Ram & McRae
Chartered Accountants
157 'C' Waterloo Street
Guyana, South America
Tel: (592)-2-61072,60322,61301,76141
Fax:(592)-2-54221 Email:


Accounting and Payroll

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Through our staff in the Accounting and Payroll Department we provide a full range of services either at a client’s location or at our office.


Our in-house service bureau can perform all accounting functions including disbursements, preparation of vouchers, maintenance of accounting records, general ledger, bank accounts, and preparation of financial statements for management use and statutory purposes. Dependent on client requirements, these duties can be performed either at our offices or at the client location with our personnel executing the tasks or supervising client staff.

We also assist in the installation of computerized accounting systems and provide training in the utilization of packages installed. Our support involves supervision of the conversion from existing systems, testing and final implementation, training accounting staff, and documentation of procedures.


Using "PAYMASTER", a widely used computerized payroll package developed by the Firm, our payroll section performs every aspect of the payroll function from time-keeping and payment through submission of year-end statutory reports. We can either relieve you entirely of the responsibility for all payroll functions or carry out selected segments of the process.

We prepare the payroll from time records, prepare payslips and envelope cash, pay at client site where required or deliver payroll to client for payment by client staff, facilitate employee direct deposit, remit statutory deductions, and submit payroll data to statutory authorities, and maintain payroll records.

We also obtain tax and National Insurance identification numbers for employers and new employees, work permits for expatriate employees, prepare individual Guyana tax returns, and coordinate with local authorities to obtain certificates for filing with tax authorities of foreign countries.

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Send mail to yale@guyana.net.gy with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998 Ram & McRae - CLR & Co.
Last modified: December 29, 1998