        Also called August Eve, Lughnassad, Lady Day or Loaf Mass, this is
the time of Lammas, when the Goddess is ripe and swelling with life.
fruits are weighing down the branches of the trees. We stand now between
and fear, in the time of waiting. We journey together this night to this
place of waiting, a place of change and transformation. Now the Mother
becomes the Reaper, the Implacable One who feeds on life that new life
grow. Light diminishes, the days shorten, summer passes as we take our
fruits to the Temple of the Goddess as offerings. We gather to turn the
of the Seasons once again, knowing that to harvest we must sacrifice,
warmth and light must pass into winter.

Lammas is the First Harvest Festival and yet the full harvest is
We must wait now and have faith that the Goddess will provide for the
months ahead. She is called Habondia, Laksmi, Demeter and Ceres at this
Often there is a cauldron or Lammas fire where we release our fears. We
a piece of fruit which symbolizes the most perfect fruit of our harvest.
During ritual, this is made into a salad, topped with honey (the
sweetness of
life) and served at the communion. We recieve the Stars of Hope. Often
is a Corn Bread Goddess which is ritually consumed as well.
        In Australia, things are different:  "Lughnassad we celebrate in late
January or early February. In the Church of All Worlds, one of the main
rituals of our Pagan Summer Gathering each year, held on the Australia
long weekend (26 January is Australia Day), is a Lughnassad celebration,
where we give thanks for the summer and pray for a good harvest." - Seán

Knight.    At the time those in the Northern Hemisphere are celebrating
Lughnassad, in Austalia, they are celebrating Imbolc:  "I start the year
Imbolc (Oimelc); halfway between the Midwinter and the Spring Equinox. I
this to be the turning point between the dying year and the new life of
new year. This is my own personal idea; others commence the year at Yule,
still others at Ostara. For us in Australia, Imbolc occurs in about the
week of August." - Seán Knight

Lammas, or Lughnassad, occurs in late July and early August. It is marks
middle of Summer and the beginning of the harvest. It is the first of
harvest festivals and is usually associated with ripening grain. It
the coming of Autumn. The Goddess manifests as Demeter, Ceres, Corn
and other agricultural Goddesses. The God manifests as Lugh, John
and vegetation Gods. Colors are Golden Yellow, Orange, Green, and Light
Brown. It is a festival of plenty and prosperity.

Have a magical picnic and break bread with friends. Do a meditation in
you visualize yourself completing a project you have already begun. Make
corn dolly charm out of the first grain you harvest or acquire. Bake a
loaf bread and give a portion of it to Mother Earth with a prayer of
appreciation. Make prayers for a good harvest season. Do prosperity
Harvest herbs in a sacred way for use in charms and rituals. Kindle a
fire with sacred wood and dried herbs. If you live in or near a farming
region, attend a public harvest festival, such as a corn or apple

        And, being myself Roman Shintoist, I celebrate instead Neptunalia.

While Diana is the focus of our next celebration, it is named for Neptune
Neptunalia.  All things relating to the sea, the moon, and horses are
celebrated from the Calends to the Ides of August.  Sporting and hunting
games in oak groves are dedicated to Diana, with any prizes won being
to her - archery, running, stalking, knife throwing, ball and tossing
races of all sorts.  Proserpina discovers the lure of knowledge which
and Minerva offer, and disappears on her yearly lessons with them, and to

dally the winter with her lover God.  Ceres doesn’t yet begin to mourn,
she refuses to believe Propserpina would leave her.  But she does ripen
grain, and bread is baked in her shape and honor.  For the darker side of

human nature, Furrina must be supplicated by those who feel a need for
vengeance.  If they try to extract their vengeance without her blessing,
things could go very wrong.  There is feasting at the end of the day to
celebrate the start of the hunting season, the cycles of the moon and the

sea, and the departure of Proserpina.  The feasting and prizes are done
distract Ceres from Proserpina’s departure.
        This is the celebration where we glean the wheat and grind the grain,
then make the bread with natural leavenings (wild yeasts!) and bake it in
temporary oven built out back.  This is to remind us that bread is truly
gift of tehGods and is not a simple thing.  No bread bought from the
store is permitted at this feast, nor can we use store bought and ground
flours or pre-packaged yeasts.  It takes about 5 days to bake bread this
and each step is highly ritualized.
