
indonesia map.gif (50609 bytes)

Official name Republic of Indonesia

Capital Jakarta                                                                                               

Area 1,904,443 square kilometers

Urban areas (Population)

Jakarta 9,341,400 (1997 estimate)                                 Surabaya 2,743,400 (1997 estimate)

Bandung 2,429,000 (1997 estimate)                               Medan 1,942,000 (1997 estimate)

Palembang 1,394,300 (1997 estimate)                            Semarang 1,366,500 (1997 estimate)

Ujungpandang 1,121,300 (1997 estimate)                       Malang 775,900 (1997 estimate)

Padang 739,500 (1997 estimate)                                    Banjarmasin 544,700 (1997 estimate)

Surakarta 518,600 (1997 estimate)                                  Pontianak 459,100 (1997 estimate)

Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta) 421,000 (1997 estimate)


Population 209,774,138 (1997)                                      Population growth rate 1.51 percent (1997)

Population density 110 persons per square kilometer

Urbanization    Percent urban 36 percent (1996)                    Percent rural 64 percent (1996)

Life expectancy

Total 62 years (1997)

Female 64 years (1997)

Male 60 years (1997)

Infant mortality rate    61 deaths per 1,000 live births (1997)

Literacy rate  

Total 83.8 percent (1995)

Female 78 percent (1995)

Male 89.6 percent (1995)

Ethnic divisions

Javanese 45.0 percent

Sundanese 14.0 percent

Madurese 7.5 percent

Coastal Malay 7.5 percent

Other (350 distinct ethnic groups) 26.0 percent


Bahasa Indonesia (modified form of Malay; official), English, Dutch, Sundanese, Arabic, Chinese, local dialects—especially Javanese (about 300 languages and dialects are spoken)


Muslim 87 percent                                                         Protestant 6 percent

Roman Catholic 3 percent                                               Hindu 2 percent

Buddhist 1 percent                                                         Other 1 percent


Proclaimed independence 17 August 1945; became legally independent from The Netherlands on 27 December 1949


August 1945, abrogated by Federal Constitution of 1949 and Provisional Constitution of 1950, restored 5 July 1959

Voting rights  Universal at marriage or at age 17

Freedom rating Not free (6)


Gross domestic product (GDP) U.S.$225.8 billion (1996)

GDP per capita U.S.$1,150 (1996)

National budget

Total revenue U.S.$35.76 billion (1995)          Total expenditure U.S.$29.67 billion (1995)

Monetary unit 1 Indonesian rupiah (Rp), consisting of 100 sen

Exports  Petroleum and liquefied natural gas, timber, textiles, rubber, coffee, palm oil, fish

Imports Capital equipment, intermediate and raw materials, consumer goods, fuels

Major trade partners for exports Japan, United States, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

Major trade partners for imports Japan, United States, South Korea, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan

Industries Petroleum and natural gas, textiles, mining, cement, chemical fertilizers, plywood, food, rubber


Subsistence food production; main products are rice, cassava, peanuts, rubber, cacao, coffee, palm oil,

copra, other tropical products, poultry, beef, pork, eggs

Natural resources

Petroleum, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, fertile soils, coal, gold, silver


Basic Facts and People sections

Area data are from the individual country statistical bureaus. Population, population growth rate, infant mortality, and life expectancy data are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center; International database, 1998; ( Population density data are from the individual country statistical bureaus, and the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center; International database, 1998; ( Urban areas (city) population data are from the individual country statistical bureaus. Literacy rate data are from the UN Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) database, 1998; ( Urban and rural population data are from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), FAOSTAT database, 1998; ( Ethnic divisions, languages, religions, government, independence, constitution, and voting rights data are largely from the CIA 1995 World Factbook, CIA 1996 World Factbook, and CIA 1997 World Factbook.

Government section

Freedom rating data are from Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties, 1997-1998, provided by the Freedom House ( and Transaction Publishers.

Economy section

Gross domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita, GDP by economic sectors, and national budget data are from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/World Bank database, 1998; (

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