Northumberland County Court Response to Adoption Search Inquiry

2001 response

Mary L. Zimmerman
Register & Recorder
Northumberland County
201 Market Street
Sunbury, PA 17801

The original inquiry letter was returned with the following written across the bottom of the letter:

“Address a letter to the President Judge stating reason for inquiry. He will then decide if any info is to be given out.”

The notation was NOT signed but the envelope had the above return address on it.

1999 response

2-24-99 response from office of Frederick F. Reed

Recorder of Deeds
Sunbury, PA 17801

The response was written in PENCIL on the bottom of the inquiry letter which had been sent.

"We direct all inquiries to the President Judge. It must be in writing. No waivers have been filed 2-22-99 North'ld Co."

The response was unsigned.

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