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Pengiktirafan Keperwiraan Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah

From: Mahazalim
Date: 03 May 1999
Time: 22:46:54


Dunia sudah tunggang terbalik. Negarawan Malaysia yang diberi pengiktirafan oleh dunia luar dianggap sebagai pengkhianat negara sedangkan pemimpin negara yang dikutuk di seluruh dunia dianggap sebagai wira negara. Inilah keadilan Regim Zalim Barisan Nasional yang didokong oleh akhbar-akhbar yang tidak bermaruah yang sanggup membenarkan mereka diperlacurkan oleh talibarut-talibarut Mahathir.

Walaupun anugerah ini asalnya khas untuk rakyat Filipina, tetapi kerana mengiktiraf keperwiraan Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah, Lembaga Pemegang Amanah anugerah ini meminda perlembagaan semata-mata kerana mengiktiraf keperwiraan beliau.

Code of Ethics of A Rizalista A Rizalista

Loves God, country and people; Promotes international understanding among people and nations; Venerates the memory of the nation's heroes by making their ideals her own: Values honor as she values her life; Strives to do justice to all her fellow women; Finds meaning and purpose in life; Upholds freedom at all costs, Maintains a tolerant and understanding attitude towards her fellow women; Believes in the value of education essential to the formation of the character of women; Promotes social justice and general welfare. Is industrious, self-reliant, persevering and conscious of the plight of the less fortunate; Is truthful and honest in thought, words and in deeds.

Last changed: May 06, 1999