I hope the information given to you on this page will encourage you to visit our beautiful lake. Our lake provides a variety of recreational opportunities. The Wellington Lake Dam Project was constructed in 1993. It increased the Lake's surface area by 50%. The Lake has 1100 acres of surface water and 5 miles of shoreline. Channel Cat, Flathead, Crappie, Walleye, Saugeye, Largemouth and Wiper have done well in the Lake. The Lake offers electric and water hook-ups. There is also a one mile mowed nature trail for hiking, a well-lit handicap-accessible fishing pier, covered picnic areas with grills, two shower/restroom facilities, a swimming area with a beach, three large boat ramps and they even offer duck blinds for rent in the Fall.
All persons desiring to use the Wellington Lake Recreational Area for any purpose other than sightseeing, shall first obtain a Recreation Permit for their vehicle. Vehicles entering the recreational area without a permit for any purpose other than sightseeing shall be in violation and subject to penalties.
Fees for Recreational Permit:
Resident (Daily) = $2.00
Resident (Annual) = $10.00
Non-Resident (Daily) = $4.00
Non-Resident (Annual) = $25.00
Additional permits for vehicles owned by members of the same household:
Resident and Non-Resident = $1.00 (Daily) $2.00 (Annual)Picnicing shall be permitted in all areas which are safe and suitable and in shelter houses with purchase of Recreation Permit. Picnic tables and shelter houses are available for use on a first come first serve basis. No advance reservations shall be made. All picnicers shall be responsible for the policing of the picnic area or shelter they have used to see that all food, waste paper, paper cups, dishes and other utensils and containers used are properly disposed of and the area left in a neat and orderly condition. Shelter houses are not to be used for camping of any kind whatsoever, nor shall campers use electrical outlets at shelter houses in connection with camping activities.
Swimming shall be permitted in the beach area located in the southwest corner of the lake and marked by buoys. When buoys are not in place, no swimming will be permitted. Swimming may be restricted when the waters of the lake are for any reason unsafe for swimmers. A Recreation Permit shall be required for swimming. No lifeguards will be provided. The swimmer will assume all risks of injury which may result. Children under the age of twelve (12) years must be accompanied by an adult. No glass, alcoholic liquor, cereal malt beverages, or animals will be permitted. The area shall be closed from one half hour after sunset to one half hour before sunrise.
The sport of archery, whether for purposes of practice, competition or otherwise, shall not be permitted without specific written authority from the City of Wellington. Such authority shall not be granted unless adequate insurance coverage is provided to protect the City as well as others using the recreation area and surrounding territory against personal injury and property damage. Each participant in the sport agrees in writing to abide by and comply with all rules, regulations and requirements.
Camping shall be permitted in those parts of the lake which are designated, marked and posted. Primitive camping will be permitted in areas designated but will not be permitted in camping areas serviced by electricity. No advance reservations will be made. Any person desiring to set up camp shall first pay the Lake Supervisor the appropriate camping fee. No camp site may be occupied by the same person or member of that person's household, nor shall a recreational vehicle be parked on a campsite for more than thirty (30) days. After the lapse of five (5) days following the end of the thirty (30) consecutive day period, that same person and members of his/her household may again occupy the same camp site if available. No camper or other person shall make any connection to water outlets for a period longer than necessary to fill water tanks or storage facilities on the trailer, mobile home, camper or recreational vehicle. Only vehicles using electrical outlets provided for campers shall be parked at such outlets. Any other vehicle parked near the electrical outlets will be required to pay camping fees for the additional vehicle. No 30 amp electrical adapters shall be plugged into or used in 15 amp outlets. Shelter houses shall not be used for camping, nor shall any electric outlets in shelter houses be used to supply electrical power to trailers, mobile homes, campers or other recreational vehicles. No trailer, mobile home, or other recreational vehicle shall be parked in boat ramp areas. During cold weather, public restrooms will be closed and not available for use. Campers using the recreation area during this time must provide their own restroom facilities.
Camping Fees:Resident
Primitive Camping With Permit/Per Day = $3.00
Camping With Use Of Electricity With Permit/Per Day = $7.00Non-Resident
Primitive Camping With Permit/Per Day = $4.00
Camping With Use Of Electricity With Permit/Per Day = $10.00Resident
Thirty (30) consecutive days camping with electricity = $185.00Non-Resident
Thirty (30) consecutive days camping with electricity = $275.00Camping Club Rate is $8.00 per day minimum 10 units and maximum 3 days.
Campers using electric space heaters will be charged an additional $2.00 Per Day plus the above camping fees.
"Day" shall mean any period of twenty four (24) consecutive hours, or any part of such period.
NO camping will be allowed from December 1 through January 31.
The operation of boats shall be permitted at all times except as designated by Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks as seasons for the hunting of waterfowl, game birds and animals in Sumner County, Kansas.This generally runs from October through March.
During hunting season, boats propelled only by human power and boats with trolling motors may be used with extreme caution for the purpose of placing or removing decoys and blinds. Hydroplanes, aeropropellers and houseboats shall not be permitted.
Before any boat shall be operated, a license shall be obtained from the Lake Supervisor. The boat must be determined safe and seaworthy. Motor boats or a sail powered boat must be insured for public liabiltiy and property damage with a single limit coverage of not less than $25,000.00 before license is issued.
No boats, except fishing boats being operated at a speed that produces no visible wake, shall be operated between one half hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise.
Motor boats shall be launched and removed only at designated areas. Small human powered boats may be launched where convenient.
Life Jackets:
Approved life jackets shall be available for each occupant on all boats. Persons twelve (12) years of age and under shall actually wear an approved life jacket at all times when on a boat.
Boats shall travel in a generally counter-clockwise direction. Boats shall turn to the right when meeting another boat; turn left when overtaking another boat. Boats approaching each other at right angles shall give right-of-way to the boat on the right. Motor powered boats shall at all times give the right-of-way to sail boats and human powered boats.
Rough Waters:
No person shall operate a boat when the waters of the lake are considered dangerous.
Swimming Areas:
No boat shall proceed into any area which is designated and marked as a swimming area.
Boat Trailers:
Boat trailers shall be parked only in those areas as are specifically designated and marked for boat trailer parking.
Water Skiing:
Water skiing shall be permitted in those areas designated. When meeting or passing other boats, skiers shall take and maintain a position behind the skier's towing boat until the other boat has safely passed. Skiers shall be retreived from the water as soon as possible. No boat shall be operated with ski lines behind the boat unless a skier is being towed or retreived from the water. Water skiers shall wear approved ski vests.
All owners and/or operators of boats shall render assistance at all times of emergency and the enforcement of rules and regulations when called upon by the Recreation Area Supervisor or authorized agent.
Boat docks are provided for the purpose of loading and unloading. No privately owned boat docks shall be constructed or maintained.
Boating Fees:
Canoe & Human Powered Boats - Daily = $2.00 Annual = $4.00
Sail Boats 14' & Power Boats up to 10 hp - Daily = $3.00 Annual = $10.00
Power Boats 10-40 hp - Daily = $4.00 Annual = $20.00
Power Boats 40 hp+ - Daily = $5.00 Annual + $30.00
Canoe & Human Powered Boats - Daily = $4.00 Annual = $8.00
Sail Boats '14 & Power Boats under 10 hp - Daily = $6.00 Annual = $20.00
Power Boats 10-40 hp - Daily = $8.00 Annual = $40.00
Power Boats 40 hp+ - Daily = $10.00 Anuual = $60.00
Penalty: Any person who shall violate Boating Rules and Regulations shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $200, or be imprisoned for not more than thirty (30) days, or both.Fishing will be permitted in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas and Rules of the City of Wellington. No unattended fishing lines or drop lines may be used between sunrise and sunset. No trout or link lines may be used at any time.
To insure quality fishing, the size and possession limits of fish taken shall be as follows:
Largemouth Bass: 18" minimum - 2 Per Day
Hybrid Striper (Wiper): 18" minimum - 2 Per Day
Crappie: 6" minimum - 20 Per Day
Walleye & Sougeye: 18" minimum - 5 Per Day (any combination)
Channel Catfish: 15" minumum - 5 Per Day
Flathead Catfish: no limit - 5 Per Day
All other species no limit - State Creel limit
The following fees for those persons who are required by laws of the State of Kansas to have fishing licenses shall be charged per fisher:
Season = $10.00 Per Day = $2.00
Season = $15.00 Per Day = $3.00
Upon the payment of the fees and showing valid fishing license issued by the State of Kansas is in their possession, permission to fish will be granted. Accessible fishing dock is available on the West side of the lake. Dock is reserved for persons needing special accommodations and one attendant.The hunting of waterfowl shall be permitted during seasons established by the State of Kansas in Sumner County, Kansas. The hunting of upland game birds, fur-bearing animals, deer and predatory animals, as well as trapping or fur-bearing animals is prohibited at all times.
The display or discharge of firearms except during a State established waterfowl season is prohibitied.
Those persons who are required to hold a valid hunting license issued by the State of Kansas, must also hold a valid Wellington Recreation Area Waterfowl Hunting Permit. ALL persons must hold a valid Recreation Permit for the Wellington Lake Recreation Area.
Upon payment of the following fees and showing by the hunter that they hold a valid hunting license issued by the State of Kansas and such waterfowl stamps as are required, the hunter shall be issued a license:
(Per Hunter) Season = $20.00 Per Day = $4.00
(Per Hunter) Season = $30.00 Per Day = $6.00
Hunters who desire to construct a duck blind shall deposit $25.00 which will be refunded to the hunter if the blind that the hunter has constructed is removed within thirty (30) days after the close of the current State waterfowl hunting season. The failure to remove the blind in the prescribed time shall cause a forefeiture of the deposit. Upon the deposit of $25.00, the Supervisor shall assign a specific area upon which the hunter may construct his/her temporary blind. The assigned site may not be transferred to another hunter.
The area that may be used for the construction of duck blinds shall be determined each year by the Recreation Area Supervisor. No blinds shall be permitted in any other part of the area. Blind sites may be assigned to the same person every year subject to the payment of the permit fee and actual use of the site. When sites become available or a new site permitted, it wll be allocated by lot.
If a hunter, other than the hunter to whom a particular duck blind was assigned, wishes to use that particular blind, written permission for use signed by the hunter to whom the site was assigned and the name of permitted user, must be furnished to the Supervisor and fee paid for established use.Commercial activities may be carried on only by persons, firms, associations and corporations who have written agreement with the City of Wellington.
Continual siren: Tornado sighted, take cover.
Fog Horn followed by message: Severe Thunderstorm Warning.
Siren will be tested every Monday at noon. Lake office maintains a C.B. base station.
Emergency Number - 911: A shelter house is located north of the restrooms on the west side of the lake.It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to do any of the following acts in the Wellington Lake Recreation Area.
1. To possess or consume alcoholic liquor.
2. To drive any vehicles at a speed greater than the posted 20 miles per hour.
3. To drive any vehicle, including dune buggies, at any place except on roadways.
4. To park or leave unattended any vehicle on the roadway in such a manner as to block or impede traffic.
5. To violate any traffic laws of the State of Kansas.
6. To permit domestic pets or farm animals to run at large. Hunting dogs shall be permitted to run at large during hunting seasons if kept under control of the owner.
7. To transport any person for hire for any valuable consideration without valid concessionaires's written agreement from the City.
8. To build, start, or maintain a fire in or about the Wellington Lake Recreation Area except for permanent fireplaces, grills or other facilities provided.
9. To engage in or solicit any business in any manner whatsoever, including the dissemination or posting of handbills and notices without a valid concessionaire's agreement or specific permission granted by the Governing Body of the City.
10. To dispose of, throw or leave along any roadway or on the ground in any picnic or camping area, any refuse, garbage, rubbish, sewage, gray water or waste of any kind. Use depositories provided.
11. To pollute the waters of Wellington Lake in any manner.
12. To go upon the dam, the emergency spillway, or any part except by a person walking under their own power.
13. To make a false statement or representation in order to secure any permit, license or agreement.
14. To operate any off-road vehicles including 3 & 4 wheelers, go karts, etc.
PENALTY: Any person who violates 11 and/or 12 shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $500 or be imprisoned for not more than thirty (30) days, and in addition may be ordered to make restitution to the City for damages resulting from such violation.
ENFORCING OFFICER: The City Manager of the City of Wellington or his/her duly authorized agent shall have the duty to enforce Ordinances of the City pertaining to the Wellington Lake Recreation Area.
For a full and complete copy of the Rules, Regulations and Penalties contact the Lake Manager or:City of Wellington
317 South Washington
Wellington, Ks. 67152
You can purchase your Kansas hunting and fishing licenses online at Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.
For your camping and fishing needs, you can visit:
CADEK BAIT & TACKLE 359 West 60th Street (620) 863 - 2474 David Cadek - Proprietor Located South of the new dam at Wellington Lake _____________________________________________
Information maintained by Rhonda Newberry
1999 ~ 2007