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Chapter 10: Family Violence


True/ False Questions

1.Research suggests that cultural images of violence desensitize people toward real acts of violence they may witness.

2.According to best estimates, as many as 75% of wives have been physically abused by their husbands.

3.The risk of family violence is far greater in homes in which men have been laid off from their jobs.

4.Patriarchal terrorism refers to the research finding that most political terrorists enforce rigid patriarchal norms in their families.

5.The most common form of domestic violence is the abuse of children by their parents.

6.Experts believe most parents who abuse their children have severe personality disorders.

7.Women are as likely as men to be perpetrators of physical abuse against children.

8.Victims of incest often respond by becoming self-destructive.

9.Approximately half of the U.S. elderly who live with a family member have experienced some form of abuse.

10.The battered women's shelter movement emerged from the concerns of the Religious Right.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1.A major explanation for the prevelence of domestic violence in the United States is
a.the social organization of families.
b.the promotion of violence in major societal institutions.
c.the secondary status of women.
d.all of the above.

2.Studies of the U.S. population's attitudes about physical punishment within the family suggest that is generally considered
b.normal violence.
d.a last resort.

3.Family violence is involved in approximately what percentage of homicides in the U.S.?

4.Research on the organization of families suggests that
a.middle class families are essentially egalitarian, and thus less prone to exhibit violence.
b.violence is less likely to occur in extended families than in nuclear families.
c.the family is a power system in which the greater the inequality, the greater the risk of violence. d.contemporary families are actually less violent than those of the past.

5.Which of the following is considered a negative consequence of family privacy?
a.Family members are insulated from the protection of society.
b.The police are prohibited from involvement in family matters.
c.Men are legally allowed to use corporal punishment to discipline their wives.
d.All of the above.

6.According to the text, family violence is a logical outcome of
a.the social glorification of violence.
b.the pairing of men and women.
c.human nature.
d.all of the above.

7.Violence by wives against husbands
a.never occurs. usually perpetrated by wives with higher status than their husbands. as common as male abuse of children. often self-defense against an abusive husband.

8.Spouse abuse would be most likely to occur in which of the following situations?
a.A couple has just gotten married.
b.A husband has been laid off from his job.
c.A husband has been promoted.
d.A death in the family has occurred.

9.The family stressor model of spouse abuse explains violence as a consequence of's inability to handle excessive sets.
b.factors such as low income, poor employment, and low educational attainment.
c.incompatibility of married couples.
d.all of the above.

10.Which of the following may explain the higher rates of spouse abuse for people of color?
a.Cultural norms may support the use of coercive power in some groups.
b.People of color are more likely to experience economic hardship.
c.As a result of institutional racism, minorities may be more likely to be labeled as abusers.
d.All of the above.

11.The characteristic most often shared by husbands who beat their wives is
a.having been an abused child.
c.excessive use of alcohol.
d.psychosexual problems.

12.Research on abusive husbands indicates that such men tend to underachievers, for example, less successful or less intelligent than their wives. overachievers, for example, more successful or more intelligent than their wives. equally to wives in intelligence and success.
d.have no interest in being superior to their wives.

13.Which of the following is a factor in the high rates of abuse in military families?
a.Downsizing of the military.
b.Alcohol abuse.
c.Combat training legitimates violence.
d.All of the above.

14.Victims of battering often stay in abusive situations because they
a.blame themselves for the condition. the attention they are receiving from their husbands.
c.are alcoholics.
d.exhibit masochistic traits.

15.According to the text, the relationship between excessive use of alcohol and wife abuse is best described as

16.Which of the following factors is associated with wife abuse?
a.Verbal aggression.
b.Alcohol abuse.
c.Family history of abuse.
d.All of the above.

17.Women often feel helpless in an abusive situation because often have superior physical strength.
b.women have been taught they are inferior to men.
c.women are expected to be passive.
d.all of the above.

18.The text makes which of the following points about domestic violence in same -sex relationships?
a.Domestic violence has never been documented in these relationships.
b.The rate of abuse in these relationships is approximately the same as in heterosexual relationships.
c.The rate of abuse is much higher in same- sex relationships than in heterosexual relationships.
d.Victims of abuse in same- sex relationships have many more resources at their disposal than do women who are abused by their husbands.

19.The most prevalent form of domestic violence is
a.spouse battering.
b.child abuse by parents.
c.elder abuse.
d.marital rape.

20.According to the text, authorities who observe potential child abuse
a.are usually more suspicious of violence in poor families than in middle class families.
b.are the best potential source of data about child abuse.
c.are usually correct in their assessments of child abuse across social class.
d.have no power to protect the children they suspect of being abused.

21.The 1985 national study on child abuse conducted by Gelles and Straus found that
a.Preschool children are seldom the targets of child abuse.
b.child abuse is usually random and non-repetitive.
c.two-thirds of parents had used some form of violence toward their children that year.
d.all of the above.

22.Which of the following does NOT appear to be a common factor in episodes of child abuse?
a.Intergenerational cycles of violence.
b.Failure of abusers to learn appropriate parenting skills.
d.Mental illness in abusing parents.

23.Research on gender and perpetration of child abuse suggests that
a.women and men are approximately equally likely to physically abuse their children.
b.women's occupational and economic status has little impact on their status as child abusers. are much more likely than women to be the assailants in child abuse.
d.women are twice as likely as men to physically abuse their children.

24.Which of the following factors may help explain differences in child abuse patterns across race?
a.Differing rates of alcoholism.
b.Variation may represent social class differences more than racial differences.
c.Racial minorities may place a lower value on children than do whites.
d.All of the above.

25.The most common type of incest is
a.between parents and children.
b.between grandparents and their grandchildren.
c.between siblings.

26.Research in the incidence of incest in the U.S. suggests that
a.women are equally likely to be the perpetrators of incest as males.
b.most child victims of incest attempt to report the behavior to authorities.
c.most incest victims are female.
d.the incidence of child sexual abuse appears to be declining in the 1990's.

27.A structural factor that facilitates elder abuse in the U.S. is
b.unstable personality of the caregiver.
c.elders trying to assert themselves as decision-makers in caregiver's household.
d.all of the above.

28.Caretaking duties for elderly parents most often rest with
a.the oldest child, regardless of gender.
b.the child whose value system is most like that of the parent needing care.

29.A 1984 Minneapolis study found that which of the following law enforcement interventions had the greatest deterrent effect on spouse abuse?
b.Giving advice.
d.Order violent spouse to leave for eight hours.

30.Which of the following is NOT a policy implication derived from research on domestic abuse and presented in the text?
a.Eliminate tolerance for wife beating from the criminal justice system.
b.Enact strict gun control legislation.
c.Reinforce traditional family values and relationships.
d.Limit depictions of violence in the mass media