Horse Poems: 500+ for Nico Wind

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Horse Poems - 41

The favorite poem for 2001,
Forty-one Poems for Nico Wind,
is "A Blessing," by James Wright:

A Blessing


Just off the highway to Rochester, Minnesota,

Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass.

And the eyes of those two Indian ponies

Darken with kindness.

They have come gladly out of the willows

To welcome my friend and me.

We step over the barbed wire into the pasture

Where they have been grazing all day, alone.

They ripple tensely, they can hardly contain their happiness

That we have come.

They bow shyly as wet swans.  They love each other.

There is no loneliness like theirs.

At home once more,

They begin munching the young tufts of spring in the darkness.

I would like to hold the slenderer one in my arms.

For she has walked over to me

And nuzzled my left hand.

She is black and white,

Her mane falls wild on her forehead,

And the light breeze moves me to caress her long ear

That is delicate as the skin over a girl’s wrist.

Suddenly I realize

That if I stepped out of my body I would break

Into blossom.


       ~ James Wright ~


The titles, poets (and lyricists, for I have included some lyrics to horse songs which will be displayed in a lovely green color and counted them as poetry) and publishing information I've been able to find for each poem are listed here.  (Note that this is still work in progress, as you can plainly see.)  If you'd like a copy of a particular poem, send me e-mail, and I'll send you a copy of the poem.  I don't like to break copyright rules, and so only a few of the poems appear in their entirety here.   On the other hand, those titles that are underlined may connect to a link that has the poem and other information about the poet.  Also - you can now go to and type in the title of the book and the name of the poem (not necessarily in that order, it turns out) and the poem just might appear!  I've just started testing this site, and you'll find my results in small type blue; clicking on poem title and poet link will, in that case, automatically take you to  In addition, some of the lyrics to songs have videos from youtube; I've included those in a kind of hot pink color!  Note that if, when you click on a link to a youtube song, you see "Open this content in a new window." you can just click on those words and the video will appear!  If you hit a link that did not work, however, please let me know!  I'd appreciate that.  Thanks!




1.  “Before You Leave” - Ai.  (in) Major, Clarence (ed.) The Garden Thrives:  Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry.  HarperCollins. 1996. 


2.  "A Blessing" -  Wright, James.  The Branch Will Not

Break: Poems.  Hanover, NH:  Weslyan University Press.  1959.


3.  “Blue Horses” - Roberson, Ed.  [GO TO: and type in poem title and book title - Blue Horses Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry] also (in) Major, Clarence (ed.) The Garden Thrives:  Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry.  HarperCollins. 1996. 


4.  “Blue Horses – West Winds” - Ednrezze-Danielson, Nita.  in Songs From This Earth on Turtle's Back: Contemporary American Indian Poetry. ed. Joseph Bruchac, Greenfield Center: NY.  Greenfield Review Press, 1983


5.  “Bronzes” - Sandburg, Carl read here by Holly Sorenson at Des Plains Public Library:


6.  “Buffalo Bill’s Defunct” - Cummings, E. E. 


7.  “Carousel” - McBride, Dennis.  Looking for Peoria: The Epicurean At Rest.  Portland: Quiet Lion Press.


8.  “The Cowboy’s Faith” (No Horses in Heaven) – Lyricist Unknown 


9.  "Daniel Webster's Horses" - Coatsworth, Elizabth.  Compass Rose.  NY:  Coward-McCann. Inc. 1929.


10.  “Death of an Old Carriage Horse” - Horton, George Moses.  (in) Sherman, Joan R. (ed.) The Black Bard of North Carolina George Moses Horton and His Poetry.  Chapel Hill:  Chapel Hill Books. 1997;


11.  “Destiny’s Spell” - Cordova, Nico Wind.  Copyright 1994.  (Music heard on the homepage for this site is Nico Wind, singing her song and playing her guitar.)


12.  “Dreamhorse" - Cummings, E.E. [GO TO: and type in title of poem and title of book]  100 Selected Poems by E. E. Cummings.  NY:  Grove Press.  1959.


13.  “The Flyin’ Outlaw” - Fletcher, Curley (in) Cannon, Hal (ed.) Cowboy Poetry: A Gathering.  Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books.  1985.


14.  “Horse” - Sexton, Anne[GO TO: and type in the title of the book and the title of the poem and then choose the link SAY THIS OF HORSES] Anne Sexton: The Complete Poems.  New York:  Houghton Mifflin Co. 1981


15.  “Horse Dance” - Van Doren, Mark.  Collected and New Poems 1924-1963.


16.  “Horses” - Benarroch, Moshe. 


17.  “Horses” - Cole, Henri.  


18.  “Horses”  - Muldoon, Paul,  Horse Latitudes.  New York:  Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 2006


19.  “Horses” - Utting, Susan.  


20.  “Horses”  - Winner, Robert.  The Sanity of Earth and Grass.


21.  “The Horses of the Sea” - Rossetti, Christina. 


22.  “Hush-a-by:  All the Pretty Little Horses” - US Folk Song - Lyricist Unknown - sung here by Charlotte Church: 


23.  “I Would Steal Horses” - Alexie, Sherman, presented here by Nixyaawii Community School, Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Nation, Oregon:


24.  “Riding a Koan”  - Adair, Virginia Hamilton.  [GO TO and type in book title followed by poem title] Ants on the Melon:  A Collection of Poems.  NY:  Random House.  1996.


25.  “Names of Horses” - Hall, Donald. Life Work: Donald Hall.  Boston, Massachusetts:  Beacon Press. 1991 - here read by M.J. Hummingway:


26.  “Night Clouds” - Lowell, Amy

        Video of "Night Clouds"


27.  “On the Wagon” - Stoutenburg, Adrien.  in The New Yorker magazine. May 11, 1968 (p. 154)


28.  “Out of the Earth” - Teton Sioux Chant


29.  “Question” - Swenson, May


30.  “Reincarnation” - McRae, Wallace.  

        Video of Reincarnation 


31.  “The Ride” - Roy, Lucinda.  (in) The Garden Thrives: Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry. 1955.


32.  “Ride a Wild Horse” - Kahn, Hannah.  Time, Wait.  Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. 1984


33.  “The Road to Good Intentions is Paved With Horses” - Munro, Peter. 


34.  “The Runaway” - Frost, Robert 


“Runnin’ Wild Horses” - Black, Baxter.  Cactus Tracks and Cowboy Philosophy.  New York: Penguin Books. 1997.


36.  “She Had Some Horses” - Harjo, Joy. 


37.  “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” - Frost, Robert, here reading his poem:


38.  “Stories From Kansas” - Stafford, William.  Kansas Poems of William Stafford.  ed. Low, Denise.  Topeka, Kansas: Woodley Press. 1990


39.  “Swift Things Are Beautiful” - Coatsworth, Elizabeth


40.  Thanksgiving at Snake Butte" - Welch, James 


41.  “With the Horse in the Winter Pasture” - McCarriston, Linda