"How To Use 20/20"

Open up 20/20 from your Desktop and you will see this
Go up to File/Open
Got to where your image is that you want to know what
the size is for your stationery.
You can open up an animation just to get it's size, also.
In this Tutorial I have chosen this Image
At the bottom just above your Task Bar it will give you the
size's on the image you want to use.
In this case, the size is w:299, H;396
If you would like to make a seamless tile for a background,
then do this.
Go up to Image, then on the dropdown list click on
Seamless Tile and you will get this.
If you want to make your image for a Top Scroll
then do this.
I will have the Top Scroll Tutorial later.
Go up to Image, then click on Mirror.
You will get this.
While your in 20/20, you can also resize an image that is to large.
Go up to Image then hit on Resize. Then a box will open up and in
the box marked width, put in the size you want.
In the below picure, I resized it down to 500pixels.
see the below picture
In this Tutorial I'm just giving you just a few things you can do.
All you want for right now is just your size's.
You will have a lot of fun with this little Program.