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African Greys

Adolescent African Grey - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
African Grey Myths: Greys Are Clumsy - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
African Grey Myths: Greys Are Feather Pluckers - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
African Grey Myths: Greys Are One-Person Birds - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
African Grey Myths: Greys Need More Calcium - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
African Grey Parrot (Pictures & Range Map) - APS
African Grey Parrot FAQ - Larry Rogers; CAGTAG-L
African Greys - Species, Traits, Care, etc - Grey Exchange
Beginners Observations on Breeding African Grey Parrots - Laura Hamilton; APS
Breeding African Greys - Linda Greeson
Breeding African Greys (Pairing) - Dennis Saydak; APS
Breeding Congo African Greys - Kim Thomas; Kim's
Feeding Your Pet Grey - Kim Thomas; Kim's
Handfeeding Baby Greys - Kim Thomas; Kim's
Hazards and the Care of Your Bird - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
Isabel Never Told Me When Isabel Sold Me......(Humor) - Maxilla Evans; APS
Joy And Anxiety Of A First Born - Gwen Williams; APS
Keeping African Greys - C.M.; APS
Talking & Intelligence in African Greys - Sally Blanchard; PBR
Timneh Greys - The Little Grey Parrot Comes Of Age - Carol Brasaemle; Winged Wisdom
Tomi's a Talkin' Bird!! (Recordings) - Sandra Wakai; Pea-chan's
When and How to Clip a Weaning Baby - Jean Pattison; APS
Wingclipping And The African Grey - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom
You and Your African Grey - Jane Hallander; CAGTAG-L
Young RED African Grey Parrot - Gwen Williams; APS
Your Baby Grey (Bird) Is Coming Home - Bobbi Brinker; Winged Wisdom


Acquisition, Description and Breeding of Amazons - HARI
Amazon Compendium - B. Clayton and H.J. Pfeffer
Amazon FAQ Page - Up At Six
Amazon Necrotic Foot Syndrome - Monica Sudds; Beakers
Amazons Housing, Rearing and Identification - Mike and Deb Morrison; HBH
Blue Front Amazons - Joanie Doss; Amazing Amazons
Experiences of a first time Amazon Breeder - Irene Gates; Amazone
Handling Your Amazon - Joannie Doss; Amazone
Telling the Sex of your Amazon - Dick Ivy; Amazone


Ailments and Cures for our Budgerigars - Keith Rymell; Blue Chip
Beginners Introduction to Recessives in Budgerigars - Robert Manvell; Blue Chip
Birds Don't Really Eat Like Birds - Krista Menzel; Springville
Breeding Budgerigars - Melanie Rider; Mischievous Aviary
Breeding the Lesser Variety (Recessive Pied) - Ghalib Al-Nasser; Blue Chip
Budgerigar Tips - F1 Stud
Budgerigars History - Robert Manvell; Blue Chip
Budgerigars: Mini Aussie Megastars - Steven Van Dyck; PSA
Budgie FAQ - Jennifer Parks; Me & My Budgie
Budgie Feather Trimming - Jennifer Parks; Me & My Budgie
Budgie Taming Methods - Jennifer Parks; Me & My Budgie
Buying a New Budgie - Jennifer Parks; Me & My Budgie
Clogged Vent in Budgerigars ... - John R. Baker; Blue Chip
Dietary Influence on Reproductive Efficency in Budgerigars - Melanie Rider; Mischievous Aviary
F1 Stud Library (Budgie Facts) - F1 Stud
French Moulters Survey - F1 Stud
Introducing a Preventative Program for a Healthier Stud - Terry A. Tuxford; Blue Chip
Mops (or Feather Dusters) Survey - F1 Stud
Other Budgie Harms (Hazards) - Jennifer Parks; Me & My Budgie
Recessive Pied - Dave Cottrell; Blue Chip
Recipe for Success - Lutinos - Roger Carr; Blue Chip
Short Tail Disease Survey - F1 Stud
Spangles - The Early Days - Jeff Attwood; Blue Chip
Taught Us a Lesson (Breeding Yellow-Wings - Richard Risebrow; Blue Chip


Bird That Would Be King: The Black-headed Caique - Sally Blanchard; Shady Pines, PBR
Celebrity Caique - Spikey LeBec - Sally Blanchard; Shady Pines, PBR
Those Colorful, Clownish Caiques! (Parrots) - Theresa Jordan; Winged Wisdom


Basic Canary Information - Lori Lynn; Lori's Canaries
Basic Genetic Inheritance - Bryan Chin; PacASC
Basic Pet Canary Care - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
Breeding Your 'Own Strain' - Gary Tom; PacASC
Canaries As Pets - Ginger Wolnik; Winged Wisdom
Canary FAQ - Anthony Olszewski; UpatSix
Complete Canary Care - Anthony Olszewski; Petcraft
Complete Lighting Management - Bill Summers; ASC
Creating And Enjoying An Indoor Aviary - Katherine Booth; Winged Wisdom
Diets for Canaries - Durkin, McGuire, Schwanof, Riedel, Simons; ASC
Feeding Canaries a Pellet Diet - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
How to Care for your American Singer Canary for the Molting Season - Freddy Arroyos; PacASC
How to Condition for Breeding - Freddy Arroyos; PacASC
Introduction to Canary Breeding - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
Role of Nutrition and Environment in a Successful Breeding Program - Fenton Mereness; OWA
Show Cage Care - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
Show Cage Setup - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
Spring Canary Care - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
Starting A Canary Family - Vera Garrigan; Petcraft
Toward a Better Understanding of American Singer Song - Marion Chester; ASC
White Ground Color in Canaries - ASC
Why do breeders say: 'The Female Carries the Song'? - Bryan Chin; PacASC
Why Doesn't My Canary Sing? - Ginger Wolnik; PacASC
Why Traits Are Gained and Lost - Bryan Chin; PacASC
Yellow Ground Color in Canaries - ASC


Answer Box (Check Your Nestboxes) - Max Kennedy, ACS Panel Judge; ACS
Birds Don't Really Eat Like Birds - Krista Menzel; Springville
Breeding Cockatiels - Lynwood Thacker; Springville
Breeding Cockatiels - Amy Patria; Winged Wisdom
Cages and Accessories for Your Pet Cockatiel - Mary-Kaye Buchtel; NCS
Candling - Tom Squyres; ACS
Candling Eggs - Trish Dillinger; NCS
Cardboard Nestboxes - Greatest Idea Since Sliced Bread - Debbie Maneke; ACS
Caring For DAY ONE Cockatiel Babies - Jim Gintz; NCS
Caring For Your New Cockatiels - Rita Garris; Springville
Caring For Your Pet Cockatiel - Amy Patria; Winged Wisdom
Charm of Cockatiels - Amy Patria; Winged Wisdom
Clipping Your Pet Cockatiels Wings - Amy Patria; NCS
Cock's Song - Elizabeth V. Vaughan; NCS
Cockatiel Genetics - Alan D. Mason; Tiels4U
Cockatiel Genetics (breeding) - ACS
Cockatiel Mutations - NCS
Cockatiel Night Frights - Mary-Kaye Buchtel; NCS
Cockatiels - Advice From A Breeder - Linda Greeson
Cockatiels - Part I (Breeding in Australia) - Michael Anderson; PSA
Cockatiels - Part II (Breeding in Australia) - Michael Anderson; PSA
Color in Cockatiels - Anthony Olszweski; Petcraft
Communication and Social Behavior in Cockatiels - Elizabeth V. Vaughan; NCS
Conjunctivitis in Cockatiels - Gregory Rich, D.V.M; NCS
Coping With Infertility - Dr Brett Gartrell B.V.Sc; PSA
Cost of Death vs The Cost of Veterinary Care - Raven; NCS
Dangers of the Wrong Size Wire Mesh - D. C. Rahm; ACS
Getting Started Breeding Cockatiels - Debbie Maneke; ACS
Handfeeding - Debbie Maneke; ACS
Healthy 'tiel - Malinda Pope; ACS
History of Cockatiels - Dick Ivey; Springville
Homemade Brooder - Amy Patria; NCS
Housing Your Pet Cockatiel - Mary Kaye Buchtel; NCS
Inbreeding in Cockatiels - Mary Beth Voelker; NCS
Is Your Pelleted Diet All Its Cracked Up To Be? - Kathy Greaser; NCS
Keeping Cockatiel Breeding Records - Terry Runè; NCS
Pecking Order - in Cockatiels - Elizabeth V. Vaughan; NCS
Preparing to Breed Your Cockatiel - Chris Dailey; NCS
Record Keeping - Linda Greeson
Should I Get A Second Cockatiel? - Mary Beth Voelker; NCS
Tiel-L FAQ - Tiel-L
Training and Taming Your Pet Cockatiel (and other species) - Mary-Kaye Buchtel; NCS
Visually Sexing Your Pet Cockatiel - Mary-Kaye Buchtel; NCS
Vocal Communication - in Cockatiels - Elizabeth V. Vaughan; NCS
Weaning Baby Birds - Kellie Sharpe; Springville
What Can Go Wrong When Breeding Cockatiels (and other birds) - Mary-Kaye Buchtel; NCS
Whiteface-Pied Cockatiel Mutation Showcase - Linda S. Rubin; CPW Mag
Working Toward The NCS Visual Standard - Amy Patria; NCS


About Cockatoos - Feathers
Cockatoo Family, Genus, Species Charts - Carol Highfill; Cockatoo Heaven
Cockatoo Species Descriptions - Cockatoo Species
Cockatoo Talk (Major Mitchell, Red-tailed Black and Gang-gang) - Klaus Sietus; PSA
Cockatoos Need For Attention - Carol Highfill and Bobbi Brinker; Cockatoo Heaven
Cockatoos: A Bit of Heaven on Earth - Carol Highfill; Winged Wisdom
Fab Four Fables - I & II - Kenneth Highfill; Winged Wisdom
Fab Four Fables - III & IV - Kenneth Highfill; Winged Wisdom
Fab Four Fables - IX - Kenneth Highfill; Winged Wisdom
Fab Four Fables - V & VI - Kenneth Highfill; Winged Wisdom
Fab Four Fables - VII & VIII - Kenneth Highfill; Winged Wisdom
Galah (Rose breasted) Cockatoo - Mike Owen; Birds n Ways
Gang Gang Cockatoos - Mike Owen; Birds n Ways
Gang Gang Cockatoos (breeding) - John McGrath; PSA
How the Cockatoo Gave Color to the World - Kelley Gile; Winged Wisdom
Long Billed Corellas - Scott Lewis; OWA
Major Event (Breeding Major Mitchells) - Steve Groom; PSA
Major Mitchell (Leadbeater's) Cockatoos - Mike Owen; Birds n Ways
Mate Aggression in Cockatoos - Various Breeders; Cockatoo Heaven
Palm Cockatoo - Scott Lewis; OWA
Results of Too Small Cages - Laurie Cestnick
Roller Skating -Training & Success - Su Egen; Winged Wisdom
Sexing Cockatoos - Carol Highfill; Cockatoo Heaven
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Species - Sandra Dobbs and Carol Highfill; Cockatoo Heaven
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos (Breeding Galeritas) - Steven Armstrong; PSA
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos (GSC) - Mike Owen; Birds n Ways
Those Magnificent Cockatoo Crests - Carol Highfill; Cockatoo Heaven
Umbrella Cockatoo Species - Carol Highfill; Cockatoo Heaven
Who is Punkin? - A Blind Moluccan Cockatoo Now Can See - Jenni Jackson; JJ's


Conures - You Just Gotta Luv 'Em - Linda Heinen; Conures Page
Conures in Australia - Aratinga, Nandayus, Pyrrhuras - Mick Blake; PSA
Fallow Green Cheek Conure - Lara deVries; GC Page
Finsch's, Sun, Jenday, Dusky & White-eyed Conures Overview - June DiCiocco; Hideaway
Georgie's Story - Egg Peritonitis in Breeder or Pet Birds - Anne Johnson; Winged Wisdom
Golden-capped Conure - Diane Welch; Winged Wisdom
Green Cheek Conure FAQ - Lara deVries; GC Page
Introduction To Sun Conures - Theresa Jordan; Winged Wisdom
My Greencheek Breeding Experiences - Lara deVries; GC Page
Overview of the Severe Macaw (a mini macaw) - June DiCiocco; Hideaway
Paulie : The Ultimate Pet? (The Good & The Bad) - Theresa Jordan; Winged Wisdom
Raising Baby Greencheeks - Lara deVries; GC Page


Biting Eclectus - Constance Bacon; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Carmelita "Little Carmen" (Eclectus FAQs) - Constance Bacon; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Do They Talk? - Carolyn Swicegood; LandofVos
Eclectus Chronicles (A Fable) - Ben Varner; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Eclectus Diet - Constance Bacon; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Eclectus Forum Newsletter - Selected Articles - Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Eclectus Nutrition - Electronic Eclectus
Eclectus Parrot - An Overview - Constance Bacon; Winged Wisdom
Eclectus Parrots - Part I - Chris Hunt; PSA
Eclectus Parrots - Part II - Chris Hunt; PSA
Eclectus Species and Photos - Eclectus-L
Eclectus Sub-Species - Scott Lewis; Eclectus Society
Entertaining the Eclectus - Carolyn Swicegood; LandofVos
General Care of the Eclectus - Carolyn Swicegood; LandofVos
Introduction to Eclectus Parrots Part 1: Classification - Scott Lewis; OWA
Introduction to the Eclectus Parrot - Jose Perdomo; Eclectus Society
Jazz The Camper Bird - Linda Sparks; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Money Pit (Purchasing a new Eclectus) - Linda Sparks; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Questions From A New Eclectus Owner - Constance Bacon; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Signs of Sickness - Constance Bacon; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Toe Tapping In Eclectus - Ben Varner; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Vosmaer's Eclectus Baby Hatching - Scott Lewis; OWA
Weaning Tips - Carolyn Swicegood; LandofVos
Who's Training Whom? - Linda Sparks; Eclectus Forum, Birds n Ways
Your New Eclectus Parrot - Linda & Scott Lewis; OWA

Fig Parrots

Double-eyed Fig Parrot & Red-browed Fig Parrot - Geoff Girvan; PSA


About Oriental Strawberry Finches - Sarah Stuart; Feathers
About Owl (Bicheno) Finches - Sarah Stuart; Feathers
About Shaftail Finches - Sarah Stuart; Feathers
About Star Finches - Sarah Stuart; Feathers
About Zebra Finches - Sarah Stuart; Feathers
Building Finch Cages & Flights - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
Community Relations (in the Aviary) - Beverly Wladyka; Finch Diaries
Creating And Enjoying An Indoor Aviary - Katherine Booth; Winged Wisdom
Dream Indoor Aviary - Beverly Wladyka; Finch Diaries
Finch Compatability - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
Finch Nutrition - Beverly Wladyka; Finch Diaries
Finch Topics (FAQs) - Robin Sweet; Finchworld
Finches for Beginners - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
Finches: Nature's Small Jewels - Katherine Booth; Winged Wisdom
Gouldian Finches #1 & #2 - Louis Garcia; Feathers
Green Singing Finches - Noreene Taylor; Feathers
Housing Problems for Finches - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
How To Handfeed Finches - Kristine Spenser; Birds n Ways
Monthly Finch Article (Aus-slow) - Steve Sass; Riverina Finch Soc
Preparing Birds For Show - Ron Castaner; UpatSix
Problem Solving in the Aviary - Beverly Wladyka; Finch Diaries
Role of Nutrition and Environment in a Successful Breeding Program - Fenton Mereness; OWA
Successfully Using Society Finches as Foster Parents - Kristine Spenser; Birds n Ways
Taming Finches - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
Toys & Entertainment for Finches - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
Widowed Spice Finch - Jayne Yantz; Finchworld & BirdTalk
Yellow Bodied Gouldian Gene - Part I - Louis Garcia; Feathers


Hawk-headed Parrot FAQ - Deborah Wisti-Peterson
Hawk-headed Parrots - Jean Pattison; Winged Wisdom


Kakarikis - New Zealand's Little Jewels - Mike Owen and Sandra Dobbs; Winged Wisdom
Kakarikis in Captivity - Gillian Willis; Majestic Macaws

King Parrots

Breeding King Parrots - Kerry Britnell; PSA


Australian Lorikeets - Part I - Jude Vaughan; PSA
Australian Lorikeets - Part II - Jude Vaughan; PSA
Lories FAQs - Deborah Wisti-Peterson
Lories FAQs - Dick Schroeder
Lorikeets of Australia - Mike Owen; Birds n Ways
Lory FAQ - Gina Dubel; Acme Pet
Lory Lovers Library - Deborah Wisti-Peterson; Winged Wisdom
Misunderstood Lory - Linda Greeson
Rainbows & Red-Collareds - Similar but different - John Robson; PSA


Abyssinian - Janet Landvater
Average Weights & Feedings - Anne Johnson; LB-L
Bird Feeding Guidelines - El Brandt; LB-L
Essential (?) Genetics For the Terrified - Chris Rutt; LB-L
Handfeeding Baby Lovebirds - Linda Luckey; LB-L
Lovebird - Anne Johnson; LB-L
Lovebird Color Mutations - ALBS
Lovebird FAQ - Nicole Jones; Birds n Ways
Lovebird Story - Hatching/Growth Pictures - Ellen Uittenbogaard; Ellen's
Lovebirds - Anne Johnson; Winged Wisdom
Madagascar - Janet Landvater
Show Standards for the African Lovebird - ALBS
So You Want a Lovebird - Meagan Timney; LB-L
Species of Lovebirds - ALBS
Taming Your Bird - Liz Rosas; LB-L


Buying a Pet Macaw - Joanne Abramson; Majestic Macaws
Critical First Six Weeks - Joanne Abramson; Majestic Macaws
How the Hyacinth Macaw Got Its Markings - Jonathan Reyman; Real Macaw
Macaws FAQs - Large macaws - Up At Six
Macaws FAQs - Mini macaws - Up At Six
Preparing For The Bird's Arrival - Joanne Abramson; Majestic Macaws
Red-Fronted Macaw - M L Simmons, DVM; PCG


Beauty Queens of the Asian Parakeets (Ringnecks) - Linda Greeson
Breeding Blue Quakers - Linda Greeson
Breeding Indian Ringneck Mutations - Linda Greeson
Breeding Quakers - Linda Greeson
Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Syndrome (Grey Cheek Behavior) - Kathleen Mandis; Grey Cheek
Grey Cheek Pet Potential - Beverly Marsh; Grey Cheek
Grey Cheeked Parakeet: Larger Than Life - Beverly Marsh; Winged Wisdom
Guide to Indian Ringnecks (plus Fallow, Cinnamon, Greys) - Brad Martin; Indian Ringnecks
Indian Ringneck Mutations (pictures) - John; John's Birds
Introduction to Quaker Parakeets - Theresa Jordan; Winged Wisdom
Introduction to Ringneck Parakeets - Theresa Jordan; Winged Wisdom
My Favorites, The Quakers - Linda Greeson
Plumhead & Slatyhead Parrots - Terry Atkinson; PSA
Princess Parrot - Charles Hibbert; PSA
Quaker Mutilation Syndrome (QMS) [in many species] - Theresa Jordan; Winged Wisdom
Quaker Parakeet Intelligence - Beth Eldridge; Quakerparrots.com
Quaker Quarters Online Guide - Kyra Brown; QuakerQuarters
Quakers Are Great Talkers - Linda Greeson
Quakers FAQ - Shelly Lane; Quakerparrots.com
Ringneck Mutations - R.Duindam
Those Charming Little Quakers - Linda Greeson
Weaning Baby Quakers - Theresa Jordan; QIC


Color Mutation Pacific Parrotlets - Sandee & Robert Molenda; Parrotlet Ranch
First U.S. Breeding of Blue Wing Subspecies - Parrotlet Ranch
Introduction to Parrotlets - Sandee and Robert Molenda; Winged Wisdom
Parrotlet Pictures - Sandee Molenda; Parrotlet Ranch
Parrotlets - Introduction to their Care & Breeding - Gloria Balaban; Shady Pines
Parrotlets - Species Identification - Gloria Balaban; Shady Pines
Parrotlets Color Mutations - Gloria Balaban; Shady Pines
Parrotlets in Aviculture - Sandee Molenda; Parrotlet Ranch


Buying a New Bird - Nancy Knopf; Pionus Talk
Good Grooming for Pionus - Pionus Talk
Guide to Keeping & Breeding Pionus Parrots - H.D. "Hank" Brawley; PBA
Hand Feeding and Weaning Pionus Parrots - Pionus Talk
Pionus FAQ - Christina Partridge; Up at Six
Pionus Parrots As Pets - Sharon Brown; Pionus Talk
Pionus Parrots Species Profiles - Jennie Bolton; PBA


Brown-Headed Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Cape Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Cape Parrots - Scott Lewis; OWA
Greater Vasa Parrot - Scott Lewis; OWA
Introduction to Senegals - Diane Welch; Winged Wisdom
Jardine Parrot FAQ - Michele Donnelly and Wendy Taylor; Jardine Page
Jardine's Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Meyer's Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Niam-Niam Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Poicephalus FAQ - APS
Poicephalus FAQs - Up At Six
Red-Bellied Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Ruppell's Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Senegal Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS
Yellow-Faced Parrot - Eric D. Hilton; APS


VASA Parrot - APS