Thoughts on Walking

This section is a gathering of oddments; some borrowed, some modified, some poor things but my own. They tend to need a little bit of introduction.

The personality test I found this on the web site of the Cambridge University Hill Walking Club and I repeat lest it disappear from there. It's a self-analysis questionnaire to find what type of walker you are.
Are you a peak bagger?


Well, are you? Measure yourself against the standard.

I found the original somewhere on the Web but it has disappeared. I have, in any case, extended it somewhat.

Reflections on peak bagging

Having had a joke about peak bagging, here are some more serious thoughts

How to obstruct a footpath legally

When I first started taking Trail magazine, there was a section where readers sent in lists with 10 items. During a day spent trudging along some pretty grotty footpaths, I started compiling one of my own; ways in which uncooperative farmers can make you reluctant to walk the paths across their land without actually breaking the law. 

Countryside contradictions

How the things which seem awful about the countryside have led to some of its finest features.


Sadly just another case of the anorak in me being clearly revealed to the world.


Devoted to my walking companions for my stiffer projects. They are mainly colleagues from work. I have compared each of them against the CUHWC personality types.

The Wainwright quiz

I compiled the quiz in celebration of two of those companions completing all their Wainwrights in October 1999. 

I handed them the quiz in the pub in Patterdale and before long people on other tables were asking for copies so that they could have a go. One lot referred to me as "evil" because of the arcane nature of the clues. 

I still reckon that it ought to appeal to Wainwright lovers (baggers?) who enjoy cryptic crosswords

Over-ruling Wainwright  

Have you ever speculated why Wainwright included this hill or miss out that one? This is an attempt to the improve on his list.

Seems like a good way to get the Faithful to impose a fatwa on me


A new board game

Wainwrightmania Some observations on the man himself
Ewan McColl A great songwriter and a serious walker
Walking quotations

The thoughts and jottings of others on walking.


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Have a look at the Stafford Rambling Group site

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