Dome & Snowdome Peak





The following pictures are of our trip into the remote Dome Peak area of the North Cascades National park over a 4th of July Holiday.  A testament to the areas remoteness was that we only saw one other party camped at Cub Lake on our way in and a couple of solo hikers coming up Downey Creek on the way out.  We managed to get in what we think is a first ascent of the south ridge of Snowdome Peak as well as climbing Dome peak and Gunsight.  See the route description and picture in link below.

Snowdome Peak S. Ridge Route Description 


In the Brush beside Bachelor Creek

The verdant hillside above Bachelor Creek.

Mark punching through snow on a talus field before Cub Lake.

Cliffs below Spire Point.

Glacier Peak in the distance looking south.

Hydramatic Spire with its distinct "cannonhole". Rock is excellent granite. We didn't climb it but wanted to.

This was one of our objectives. A first ascent of the S. Ridge of Snowdome Peak a neighbor of Dome.

This is on the second pitch of the S.ridge climb up Snowdome. One of the 5.8 cruxes is moving up and left of the roof you see in the picture.

This is from higher on the route. You can see the west face of N. Peak of Gunsight over Mark's right arm. We ascended the main peak the next day.

This is the beginning of the crux of the climb. A 5.9ish hand crack up onto a ledge. You can see Hydramatic spire framed perfectly between Marks Arms

Mark on the Summit of Snowdome peak

Robert on the summit of Snowdome Peak

Our tent from high on a adjacent spire. I could jump and land on it. There are some stellar classic 5.10ish cracks up this spire.

This is the beginning of our Gunsight climb beginning the descent of the Chikamin glacier.

Having descended most of the glacier, the Chikamin looms behind.

Looking back up the Chikamin at the S.ridge route on Snowdome. We climbed the left hand skyline.

Traversing around the backside of Gunsight peak. This is the backside of the S. Peak. Excellent rock here.

After we found the E.Face route of the main peak described in the Nelson guide gone we ascended the s. face to the E. ridge where this shot was taken.

Mark making the final moves to the Gunsight summit. The last party to sign the summit register was a NOLs group the year before.

Heading home back down the Dome glacier.

This site was last updated 05/06/02