Fushigi Yuugi

This is a story about a girl who got the Seven Seishi of Suzaku. She obtained omnipotent power and made her wishes come true.
The story itself is an incantation. Whomever finishes reading it, will receive this power.
As soon as the page is turned, the story will become the truth and begin...
- Fushigi Yuugi, ch.1 "The Girl Of The Legend" (Tomodachi translation)

Welcome to my Fushigi Yuugi Page!

updated July 11th, 2001
Starlit Reflections has been updated with Chapter Nine, and I'm taking this opportunity to announce a short hiatus.
Those of you who have been following my non-FY fics will note that I have several unfinished works in other series - one is very close to finishing, and I'd also like to work on the others a bit. So I'm taking a break from Miaka et al for a while. Not that long, but long enough.
I am not discontinuing SR, but I won't even be thinking about it for at least three months.

Here you will find...
Short fics
Song- and Video-fics
Starlit Reflections
...so click on the link, or just scroll on down!

... well, maybe that's a little extreme, but I want to make my position on this issue clear.
This page and all the fics on it were written by me, Raye Johnsen, the award image was created as a gift to me by Lady Quicksilver, Varon made the guestbook buttons for me, and the HTML may be crappy but it's mine.
because I usually say yes. And if you don't, I'll publish your name and your misdeeds everywhere.

Short Fics

   - Hard to explain without reading it... but this is my solution to the Tetsuya/Suboshi argument. It isn't baseless either... ask me about the evidence...
     It also has won the first FYFFLAA (that's it to the right. Pretty, ne?) which I'm very proud of.

Before The Dawn
  - After everything is over, someone remembers their first love.
  This story... is just plain weird. You have been warned.

Child Of Prophecy
  - What if one of the prophecies about Suzaku No Miko was actually about someone else?
   More of a vignette than anything else. I may build more on this story someday.

Dancer In the Night
   - My favourite folktale... FY style.
   Be warned - the Suzaku Seishi are not the heroes here. Features cameos by the Byakko Seishi!

The Love Letter
    - Mitsukake receives an anonymous love letter. And then he drops it...
    A challengefic.

The Fushigi Yuugi Fanfic Drinking Game
    - Arm youself with your favourite soft drink, your favourite fic, and find out just how many cliches you have encountered in the wonderful world of FY fanfic...
I wrote this to cheer myself up during a bout of depression.

Song- and Video-Fics

...that don't belong to Starlit Reflections.

When You Say Nothing At All
   - After the end, a certain joyful event is more than what it seems.
  Features an appearance by Blue, of the One Smart Nyan-Nyan series.

No Matter What
  - A Renhou and Miiru video-fic.
  And I don't even like them...

 - A collection of songfics.
 This is my effort to meet the July 2000 FY CD Challenge. Challengers had to choose a CD album, a non-FY one, and then write a songfic with each song on the disc. I did make the deadline (barely)! My choice was "Secrets" by Nicki French, 1995. (Catalogue details for the disc are on the Notes page; if you can't get the answer to get there, email me and I'll send you the address.)

Starlit Reflections

Every Fushigi Yuugi fanfic writer has one of these, I think... an idea of how it should have gone, the option Watase-sensei should have exercised, the path that should have been followed...
I am no exception.

Chapter One: Star's Advent
  - In which we meet three Shichiseishi, one Miko, and a lot of guards intent on Tamahome's hide.
Chapter Two: Phoenix Rising
  - In which we discover Hotohori's favourite colour, and a restless night is had by all.
Chapter Three: The Stars In Alignment
 - In which new friends are made, secrets shared, and cloth proves unexpectedly complicated.
Chapter Four: Fire And Rain
 - In which a Court Princess catches a cold, and a journey is decided on.
Chapter Five: Movements and Revelations
 - In which an enemy makes a move, a secret is revealed, and everyone goes swimming.
Synopsis of Chapters One to Five
 - For those who don't want to have to read everything to catch up with the story.
Chapter Six: Swords And Secrets
 - In which a battle is fought and a story is shared.
Chapter Seven: Flame Ascendant
 - In which decisions are reached, a disguise is donned, and a new player enters the arena.
Chapter Eight: Shadows in Firelight
 - In which battles are fought, and a Shichiseishi makes a surprising decision.
Chapter Nine: Misted Truth
 - In which nightmares are faced and a Dragon stirs.

I Knew I Loved You - a prelude to Chapter One.
An Autumn Afternoon - set six months after 'I Knew I Loved You', and explains something that appears in Chapter Eight.
Walking On Knives - Tomo's childhood.

   I've got some opinions about some things, and I have included them in Starlit Reflections. On occasion, I will explain; when I do, the explanations will go here.
  So Why Are Houki And Kourin Twins, Anyway?

Future Snippets
    Two stories that are complete in themselves, but are going to be part of later chapters.
Princess Becomes Queen - a vignette on the roles of Miaka and Yui in Fushigi Yuugi.
Awakenings - A very fluffy Fushigi Yuugi fairytale.


These links used to be on my main links page. But I moved them here because I think people who want these links would be happier to scroll down than to go hopscotching around the whole of my site looking for them.
If anyone would like to link to this page or my site, I'm link-free! That is, I'm free to link to; you don't have to ask me first. But I would like it if you did so I can link back to you!

Although I included the beautiful buttons she made for me on my main page, Rebecca's Fushigi Yuugi Wallpaper Palace is the place for FY images and fanstuffs. Want wallpaper, buttons or layouts? This is the place!

Man, it's hard to find other Houki stories out there! But, as well as making me the beautiful buttons you see below this link section, Varon is the author of one of the few Houki fics I've read that I didn't write. Go visit her site and enjoy.

I am always flattered when people like my writing, and ask to share it with others. One such archive which is worth a visit is The Pirates' Fushigi Yuugi Ship of Fanfiction. Go see Miaka as the Pirate Queen! Enjoy the fics! And have fun!

The Byakko no Shichiseishi are interesting and terribly undervalued supporting characters. One place where they do get their due is the Byakko no Shijin Tenchisho. Visit and appreciate them all again!

Lady Quicksilver's Fushigi Yuugi Fanfic Link Archive is one of the most extensive listings of all FY fanfic on the web. It doesn't just list the site, it tells you what's there, so you know (basically) what you'll get when you arrive.
(I'm listed as one of the top ten Fushigi Yuugi fanfic sites to visit! And she gave me an award! WAI!)

As a Houki fan I command you! You will go to The Shrine of the Beautiful Phoenix, the home of the Houki Fan Club, and you will pay homage to our gracious Empress!
(Hey, anybody who could survive in a cut-throat harem, stop an Imperial assassination attempt, rule a kingdom and win Hotohori's heart should be admired.)

There's lots of really good sites on my favourite seishi out there, but one of my favourites is Nuriko.org. Why? It houses one of the best collections of Nuriko fanstuff out there, the webmaster likes my fics, and she's also the owner of the "You Know You Love Nuriko Too Much When" List. Go and enjoy.

I, at long last, have a guestbook! Those of you without email access can now tell me if you think I'm a goddess or an idiot...

My guestbook is provided by Dreambook:

Or email me... I promise a reply!
Or go back to Raye's Corner