The coats of arms of the Popes Pages on a specific Pope An 1852 map of Rome by P. Letarouilly Filippo Juvarra's drawings of the finest coats of arms XVIIIth century Rome in the 10 Books of Giuseppe Vasi - Le Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna Visit Rome in 8 days! A 1781 map of Rome by G. Vasi The Grand View of Rome by G. Vasi Pages on the Venetian Fortresses, the Walls of Constantinople and many other topics Visit the Roman countryside following the steps of Ferdinand Gregorovius My Guestbooks A detailed index of my websites
Giuseppe Vasi
Sulle magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna

The itineraries show most of the monuments of Rome, but not all of them. Here below a list of links to pages showing monuments not covered in the eight itineraries.

Book 1 - Le Porte e le Mura di Roma (The Gates and the Walls of Rome)
Plate 5 - Porta Chiusa
Plate 12 ii - Candelabro degli Ebrei
Plate 20 ii - Map of the Walls of Rome

Book 2 - Le Piazze principali di Roma con obelischi, colonne ed altri ornamenti (The main Squares of Rome with obelisks, columns and other embellishments)
Plate 25 ii - Piazza Crescenzi

Book 3 - Le Basiliche e chiese antiche di Roma (The Basilicas and the old churches of Rome)
Plate 50bis - Ruine dell’antico Tempio dei SS. Pietro e Marcellino

Book 5 - I Ponti e gli edifici sul Tevere (The Bridges and the buildings on the Tiber)
Plate 81 - Ponte Mammolo
Plate 82 - Ponte Nomentano
Plate 83 - Ponte Salaro
Plate 83 ii - Fonte dell’Acqua Acetosa
Plate 87 ii - Passo della Barchetta all’Armata

Book 10 - Le Ville e giardini più rimarchevoli (The most remarkable Villas and Gardens)
Plate 193 ii - Disegno dell’Anticaglia nel Giardino Colonnese

The Books Home Page The Map
Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5
Book 6 Book 7 Book 8 Book 9 Book 10

Go to my Home Page on Baroque Rome or to my Home Page on Rome in the footsteps of an XVIIIth century traveller.

My Directories A detailed list of the Churches of Rome A detailed list of the Palaces and Villas of Rome A detailed list of all the other monuments of Rome Monuments of Ancient Rome Monuments of Medieval Rome Monuments of Renaissance Rome Late XVITh century Monuments A list of Baroque sculptors and their works A list of Baroque Architects and their works A list of the most noteworthy Roman families A list of pages covering other Italian towns A list of pages covering my wanderings abroad, including details on Venetian fortresses in Greece
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All images © by Roberto Piperno. Write to Text edited by Rosamie Moore.