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I presume this is a 2003 picture. It looks a lot different to the 1950s


Many thanks to Cliff Dawes who took these photographs on 2nd Jan 2004

(To many of us the building on the right would have been the 'Com' Block).





Bawdsey Christian Fellowship Summer 1960

Front       Dave Williams
2nd row:-   ?? / ??/Colin Gompertz /Carol Johnson/??/Liz Harold/??

3rd Row :-  ??/Graham Clarke/ Dave Argent /Anne Austen /Len Smith
At the back       ?Dollimore

Bawdsey Christian Fellowship Summer 1960

Front Row  Colin Gompertz/Anne Austen/ Mervyn ?/Jeannette ?
Back Row  L to R:-   Dave Argent/ ? 


Thanks to Colin Gompertz for Pictures.

Thanks to Margaret Christmas (nee Durrant)


Some Bawdsey WRAF at Hawkinge (Also from Margaret Christmas nee Durrant)


SP Section. April 1956        (Thanks to John Christmas)

LAC M.Cox/Cpl D.Ellett/Cpl G.Sidney/LAC R.Farrow/Cpl J.McAtear/Cpl J.Askew/Cpl D.Rudge/Cpl W.Messenger.

Cpl A.Gulliman/Sgt B.Foyle/F/O Williams/ Cpl J.Hill/ Cpl J.Christmas/LAC D.Cook.


Jean White 1951

From top to bottom, Stewart Heilbron, Pete Loverage and Francis Hookham 1951


CHEL 1950. Fourth Tower, top platform

Thanks to Francis Hookham

The After Christmas Dinner Hockey Match 1950

From Francis Hookham