clue), coughing up mucus in the morning (real third clue), and not wanting anything but fruit and bread (food cravings, oh what a fourth clue).  Now admittedly these could all be caused by several other factors.  I do have an IUD in, and I'm not supposes to be able to get pregnant.  I need to make a doctor's appointment to know for sure, I'm kinda dreading it.  I had just decided not to have any more kids by Wayne.  If were were to break up I don't want to have anymore kids pulled apart and used against me than we already have.

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