Maria's Bachelorette Party!
Maria's Bachelorette Party!

"The Only Interactive Bachelorette Party"

"A complete All Girls Night Out!"
and you don't have to be getting married
to join us!

What starts out as a "traditional wedding shower" with Nonna & the in-laws,
turns into mayhem and fun, when Maria's bridesmaids surprise her with
some special guests for "The Chippendales School of Etiquette". (If
you know what I mean.)

There's lots of dancing, interacting, food & laughs all night long.
All ages are welcome, but MEN ARE NOT!
You might want to bring the future mother in-law, if you dare, since your
welcome to take photos (you can pull out at the wedding!)
It's great to come and celebrate a divorce.
Just have some good old fashioned MEN BASHING FUN!
Get the girls together for the perfect
"Girls Night Out"

"Come join Rosie, Mama Nonna, and Mrs. Cavatelli, in giving Maria her last hurrah before she enters her married life of cooking, cleaning, and car pooling. Mama Nonna has a few surprise gifts for Maria..a few gorgeous guys that will unwrap themselves during the evening and we're not talkin "Vinnie Boobaz" guys either. Its time for you to dig up those patent leather gold shoes, that bottle of "Aqua Net Hairspray" and that "Wet N' Wild" glossy pink lipstick, and party like a Revere Girl. Come join us for an evening of dinner, dancing, games and (almost) naked guys...It's time to let girls be girls during this night of "Tongue in Cheek" entertainment Cause after all DON'T ALL GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN?

Laugh with us as we present this tasteful and unique comedy dinner show. Produced by Darlyne Franklin, the writer/producer of Joey & Maria's Comedy Italian Wedding.

Enjoy the food and fun of an Untraditional Bachelorette Party!

Our Dinner show package incudes:
Dinner, Show, DJ Music & Dancing
Tax & Gratuity...

This is the perfect "ALL Girls Night Out Event!"

"Come join Rosie, Mama Nonna, and Mrs. Cavatelli, in giving Maria her last hurrah before she enters her married life of cooking, cleaning, and car pooling. Mama Nonna has a few surprise gifts for Maria..a few gorgeous guys that will unwrap themselves during the evening and we're not talkin "Vinnie Boobaz" guys either. Its time for you to dig up those patent leather gold shoes, that bottle of "Aqua Net Hairspray" and that "Wet N' Wild" glossy pink lipstick, and party like a Revere Girl. Come join us for an evening of dinner, dancing, games and (almost) naked guys...It's time to let girls be girls during this night of "Tongue in Cheek" entertainment Cause after all DON'T ALL GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN?

JULY 27TH, AUGUST 20TH Kowloons Saugus MA
Bring your girlfriends to this outrageous "All Girls Night Out"

"Come join Rosie, Mama Nonna, andMrs. Cavatelli, in rs her married life of cooking, cleaning, and car pooling. Mama Nonna has a few surprise gifts for Maria..a few gorgeous guys that will unwrap themselves during the evening and we're not talkin "Vinnie Boobaz" guys either. Its time for you to dig up those patent leather gold shoes, that bottle of "Aqua Net Hairspray" and that "Wet N' Wild" glossy pink lipstick, and party like a Revere Girl. Come join us for an evening of dinner, dancing, games and (almost) naked guys...It's time to let girls be girls during this night of "Tongue in Cheek" entertainment Cause after all DON'T ALL GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN