Resource Depletion


Bibliography | Impact on the Future | Political, Social, and Economical problems | Impact on the Earth | Impact on the Ecosystem | What is it? | Pros and Cons | Solutions | Impact on Daily Life | Impact on the Ecosystem
Political, Social, and Economical problems


Many political, social, econimical, and personal issues are associated with resource depletion. The economy of a country is primarily bases on the natural resources that it supplies and produces.  Another part of a country's economy is its' ability to purchase needed machinery to dig the resources out of the ground and money to purchase needed resources from other countries.  One social benefit of resource depletion is it helps bring countries together by trade.  The country that you are trying to import natural resources from will usually be a country that you would want to have a friendly relationship with.  This issue of resource depletion can also start wars.  Some people try to use these resources for their personal gain.  Those are the ways in which resource depletion is associated with political, econimical, social, and personal issues. 


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