Welcome to Shaun's South Park Page.

Kylie's Thoughts

I will begin by introducing you to the 4 main characters.


Eric is constantly picked upon by the others for being the fat one. He claims he is just big boned. He is commonly known as Cartman by the boys.


Kenny is the poor kid living in the gheto who dies in every episode (except one). He is the one which we can't understand properly due to his hood covering his mouth.


Kyle is known best as the Jewish Kid. He is the one with the baby brother, which the boys play kick the baby with.


Stan is the one with the big sister, who hate each other. Stan has been the star quater back for south park. His uncle Jimbo is the hunter of south park.

My personal favorite character would have to be officer Barbrady.

Officer Barbrady

I am not totally sure why he is my favorite, I think it is his saying of "move on people, nothing to see here".

I also have some south park animation pictures.

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