Red Rose of Passion

    These are awards for web masters and mistress who have well made, passionate web sites.

    What we mean by passionate web site(s) is that you must have a passion for the subject your page is about, be it a TV show, an actor, an actress, etc. or even a passion for something like . . . Economics. It can be anything.

    The dictionary defines passion thus;
    passion pas•sion (pash' u n), — n. 1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. 2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor. 3. strong sexual desire; lust. 4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.

    We chose a Red Rose as our symbol due to the passion one normally associates with them.

Awards and other things

    How to get the award

    Winners....Our winners so far. - Last updated 1 May, 2000 This website and award was briefly abandoned, but in the spirit of today, Beltane, we are reviving the site and the award.

    Yellow Rose Award...A very special friendship award

    The Thorn Bush...Our feedback page where we get to vent.

Award Committee

    Questions, answers, just want to chat? Well then EMail us.
    Red Rose

    Disclaimer: The Red Rose Award Graphics are COPYRIGHTED images.

How to get the award . . . .

This award is a bit different then most awards out there we have found.
( All the other awards we looked at, had to be submitted for.


* Your site must be a non-commercial.

* It can NOT be a pornography site, BUT it can contain things of an "Adult" nature
( i.e.; NC-17 fanfic on a fanfic site that is labeled as such and has proper warning guides.)

All sites must have ALL LINKS working properly - sorry we are really picky about this one, how can you have a well made site, and not all the links work? You can't, it's that simple.

* All images MUST load. There can not be any broken images. ( Why do a site if you can't get the images to work? )

* All sites must be PASSIONATE! When we go to your site, we have to be able to tell that you care, really care about the page's subject.

* All sites must be eye pleasing - Sorry another pet peeve of ours, how many times have you gone to a site, and it looks like the person who built it is colour blind?
Too many times for us to count, so please make sure your colours match, that the text is readable, and above all else, do NOT use neon colours. *gag*

Okay enough with the rules, already.

After reading all of that, If you think your site deserves our award, and you would like to submit it, please do so by mailing us your site's URL and the name of the Webmaster or Webmistress.

How this award can be won ....

Easy we search out web sites that we have heard about, though friends, emails, what have ya, and we check them to see if they match our criteria for award.
If they do, we email the Webmaster or Mistress and let them know they have won.

Also if a site is suggested to us and it doesn't met our criteria, we'll also let them know that, too. ( Figure they should know that people love their site, but that they could stand to fix a few things. )

( Pretty simple, huh? )

So if you know of a passionate, well built site that deserves an award, let us know!

All text, images, and information contained on this page, ©1998 - 1999 RedRoseAwards. Use of images without permission is prohibited.

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