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“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads; and that no man might buy and sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the BEAST, or the NUMBER of his NAME.
-(Revelations 13:16,17).

The Bible forewarns us of an oncoming apostasy wherein all people of the world will be forced to take a stand. It is prophesied that there will come a global deception to be perpetrated by an AntiChrist system which in turn will control and maneuver the finances of the world through an international treaty with all religions of the world.

One needs to have a spiritual mind in order for him to discern the alluring tactics of this damnable heresy. The Bible said that this antiChrist system will not be something that will go against Christianity but, “it will be so close to the truth that it would deceive the very elect if it were possible” (Matt. 24:24).

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 warns us of this, saying, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first and that MAN of SIN be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God...”

A true Christian will agree that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, (and) for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (11 Tim. 3:16). Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life: they are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39). Let us therefore, study thoroughly the scriptural foundation of this AntiChrist system, in order to trace its very root and origin.


When God first set the human race on the earth, He told them to live by His Word. Just to break one Word, Eve did it, plunge the whole human race into a darkness of death. Satan, the serpent, beguiled her into believing his reasoning against what God has already told her. Eve DISBELIEVED God even when God said: “But of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, THOU SHALT SURELY DIE.” (Gen. 2:17).

The serpent twisted that Word, saying “Yea, hath not God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the graden: And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall NOT surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3). Clearly take note that it was the SERPENT who first PERVERTED the Word of God and MADE IT SAY SOMETHING IT DID NOT MEAN. That was the very first PERVERSION - that misconstruing of the Word.

Jesus came in the middle of the Bible, and said that, “MAN shall not live by bread alone, but BY EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. Not just a part, or ninety-nine percent, but by every WORD we must live. He even said that, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but MY WORD shall never pass away”. In fact, HE HIMSELF, IS THAT WORD. For “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD, and the WORD was MADE FLESH and dwelt amongst us.” God’s BIBLE, therefore, is the PRINTED FORM of the Son of God.

Anything that is CONTRARY to the WORD is therefore, contradictory to Christ, for CHRIST is the WORD. Any doctrine, creed, or dogma of any church, that teaches contrary to what the WORD teaches, is therefore, FALSE TEACHING. To be Anti-WORD is to be potentially ANTI-CHRIST. Though this may seem to be a crude remark, but the Scriptures say that any word in the Bible that’s rejected, or any self-interpretation ADDED to it, is absolutely rejecting and committing spiritual adultery against God which is your Husband. For God has solemnly declared, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and my Word be the Truth” (Romans 3:3).

And at the ending of the Bible, the same was reminded of us by the angel of God saying, “Whosoever shall take one word out of this Book or ADD one word to it, his part will be taken from the Book of Life” (Revelations 22:18). Thus, man is obligated by God to live by every Word that He has alloted to every age. This has to be borne in mind, for that is His absolute requirement.

Jesus said, “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). And Lot’s wife, (If the Word is not that important), on a little insignificant thing as to turn and look back to Sodom, but Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of SALT, because of disobedience. God does not speak a word without Him meaning it to be so.

About 700 years even before Mary had the child Jesus, God has already spoken it saying, “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His Name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). And it came to pass because it was the WORD of God. The advent of John the Baptist came in the same way. God said that “He was the voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord!” (Isa. 40:3). Even the coming of Christ was also spoken of God in the Old Testament, saying, “For unto us a Son is given, unto us a Child is born, and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God the everlasting Father” (Isa. 9:6). Every WORD of God happened as they were SPOKEN of God.

You see, we are withouit excuse, no matter how small or insignificant that WORD is, that same word will be fulfilled and will judge us in the day of judgment, whether we believe it or not. James 2:10 says, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” Obedience to the WORD, therefore, is better than sacrifice”.


Witnessing today’s alarming growth of religious sects, churches, and denominations, many a-sincere individuals are quite confused as to which really of these organizations embraces the whole truth of God’s salvation. Nearly every denomination today claims to have the truth, and that they are of God, yet each one greatly differs in doctrines and principles from each other as far as basic key truth of the Scriptures is concerned.

People today say, “Oh, you have to belong to this or that, a sect, a religion, or a denomination. If your name is not on our book, you are lost.” This is nonsense. It’s a cult that says that. God never saved man on the basis of becoming a member of an organization, but on the basis of election through faith in the WORD. He “Who had saved us and called us with an holy calling, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Chrsit Jesus before the world began” (11 Tim. 1:9).

God does not call His people by an organization. He calls them as individuals - whether you are a Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Protestant, or what you are. Before the foundation of the world, God knew you, and predestinated you - either to eternal life or to eternal damnation. Salvation is an individual affair between every person and God. Each human individual is a unit, and you will never go to heaven as a denomination or as an organized church. You have to answer by yourself at the day of judgment. God did not save you because you are a Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Protestant or whatever “brand” you have got “tagged” on you. That doesn’t make any difference to God. But he saved you on the basis of His elective Love.

Ephesians 1:4-11 says this: “According as He hath CHOSEN us IN HIM before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love; having PREDESTINATED US unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.” Romans 8:30 declares: “Moreover, whom He did PREDESTINATE, them He also called: and whom He CALLED, them He also justified; and whom He JUSTIFIED, them He also GLORIFIED (past tense). And God sent Jesus Christ to redeem these people alone, and not the whole world. (READ LINK to “You are Predestinated unto Eternal Life”).

So, have we ever asked ourselves where have all the denominations came from? Take note that the DENOMINATION came from the Catholic Church. She is the Mother of all denominations and each denomination has come right down from her. Authentic historical records show that the Catholic Church was the very first ORGANIZED religion founded by Constantine of Hippo in 325 A.D. in Rome. But history revals that TRUE CHRISTIANITY never started in Rome. It originated from JERUSALEM on the Day of Pentecost (33 A.D.) when the Holy Ghost came down in tongues of Fire to indwell every true believer, which wrought them power, miracles and supernatural wonders.

The SECOND organization, according to history, were the LUTHERANS, when Martin Luther protested the Catholic Church in 1517 A.D. Then after that came ZWINGLI. It came down through CALVIN, and from that came the ANGLICANS, and from the Anglicans down into the METHODISTS. Out of the Methodists came the CAMPBELLITES, then came John Smith, then the CHURCH OF CHRIST. Then came the BAPTIST CHURCH which had lots of pull-outs : the Southern, The Northern, The Trinity, the Bible Baptist, and all the Baptist churches there is now.

And out of the Methodist came also the WESLEYAN Methodist, and broke-off again into the FREE METHODIST. And from that split came the NAZARENES, and from the Nazarenes to the PILGRIM HOLINESS, and on down. They finally wound up to the PENTECOSTALS. And what did the Pentecostals do? The same thing that her Mommy did, she went back into an ORGANIZED RELIGION - into the ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, The CHURCH OF GOD, the APOSTOLIC ONENESS, the FOURSQUARES, and all the other charismatic splinter groups. Today, there are over 3,000 denominations all over the world - ALL of them organized, ALL having their OWN INTERPRETATIONS of the Bible, ALL claiming originality of the Word, fussing and debating with one another.

What is it, therefore, that these denominations are based upon? The claim to originality, and that they are of God, and the claim that their doctrines are right. ALL CANNOT BE RIGHT; IN FACT, NOT ONE OF THEM IS RIGHT. Thay say they are right because they are the one saying it, but saying it does not make it so. The church has changed to a powerless group of people whose only weapon is argument. She could produce nothing in the Spirit, for her hopes are built on programs and not on faith in the Word. Where is the power that Jesus has promised in Mark 16:17,18, that says, “These SIGNS shall FOLLOW them that BELIEVE, In My Name, they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues; if they take up serpents and drink deadly things, it won’t harm them. And if they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover.” It’s not there, for there is something wrong somewhere.

Denominations are NOT of God. They have never been and never will be. Denominations have caused a separation of brotherhood through their doctrinal differences, and thus, it has been a system that God is not pleased with. God is not the author of denomination because denomination is CONFUSION, and God is not an author of confusion. Denominations simply SOW discord among brethren, and God never recognizes anyone of them as His own. Nothing types denomination in the Scripture but the TOWER of BABEL, where God confounded them of their follies.

They have turned away from the perfect will of God by adding their own man-made dogmas, creeds and doctrines, and let their members live by it, though they be CONTRARY to the Word of God. Where can you find the “Vicar of Christ” in the Word? Where do you find a “Purgatory”? Where do you find a “Mass”? Where do you find “Paying money to get out of hell”? IT IS NOT IN THE WORD. The perverting spirit of the serpent has again made all denominations write their own MANUALS and teach their creeds, set up their offices and church governments, and then claims that she, and she alone, truly speaks for God, as she is best qualified, according to each and every one of them. That’s what the denominations have done. In organizing, they separate themselves from the Word (as did Eve) and bring themselves into SPIRITUAL ADULTERY. She, the church, has accepted again Satan’s wisdom instead of the pure Word of God.

DEATH came by crossbreeding, crossbreeding God’s Word with dogmas and creed. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees of the same thing saying, “By your traditions, you have made the Word of God of none effect to the people” (Matt. 15:6). “But IN VAIN they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:9).

Any person who is in the organized denominations is right in the midst of an AntiChrist system. Yes, but it is not the people that’s wrong; it is those systems that they are in, that’s damning them. Honest and sincere people are Catholics, Protestants, Jewish, and whatmore - they are human beings who are trying their best to get closer to God. Jesus was not against the people. He even died for them. He was against those SYSTEMS that was keeping them away from Him. And this Message might disagree with your organization, but NOT YOU. God loves all people, they’re all human beings which Christ died for. But He disagrees with that system that’s keeping you bound down. We were not against the Germans, but against Nazism. Fascism, Communism, Atheism, all of the same thing - man-made systems that bring people away from God.

Besides any teaching, therefore, let it be Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Methodist, Adventist, Pentecostal, let it be whatever it may be, that don’t stay letter by letter with the BIBLE -- it’s absolutely WRONG. It’s “Thus saith the Scriptures, the WORD of God.”


Listen to this: There will be a great denominational gathering pretty soon wherein ALL denominational religions of the world will have a UNION of CHURCHES, and all denominations will be forced into it. In the next few years, ALL organized religion will confederate themselves into a great big ECUMENICAL COUNCIL which will decide worldwide leadership and will control the finances of the world. For the church system of the Roman Catholic Church and her Protestant daughter churches, in coming together, will force the whole world into its religious trap, or will PERSECUTE them, by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living, or unless you join their ranks and bear their MARK in your HAND or in your FOREHEAD.

With the present advancement in global telecommunications systems, the global internet, the non-cash technology, and the ID system, they will be able to implement their plan to control the whole world in a nutshell. They will have a very enticing scheme and a seemingly worthy cause, that will be, to promote global peace, to speed-up socio-economic prosperity, to counter poverty, to counter communism, and to promote worlwide harmony among all nations.

Many churches will be tempted to go along with it, for they will feel better to serve God publicly within the framework of this confederation that not to serve God at all through their ritualistic traditions. Rome has acquired nearly all the gold supplies around the world and can destroy the money system if it wants to. Once church and state are united, the Ecumenical Council will have the full support of the government to fulfill their massive plot, and pass their edicts into laws.

And you, personally, will have to face this oncoming reality, and you will have to make a choice. It will be a UNION and a BOYCOTT, and all churches that do not belong will have to be CLOSED DOWN, unless they belong to the big organization.

But remember this: IT WILL BE THE MARK OF THE BEAST, as spoken of in Revelations 13:16-17. It will be the greatest deception the devil has ever poked on God’s people. ALL denominations will unknowingly ENTHRONE the ANTICHRIST that’s foretold in the Bible. It will be SATAN himself incarnate in a human being called the BEAST so that all the world will worship him under the guise of united Christianity. Notice that it was lucifer’s ambition to be worshipped like God in the beginning, and to build a greater kingdom than that of Michael, that was why he was kicked out of heaven. But now, he will be fulfilling his greatest desire on earth amongst God’s fallen people - the denominationals. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are NOT written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. If any man have ear, let him hear” (Revelations 13:8-9). You see, it’s a coming, friends, and this is no joke.


Compare this thought with the present move of Rome during its conference held on June 26, 1985, in Kenya, Africa. The following notes were the published articles as proposed by Pope John Paul II to the worldwide Ecumenical Council, which will be implemented anytime by now:
Metropolitan: 90-01788 S. Paulo .................. 30-405,021-01000 S. Paulo

Article 1 - Nobody from now on will have access to postal service without the NUMBER.
Article 2 - Nobody shall be employed in any factory or school unless they have the NUMBER.
Article 3 - No student shall be registered in any school without the student or parents having the NUMBER.
Article 4 - Every soul that is not conformed to this social pact will not be able to buy or sell without the NUMBER.
Article 5 - No one shall be able to sell or buy food, nor shall they be able to plant food without the NUMBER.
Article 6 - No one shall be able to deposit or withdraw money without the NUMBER.
Article 7 - If anyone not recognize or denies the Articles of this Union, they shall be severely punished by death.
Article 8 - Any person that does not have the NUMBER shall not be permitted to travel.
Article 9 - The Ecumenical Unities shall be decided upon the aprobation of the NUMBER.
Article 10 - Importation and exportation shall be carried out according to the NUMBER.
Article 11 - There shall be an International Monetary Sysytem with the aprobation of the NUMBER.
Article 12 - The Churches shall unite on one day, Sunday, according to the NUMBER.
Article 13 - Poverty shall be repealed for a better life according to the NUMBER.
Article 14 - No one shall be permitted to hunt ot fish without the NUMBER.
Article 15 - All transportation system of the world shall be dealt with according to the NUMBER.
Article 16 - No person shall be admitted into a hospital without the NUMBER.

THIS IS NO MERE COINCIDENCE. This is prophesy being fulfilled in our day. Yet, think of what the Bible said about the curse of partaking with this Movement: (Rev. 14:9-10) - “If any man worship the BEAST ( the power of the Roman Empire) and the IMAGE (the Ecumenical Movement), and receive his MARK in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.” We are nearing the end, friends. We see the signposts in the world that she’s ready for judgment.


But to the ELECT, God is calling. A MESSAGE is being sent out today, “COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues!” (Rev. 18:4). God is calling for His virtuous Bride, the Word-Born Seed. Who are these people? They’re INDIVIDUALS. They are those of whom it speaks in Ephesians 5:14, “Awake thou that SLEEPEST, and ARISE FROM THE DEAD, and Christ shall give thee Light.” These are those sleeping among the dead, dead out there in those dead denominations and are floating with them. God cries out, WAKE UP AND REPENT OF YOUR FOLLY!” There they are lending their influence, giving their time and their very lives to these AntiChrist organizations and all the while thinking it is all right. THEY NEED TO REPENT AND TURN TO THE TRUTH!

The cry of every age is the rebuke: “You have LEFT the Word of God. Repent and come back to the Word!” From the first book of the Bible to the Last Book, there is only ONE reason for God’s displeasure - LEAVING THE WORD; and there is only ONE remedy to regain back His favor - BACK TO THE WORD.


Once again, God has sent us a prophet to restore these truth back into the true Church today. The true church without spot or wrinkle are those “called-out ones” and are not those temples made with hands, but the individual persons being filled with the Holy Spirit. As Noah was sent by God to call out for safety into the Ark, and as Moses was sent to deliver the children of Israel from bondage, so has God sent us a prophet today for the THIRD and the LAST EXODUS - the Final Countdown!

MALACHI 4:5-6 speaks of him as one in the spirit of ELIJAH to restore the faith of the children back to the fathers before this world was to be burnt by fire like unto Sodom. REVELATIONS 10:7 speaks of him as the SEVENTH ANGEL-MESSENGER that was to reveal all the hidden mysteries of the Bible which was never unfolded before through the ages till now. His Message will usher for the Secong Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and will restore back the supernatural powers of God back to His children. In fact, most of the pieces of information contained herein had been gleened from his more than 1,100 sermons during his earthly commission.


If with this revelation God has dealt with you in your heart to know the mystery of His will for our day, turn to him in repentance, and surrender your life to Him that He may give you your inheritance. SOON IT SHALL BE TIME RUN OUT! Judgment and plagues will strike the world - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, incurable diseases, persecution, violence, great hunger, and drought will spread throughout the land - there is nowhere to run or hide.

MILLIONS that believe that they are saved will be fooled at that day! Good people, religious, upright, yet they’ll miss the gate because of unbelief and spiritual fornication. Didn’t Jesus said that, “Many will come to Me in that Day saying Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? And in Thy Name have done many wonderul works? And then He will say unto them, “DEPART FROM ME YE WORKERS OF INIQUITY, I never even knew you” (Matt. 7:22,23). Why? It is simply because they were not predestinated to see this Message. As Isaiah said, “They have eyes but cannot see, and they have ears but cannot hear.”

FLEE FROM THE WRATH OF GOD THAT IS TO COME! Run away from man-made theologies and creeds, for the prophet has declared that the walls of man-made denominations will crumble and perish with the unbelieving world. THE VERY GOD THAT THEY CLAIM TO SERVE WILL SOON DESTROY THEM! Yes, Jesus said, “Bind the tares in bundle to burn them, but gather the Wheat into My barn” (Matt. 13:30) This ECUMENICAL MOVE will bind the TARE CHURCHES together for the tares must be bound first, and though their end is burning, they are not burned at their binding but are reserved at a later date.


God has long been waiting for His children to break down their denominational barriers and come together for a real outpouring of the Holy Spirit to lift up His church into glory. JESUS WILL SURELY COME, and with His coming there is a Resurrection. There will be a Rapture for the True Church of the living God and those who truly believe His Word shall in no wise go through the oncoming Tribulation Period that God has set upon the world as a punishment for sin and unbelief.

Remember the FOOLISH VIRGINS who were left outside where the door was closed, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? (Matt. 25) They type the last-day DENOMINATIONAL CHURCHES who did receive NO OIL for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. And what does “OIL” represent in the Bible? It is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And the Baptism of the Holy Spirit comes only when the people receive the MESSAGE that’s been sent by God for the age that they’re living in - AND THIS IS THAT MESSAGE. “BEHOLD, THE BRIDEGROOM SOON COMETH, TRIM UP YOUR LAMPS, and meet Him with the blessed assurance in your souls. Seek His pure Word today and anchor your heart and soul into it. ON CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK I STAND, ALL OTHER GROUNDS IS SINKING SANDS.

Jesus said, “As it was in the days of NOAH, wherein EIGHT souls were saved from water; AND AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF SODOM, wherein THREE souls were saved from FIRE; SO SHALL IT BE AT THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN” (Luke 17:26-30).

There won’t be too many people saved. It will be just a very, very few. But be sure, my friend, that you belong to these few. BELIEVE THIS MESSAGE - IT IS THE TRUTH. TOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. “Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, but FEW ther’ll be that FIND it.”

“Fear not, little Flock, for it’s your Father’s good will to give you the Kingdom.” TAKE HEED, YE SHEEP OF GOD. IT IS NOW LATER THAN YOU THINK.

“National force will put the church in the World Council of Churches. But the power of God will put the people in the Bride. The world forces this way, and the world forces that way, but God forces upward, the Spirit of God, which is the Word of God ("My Word is Spirit and Life will put the Bride in her place, 'cause she'll recognize her position in the Word; then she's in Christ.") will put her in her place. No national force will do it. But the national force did drive Israel to the homeland. The national forces of the Council of Churches will drive every organization into it, but the power of God will raise the Bride into glory, out of it!”
- (William Branham/ Recognizing Your Day and Its Message/July 26, 1964).
