This is part 2 to my unofficial script of The Fox and the Hound. Select from below to visit the other two parts. As usual, this script is for entertainment purposes only. Everything in this movie is copyrighted by Walt Disney Productions.
Part 1
Part 3
[The camera changes to a shot of the widow's house and then to a close-up of a window]

Tod looks sadly out at the empty barrels in Amos' farm.

[The camera fades to a shot of Amos and Chief making their way through a forest]

Copper tries his best to keep up. As he's hopping along, he falls into a patch of deep snow. Chief rolls his eyes, goes back, and picks him up. Chief then continues with Copper in his mouth.

[The camera fades to a brief shot of Amos' winter cabin]

[The camera opens on another day of hunting]

Copper looks a little more grown. As they move along, Chief spots a rabbit. He growls, and Copper imitates. Chief continues growling, but Copper playfully chases after the rabbit. The rabbit runs and hops onto some frozen water. Copper tries to follow but slips and falls on the ice.

[The camera fades back to the cabin]

Several skins are stretched out on racks outside.

[The camera opens on yet another day of hunting]

Copper has grown even bigger. He starts sniffing the snow. He then goes off in one direction while Chief looks at him funny and heads off in another direction. Copper then reaches a bush and howls. A flock of birds fly out. Amos raises his gun and shoots, hitting one. Amos then walks over to Copper and pets him. Chief looks really sore.

[The camera fades back to the cabin]

Amos is tying down a pile of skins to his car. Chief walks over to the car's front seat and is surprised to see Copper sitting there.

[The camera fades to a shot of Amos' car motoring down a road]

The snow already appears to be melting.

[The camera changes to a shot of Big Mama's tree]

Big Mama emerges from her hole, carrying a pile of leaves. She tosses the leaves off the tree. Suddenly, she hears laughter. She looks down and sees Tod, who's all grown now and covered with leaves. She flies down and lands on a nearby fence.

Big Mama: Well look who's here.

Tod shakes the leaves off.

Big Mama (laughing): Oh my goodness. Ha ha! I'm sorry, Tod honey. I hope. . .

Dinky: Hiya, Big Mama!

Dinky and Boomer fly on screen, landing on the fence.

Dinky: We're back! We flew all the way!

Boomer: Oh yeah. We did. We did.

Big Mama: Welcome home, boys!

She walks over and gives them a big hug.

Big Mama: You know? It's been kinda lonesome around here without you little rascals.

Tod: Hi fellas!

Boomer looks down, a little surprised.

Boomer: Hey! Who's that?! Who's that?!

Dinky flies down and lands on Tod's head.

Dinky: Hey! This can't be that scrawny little squirt we found by the fence post. Can it? Come on.

Boomer: I can't believe my eyes!

Tod: Ha ha! Aw. It's me all right.

Dinky flies up to Tod's neck level and notices a collar.

Dinky: Hey lookie there. He's got himself a real fancy collar.

Boomer picks up Tod's tail and throws it over his shoulders.

Boomer: Hey hey hey! Just look at this bushy tail. B-b-b-beautiful!

Everybody laughs. Tod pull his tail back.

Tod: Ha ha! Aw come on. Cut it out. You guys are always teasing me.

[The camera moves to the widow's front door]

It opens, and she walks out, carrying her plant. It appears to be wilted. She puts the pot down on a bench. Squeeks appears from within the pot.

Dinky: Hey it's him! It's him! Squeeks!

Dinky looks down at Tod.

Dinky: We'll see ya later, kid. We gotta take care of some unfinished business.

Dinky flies off, followed by Boomer. The widow looks down at her wilted plant.

Widow: I can't understand. It was so healthy.

She reaches over for a watering can. Squeeks gasps as she pours some water into the pot. He is now floating in water.

Widow: There. That ought to perk it up.

She walks off screen. Squeeks lifts his head out of the water and gasps for air. He then sneezes and flies backward into a drain pipe. Dinky and Boomer land on the drain pipe.

Boomer: Now where'd he go? Where'd he go?

They both look inside the pipe.

Dinky: He's goin' up the drain pipe! I'll head him off!

Dinky flies to the top of the pipe.

Dinky: Okay, Boomer! We've got him trapped! Let him have it!

Boomer starts hammering into the pipe. It vibrates like crazy, and Dinky becomes dizzy. Squeeks appears from within the pipe, slightly stunned. He then spots Dinky. He screams and escapes. Dinky regains consciousness as Boomer reaches the top of the drain pipe.

Dinky: Did you get him?

Boomer: Get him?

Dinky: No, I didn't.

Boomer: Neither did I.

Squeeks has crawled onto a telephone line. Dinky sees him.

Dinky: Come on! Look!

Squeeks sees them coming and squeezes his body under some kind of glass cap.

Boomer: Hoo hoo hoo! Caterpillar under glass. Oh boy!

Boomer taps at the glass, and both he and Dinky are zapped by electricity.

Boomer: Holy!

Dinky: Smoke!

Squeeks escapes and continues along the telephone line. He periodically gives off a flash of light as he crawls along.

Boomer: Hey. Hey. How's he do that, Dinky? How's he do that?

[The camera fades to a shot of the road in front of the farm]

Amos is driving down the road. "A Huntin' Man" starts playing.

Amos: I ain't got no job. I'm a huntin' man. And I'd rather have a dog than a dollar. So let's go banjo ring-a-ling-a-ding ho! Give a little hoot and a holler! Ha ha!

"A Huntin' Man" stops playing. Chief looks grumpy.

Amos: Aw come on, Chief. Just ‘cause you're not sitting up front, that ain't no reason to be a sore head. Shucks. If it weren't for you, Copper'd never turned into a good huntin' dog. Yes sirree. Now I've got me the best two dogs there is. Right, Copper?

Copper starts barking.

Amos: Ha ha! Isn't he somethin', Chief?

Amos starts howling along with Copper. Chief covers up his ears.

[The camera moves over to the fence]

Tod comes running up.

Tod: Look, Big Mama! Copper's back! Heh. Boy, has he grown big.

Big Mama: Uh huh. And look at that big pile of skins he helped track down.

Tod: I know, Big Mama. He's a huntin' dog now.

Big Mama: You're right. And you're a fox.

Tod: Oh that won't make any difference. Copper's gonna be glad to see me.

Big Mama: Well, honey. Just don't get your hopes too high.

Tod: Look, don't worry. I'll be careful. I'll go over tonight when Chief and the hunter are sound asleep.

[Camera change to Chief and Copper's barrels]

Copper is drinking water. He then steps back to scratch his ears.

Copper: Boy. It's great to be back home. Isn't it, Chief?

Chief: Hmph.

Copper: Aw come on, Chief. You aren't still sore. Are ya? (Pause) Hey! Hey come on! Let's scuffle! We ain't scuffled in a long time! Come on, Chief! Let's have some fun!

Copper starts to wrestle with Chief.

Chief (amused): Oh lay off, Copper. You overgrown pup, you.

Copper starts to pull on Chief's ear.

Chief (serious now): Oh let go! Dag nabit! Let go I say!

Chief throws Copper off of him.

Copper (hurt): Okay okay.

Chief: You know that was your trouble on the hunt.

Copper: Aw come on, old timer! You treat me like a pup. You know that? I think I've done real good trackin' down them varmints for you.

Chief: Smellin' and trackin' ain't enough. You gotta think nasty!

Copper lies down in his barrel.

Copper (amused): Okay okay. I know. Heh. I know.

The scene changes to night. Chief and Copper are asleep. Suddenly, Copper hears a noise and wakes up. He looks over to a nearby bush and sniffs the air. Tod emerges.

Tod (softly): Copper. Hey Copper. It's me. Tod.

Copper: I thought that was you, Tod. I-I heard you comin'. Boy. You've really grown.

Tod: You have too, Copper. I saw you comin' back with Chief and the hunter.

Copper pauses, a slight frown on his face.

Copper: It's great to see you, Tod. But you know you. . . you shouldn't be over here. You. . . you're gonna get us both into a lot of trouble.

Tod: Hey look I. . . I just wanted to see you. We. . . we're still friends. Aren't we?

Copper pauses again.

Copper: Tod. Those days are over. I-I'm a huntin' dog now.

A look of extreme shock comes over Tod's face. The shock then turns to sadness.

Copper: You'd better get out of here before old Chief wakes up.

Tod (sadly): Aw Chief. (Nervous laugh) He doesn't worry me.

Chief suddenly wakes up.

Copper: Tod, I'm serious. You're fair game as far as he's concerned.

Tod starts to leave, but suddenly Chief starts barking viciously. A light shines on Tod. It's Amos. He's standing at the door and carrying a gun. Tod runs.

Amos: It's that fox again!

Amos lifts his gun and fires. Tod keeps running.

[The camera moves to the widow's house]

The widow opens the door, carrying a lantern.

Widow (terrified): Oh no! No! They're after Tod!

[The camera shifts back to Amos, Chief, and Copper]

Amos: After him, boys! Go get him!

Tod runs past some tall grass and leaps over a fallen log. A shot is fired, but it misses. Tod runs through some more tall grass. Chief is right behind him. Tod sidesteps and hides in a patch of grass. Chief stops. For a moment, he doesn't see Tod. Thinking it is safe, Tod slowly gets up to head in another direction. Suddenly, Chief spots him and chases. Tod finds himself in open and rocky terrain. He climbs up a steep slope, jumps onto some loose boulders, and continues climbing. Chief slows down a bit when he jumps on the boulders, and they give way. He manages to jump and find more secure footing. He continues the chase. At the top of the slope, Tod finds a stack of lumber. He hides underneath, and Chief runs right by. Tod peeks his head out and looks around, extremely tired. Suddenly, he hears someone approaching and goes back underneath. It is Copper, and he sees Tod.

Amos: Copper! Copper! Copper!

Copper looks back and sees Amos coming. He then looks back at Tod, who has a pleading look on his face.

Copper: Tod I. . . I don't want to see you get killed!

Amos: Track him down, boy!

Copper: I'll let you go this one time!

Copper steps away, howls, and leads Amos in a false direction.

Amos: Don't lose him!

Tod crawls out from underneath the lumber pile and runs onto some nearby train tracks. As he runs along the tracks, Chief suddenly jumps out in front of him. Tod reverses direction and heads towards a bridge. Amos sees them from below.

Amos: There they are! Old Chief's got him on the run!

Suddenly, a train appears from around a bend. Tod gasps in horror and ducks. The train sails right over him, but Chief is still in the way.

Amos: Jump, Chief! Jump!

Chief is struck by the train, and he falls off the bridge. When the train passes, Tod gets up and looks over. Chief struggles to get up, but he is too weak. Copper comes running up to Chief.

Copper: Chief! Chief?

Copper nudges Chief. Chief doesn't respond.

Copper (horrified): Oh no! No!

Copper looks around anxiously. He then looks up and sees Tod still standing there. Copper growls.

Copper (loud and angry): Tod! If it's the last thing I do I'll. . . I'll get you for this!

[The camera fades to a shot of Widow Tweed walking through the forest]

She looks around as she walks.

Widow (frightened): Tod! Tod?! Tod!

Tod appears and comes running. He jumps into her arms. She hugs him tightly.

Widow: Oh Tod. Thank heaven you're safe.

[The camera fades to Amos' house]

Copper is at his barrel.

[The camera moves to the front door]

Amos comes storming out.

[The camera focuses back on Copper as Amos passes]

Copper: Poor Chief. And it's all my fault. I shouldn't have let Tod go!

[The camera focuses on Big Mama's tree as Amos stomps past it]

Big Mama, Dinky, and Boomer are sleeping on a branch. Suddenly, Dinky wakes up and sees Amos. Dinky then wakes up Big Mama.

Dinky: Big Mama! Wake up! Wake up! There's trouble!

[The camera changes to inside the widow's house]

The widow is knitting, and Tod is sleeping in a basket. Suddenly, Tod wakes up and listens. He then grows frightened and hides behind the stove.

Widow: Tod. What is it?

She hears loud knocking on her door.

Widow: What on earth?

Amos (angry): Widow! Get out here!

She opens the door.

Widow (angry): Why Amos! What are you. . .?!

Amos: Where is he?! Where is he?! I know he's in there!

Widow: Now just a minute! You can't come barging onto my property, Amos Slade!

She slams the door shut.

Amos: That fox of yours almost killed Chief, and I'm gonna get him!

The widow locks the door.

Amos: You can't keep him locked up forever!

She sighs sadly and looks at Tod, who is hiding under the stove.

[The camera fades to a close-up of a photograph]

The photo is of Tod celebrating his first birthday. "Goodbye May Seem Forever" is already playing. The photograph is stuck to a mirror.

[The camera pulls back to reveal the widow looking into the mirror]

She puts on a hat. She glances sadly at the picture. She then wakes up Tod. He yawns and smiles. She picks him up from his basket.

[The camera changes to outside her house]

She gets in her car and puts Tod in the passenger seat. Tod is glowing with joy, but the widow is very much unhappy. She drives down the road.

[The camera pans over to Amos Slade]

The music stops. Amos is carrying some logs back to his house. He then stops and looks over to the road. He frowns and continues towards his house.

[The camera moves back to the widow's car]

The music starts again. Tod is staring back at the house. He then looks out the side as Widow Tweed thinks to herself.

Widow (reminiscing): We met, it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. And I found out I needed you too!

Tod romps around the car.

Widow: I remember how we used to play. Ha ha!

Tod licks her.

Widow (more sadly): I recall those rainy days.

Tod's joy fades as he notices the sadness on her face. A mix of sadness and concern falls on his face.

Widow: The fire's glow that kept us warm. And now I find we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end. But in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be.

She lovingly pets him. She then drives until she reaches a spot in the forest. She stops the car and carries Tod out. Tod looks a little confused. He gives her a lick, and she hugs him tightly. She puts him down and takes his collar. She then hugs him one last time and gets up to go back to the car. Tod tries to follow as the chorus begins, but the widow sadly shakes her head "no". She continues towards the car. Tod tries to get up one more time but then, reluctantly, stays. With a tearful glance back at Tod, she drives down the road. A sad and stunned Tod watches her as she leaves. "Goodbye May Seem Forever" ends as the wind picks up. It starts to rain. Tod sadly takes shelter underneath a tree. He watches the wildlife for a moment. A squirrel leaps into the branches above him, causing some water drops to fall on Tod's head. Tod glances up in anger then sadly moves on. A porcupine watches him as he looks for shelter. He sees a hole that looks promising but finds that it is occupied. He turns around and leaves. A loud thunderclap frightens him, and he darts into a burrow. He quickly backs out. A badger appears.

Badger (angry): Hold it, sonny! Back off! Consarnit! Wh-where do you think you're goin'?

Tod (nervous): Oh. Oh excuse me. I-I-I was just trying to. . .

Badger: You barge in on somebody's house like you own it! Tarry hootin' around the woods! Wakin' up folks in the middle of the night!

Tod: I honestly didn't know anybody lived here. And I. . .

Badger: Well, you know it now! Now get of my property! Go on! Beat it!

Tod slowly backs away.

Porcupine: I've been watching you, sir. You can stay with me if you want to.

Tod turns around. It's the porcupine.

Tod: That's very nice of you.

Porcupine: C-come with me.

Tod follows the porcupine.

[The camera fades to the widow's car driving up the road]

[The camera moves to Amos]

Amos is unhooking Copper from his barrel. He watches as the widow drives to her house.

Amos: She dropped that fox off at the game preserve. We'll get him. We'll get him!

He heads back to the house with Copper following. Chief watches from a window. He then limps back to his pillow and gets comfortable.

Chief: Well now. If you gotta have a busted leg, this is the way to do it. Good food. Soft pillow. Warm stove. Sure beats sleepin' in that barrel.

He hears a door open.

Chief: Well now. Here comes visitors to see the invalid.

He lets out a fake whine. Amos and Copper pass right by.

Chief: How do you like that? They didn't even ask how I'm feelin'.

Chief limps into the next room, whining.

Amos: Chief. Get back in there before I break your other leg.

Chief limps back. Amos turns to Copper.

Amos: Copper. Copper. Lookie here.

Amos sets a trap on the floor.

Amos: Now when that fox comes traipsin' along, suspectin' nothin'. . .

He picks up a stick and slowly taps it along the floor towards the trap. Finally, he touches the trap with the stick. The trap snaps shut, breaking the stick.

Part 1
Part 3